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Everything posted by Missile=Awesome

  1. +1 on experience with Stallings. Cody is “The best”! Great experience.
  2. Motor...ICE is so yesterday.
  3. Maybe an electric engine (future tech) is the only REAL answer. Carbon is on the way out so I have heard. Winners are being picked in the manufactured crisis world we are living in. Choose wisely. The future is now... Or is it?
  4. I asked and didn’t receive much of an answer regarding what “Mooney specific parts” are in demand from Mooney owners? The one “new Mooney buyer” had negative things to say on this thread regarding after the sale customer service. I am going to question your assessment that new sales of Mooney airframes will come from Mooneyspace enthusiasts. I hope I am wrong, but I just don’t see a lot of $750k+ buyers here... I believe Mooney sub-contracts interiors. Paint? Engines are sourced. Again, what wear parts will Mooney manufacture or have manufactured that will keep the lights on? The “new cowl mod” is being touted. I would think a mid-body cowl would sell MORE as there are more aged fleet mid-bodies that could use a lighter updated cowl. Just competition for Sabre... My upgrades have been avionics. Maintenance has been sealant for tanks, tires, engine...NOT Mooney specific. Can Mooney compete with Cirrus with more useful load and a better gear system and ability to put a brs on board? Time will tell. I am rooting for Mooney. They want to build planes
  5. Enough. Stop talking in generalities. Stop sowing fear. Stop making statements referring to me that I didn’t make. (Example-Price gouging. I never said it never happens and that it is O.K.). Pretty sure Mike is inappropriate. Chip works a lot better. Supply and demand is a system that works. It creates competition for a better product and service and more competitive prices. Win Win for consumers as better products at lower prices is the result. Or just RRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeee!
  6. Perhaps someone who pondered the prose of “Mike” smiley face or not could reply that he changed their mind. Thanks in advance. Happy to be wrong in my all encompassing assessment of the “debate”. Here is a general question for Californian’s that have solved the mystery: Why are there so many rich humans, many with airplanes, that live in California, so vehemently opposed to Capitalism?
  7. The smiley face makes it all “Oh shucks” wasn’t my rant fun? Yuckity yuck yuck...Not a debate. No minds were changed here...next.
  8. You just like to tease. I like being teased so we’re good.
  9. Reoccurring theme...
  10. I find the selling of safety information repugnant. Whatever. I also dislike when humans speak in riddles... I just find that annoying.
  11. Can you track down the salvage of that Missile that went down in NY in Dec 2019?
  12. Sorry to hear this isn’t sorted yet Seth. I wish I could be of more help. Cheering for a successful outcome soon.
  13. -a- Yes, Cody (Stallings) is a class act and does beautiful work for a reasonable price. Consider us a satisfied customer that made a friend through the process of having our propeller reconditioned. Aircraft ownership is NOT cheap, as we all know. Having maintainers that are ethical and not satisfied unless and until you, the customer are satisfied is wonderful. My A&P and his team continued to do outstanding work. Communication is the key (and honesty/integrity/knowledge). We are in good hands.
  14. Some people move on. Some people just stay butt hurt. Poor little precious ones. I would pity them if I cared...
  15. Second annual complete. Pleased with look of prop after installation. Should not have messed with repair Gods...They smited thee after belt joke with an alternator failure (required overhauled replacement) during run-up. Better there than off on an adventure...
  16. What are “common” Mooney specific parts that you are installing on aircraft you service? I ask this because plane just came through annual and did require parts, but they were ALL firewall forward with exception of plexi floor gear position indicator. This part was reasonable as purchased from Mooney Service Center. Without doing refurbishment/interiors it would seem difficult to “make a go of it” selling exclusively Mooney parts (based on my experience with service) for two Mooney airframes owned for last 20+ years.
  17. mooney.com Is that a thing? Can you go there and find a phone and address for a service center? Can you obtain technical information? Can you find model specific information? Who knew? Why keep up with change? Just ask a question? Just ask a question.
  18. Some are neither amusing or interesting. They don’t know who they are. I do.
  19. I do like reoccurring themes. I find them amusing.
  20. If there is not a question mark is there a question? If there is not a question mark is there a question. Don’t upgrade Mildly offensive to offensive. Like sunburn, there are degrees.
  21. Not only on the internet, but in a book so it must be true...
  22. Happy to be one of “those”. Interested in Mooney being successful ONLY because I own and fly the brand and wish to have continued support. Do I take “mild offense” at beaters of the brand that are also owners and operators? YUP, guilty as charged. I will own THAT moniker all damn day every day.
  23. This post and several others tell me what I need to know...about the poster...NOT Mooney. Thanks for the insight.
  24. Jim, I am a tone guy. I am a timing guy. I don’t view in a vacuum. I find your post mildly offensive. Maybe you should call a Mooney Service Center and speak with the owner? Report back. If you don’t come to a Mooney-centric site section “too often” maybe read a bit before dropping such a provocative post? Unless it is exactly what you WANTED to do with your thread/post? If that is the case then pffffft...
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