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Everything posted by 59Moonster

  1. LOL. When it was installed I would use it to record wind direction and speed at my destination.
  2. Soon. So.... nobody has an opinion on value or where to start? Am I in the wrong section of the forum?
  3. Did some work to my panel and now I have left over parts that might be of use to someone. Any idea of what any of this is worth? Does anyone need anything? I'll update some part numbers soon. Everything was working when removed. 1. Garmin GNC 300 TSO with April 2020 card for Western USA via Jeppesen. 2. Garmin GPS Antenna *3. Narco AT50A and ACK Altitude Encoder (A-30 Encoder) *4 Sigma-tek Attitude indicator (5000B-36) *5 Sigma-tek Heading indicator (Directional Gyro: 4000B-30) 6 King KMA 200 TSO Audio Panel 7 O-360-a1a oil screen and housing *8&9 Updated photo: Alcor EGT Indicator p/n 46150 *10 Bendix/King ADF - I turned on but never actually verified if it worked. (KR 86 ADF) *11 Intercom switch- Intervox Interconnect (AA80-001) *12 Narco Nav-11 Self Contained VOR indicator 13 left panel wood with back lighting. * indicates update with model info
  4. I’ll be in Omaha sometime, Lincoln more often. But not sure you are wanting to check out the even more vintage M20A. PM me if you are.
  5. Last October got a quote from them. Earliest availability was Feb 2020 For G3x with G5 backup and engine information quote was $42k and was expected to take 2 months. I don't know who is paying their prices. But dang!
  6. Doubt this is what you are looking for. But here it is anyways. https://www.aviatorgear.com/c-2326-mooney.aspx
  7. Airworthiness date is 06/28/1963. It's in the bottom lower left corner. But yes the Certificate Issue Date is 2018.
  8. That's what I meant. Thanks!
  9. SLC is shut down! However that is from today's earthquake not COVID-19. This morning MDW (not O'Hare) was class echo because the tower has too many infected.
  10. Why say both and not just the annual? Also how does your friends STC streamline your process?
  11. I (and I'm sure many others) do appreciate the heads up.
  12. Their website still indicates that there is.
  13. Seeing as how unreliable those are, wouldn't it make more sense to set your HSI to your GPS?
  14. Looks like KC MO has banned gatherings of more than 1000 people. This virus is causing more stir than it’s worth. Nobody bats an eye at the flu, but now everything is getting shut down while Indirectly making everyone want to drink a Corona.
  15. I think this was somewhere in 1968-72.
  16. Dang. That's what I was trying to figure out. Thanks!
  17. 06/28/1963 https://registry.faa.gov/aircraftinquiry/NNum_Results.aspx?NNumbertxt=N6834U
  18. Since it can also run on electric any idea if that means that the vacuum system can be removed to install dual G5's?
  19. N8155E 1959 M20A wing restoration.pdf Found these pictures of when my wing was restored in the 90's. Sorry about the PDF.
  20. Yes, it is in the article, but you have to dig to find it. "FAA determined that the crankshaft assembly failures resulted from the manufacturing process at SAP's crankshaft vendor during 2012 and 2014."
  21. Question for those who are knowledgeable on this. I have a Brittain wing leveler(M20A) and it seems almost impossible to get it to track a heading. It always seems to be too much or too little one way or another. Even with super tiny adjustments to the knob. Any tips, or am I expecting too much out of it?
  22. Thanks. Luckily mine was overhauled prior to the effected years.
  23. M20A has the A1A. Luckily mine isn't affected
  24. As a new Mooney owner with no experience with MooneyMAX can you explain what this is and why it is good to attend?
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