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Everything posted by Missile=Awesome

  1. Getting old sucks. I am, sadly, starting to pick up what is being laid down. FIDO everyone. No one gives a crap about others aches and pains. I have learned to be stoic with my family... Sumping, Climbing in and out, towing in and out, changing fuel selector (on vintage), reaching over seats to grab something... Joints remind us that the reaper lurks ahead and the road is not as long as it was 10-20 years ago... Alternative to pain and discomfort is not good. No Mooney and... Gulp...
  2. This was the video I was looking for. Still not getting why compressing the spring allows it to go in easier. The retaining washer is the key to keep from losing the screw. What a pain in the ass...
  3. What are winds doing? I had 200knots at 5500 burning 12.5 23MP 25RPM yesterday in my Missile.
  4. THAT is a wonderful pic! You should have that framed. Love it!
  5. Timmy “knows” the rest of the story...
  6. So you basically force the core through the hole with the pliars, eh? I figured as much. Ya, saw the tool. O.K. $16 dollars for a five second exercise...Got it.
  7. So we lost one of the camlocks that secure the oil access cover. How in God’s name do you get the damn thing installed? I/we have replacement, but I am clueless... Regale me with “the way” O’ Mooneyspace possessers of the knowledge. I tried pushing one of the posts in to allow installation and went “Nope” that can’t be right...
  8. We were so close to split removable rear seats...sigh.
  9. Hank, Really? I have used both and I prefer Vernier to quadrant. Glad you are “happy” with what you’ve got. I am.
  10. So, based on this our Mooney M20J with Missile conversion is a 1981 NOT a 1980 as listed with FAA Registration...hmmmmm.
  11. For that money buy a Missile. You get Great useful load and 300HP that will cruise and climb faster than a 200HPJ...A J with more. THAT is a Missile. P.S. A throttle quadrant is NOT a plus to many. To many it is a- Good luck in your search.
  12. Chip is at it again.
  13. Bob Hoover-Fly the plane ALL THE WAY DOWN. Dont give up. The urge to “pull” must be tremendous when you have five souls relying on you. Fight the urge with all your being. That is my continued lesson learned. PS-Just repaired a non-functional stall horn at annual. Tried a no flaps light load take-off the other day. Heard stall horn... Heard it in the flare too. I had missed that sound for a while. Good to have that “friend” back talking to me. PUBLIC SERVICE ANNOUNCEMENT: Make sure you are checking that “the friend” is operative EVERY pre-flight.
  14. There is discussion by narrator of “engine problems”...The conduct “after” engine problems by pilot is an opportunity to learn for sure. Glad everyone survived.
  15. I don’t see your fuel flow. I am 26.5 max. I cruise lop, but at 2500rpm. Burning a gallon more, but seeing better speed. I don’t have cg issues. Here is common load using weight and balance pro ap...
  16. OH SHIT! That is NOT GOOD! I had fuel shooting sideways under cowl from a damaged gasket on flow divider. Maintenance and keeping and eye under the cowl are SO IMPORTANT. Great catch here. That is a LOT OF FUEL Leaking. Missile’s are HOT under the cowl. Watching that made me get a serious pucker... PSA received. PSA will be followed.
  17. Great pic! Love the orientation and your paint. The Stinger/Butler hook looks great on your bird! I have a co-owner with relatives in Kansas. Dad is Chiefs Season Ticket Holder. We have flown into Downtown for a couple games together. Good luck at Garmin. If you road trip up to Cedar Rapids give me a shout. Have fun with your E! Scott
  18. If ifs and but’s were nuts we’d all have food for life
  19. Doubt it with weight penalty of long body
  20. That get’s my vote for best post of the year.
  21. Incident happened >15 years ago in my M20E. That is kinda my point Art “task saturation” is a REAL thing. I have zero memory of the gear horn coming on. This event was take off, retract gear, climbing to pattern, instructor “power pulled to idle”, (as gear is lowered in normal downwind abeam the numbers) focused on flying a tight pattern and avoiding displaced section of runway at idle to touchdown point. I was definitely “surprised” by simulated emergency injected two hours into training. Is what it is. Was what it was. I didn’t hear no stinkin’ gear horn (in my best Tex-Mex voice)...
  22. How about this for task saturation. I have related this sad ordeal multiple times on Mooneyspace... Flew an hour under hood with an instructor that was dating MY instructor that was sleeping in the back of my E. Returned to CID. Offloaded boyfriend. Flying Flight review second hour. Completed all phases of flight including a simulated engine out. Returned to unfamiliar airport (Iowa City) with runway 36 (now gone) that had a large displaced area on north end. Doing touch and go’s. I am tired as I have now flow two hours with an hour under the hood and another doing slow flight, stalls etc... Third touch and go as I am turning to downwind instructor pulls power. Says “what are you going to do”? I say fly a tight pattern and land after displaced runway. Fly tight base turn to final and she says “beautiful” while I am in the flare...Crunch...Gear up. i told her to “get out” after shutting off fuel and master as she was sitting there. She ran away from plane...Wanted me to say I was “alone”. That was my experience with task saturation... It was a damn fine flare though Bought a headset annunciation “Check Gear”! In headset right after the incident. ”It” happens...
  23. I would be interested to hear take off full power fuel flows for sure. We had an induction leak (rip on gasket was VERY tough to see at first annual...now sorted) that contributed more to adjustment on engine and issue with engine stalling if not at full rich on ground...We were and ARE seeing only 26.5gph on full power at 850ish elevation. The adjustment (per A&P) is at full stop so there is NO MORE FUEL FLOW TO BE HAD with current equipment. Last flight with cooler temps showing 1500fpm initial climb at 135knots had only one cylinder (#2) topping 400 (403) indicated on JPI. #2 has ALWAYS been higher and may be probe position? Quick climb to 7500 with 1000fpm still indicated at 135knots. Immediate drop with cruise setting on ALL cylinder temps including #2...
  24. So just for ficks and dickles what if someone said they were going to eliminate fossil fuels by 2035? Would that be relevant to general aviation? If he that shall not be named...lets call him Voldemort. If Voldemort planned to get rid of fossil fuels would he likely raise the cost of 100 low lead significantly to appeal to pocket book sanity and rid the world of noisy, carbon and led burning rich people transportation? Would that make the eco-friendly folks...lets call them Slytherin. Would that make Slytherin happy? Perhaps. Perhaps it would. Coming to a theater near Southern California sometime soon. Stand by. Bend over. Enjoy a cleaner world. Yeah!!!!!!!!
  25. A lot actually, but whistle past the graveyard as if there is nothing to see and the P word will get you b.a.n.n.e.d around these here hills. So your parents named you Zulu Zulu? What’s up with dat?
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