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Everything posted by 59Moonster

  1. So why was it okay for the previous owner but not for the new owner? Just trying to make sure I follow this correctly. So you are telling me that by asking them to annual it, that gives them an open book to do what ever they want without communicating that with you first?
  2. I don't see that as a requirement in the manual. It just says you need to know your pressure altitude. Couldn't you just fly straight and level and verify with ATC that your transponder is working and ask them what altitude it is reporting?
  3. I don't think it is approved yet.
  4. I tried that as well, but no luck. How long did you try for?
  5. Nice. I tried today but didn’t have any luck. Try canceling your order and go through sportys. Last I looked this morning they had stock. It says on the product page. Kinda sad that they shipped a ton to sporty’s and not the people who preordered.
  6. Just curious who else picked one up. Their website says 4-6 weeks but I got the sporty's in stock mass email and ordered one Monday and just got it today. Looks simple enough. I'd give a pirep but my plane is still down. So once I get a whole new exhaust it had better be ready to fly again 4.5 months later
  7. Try an AOPA Vref with the hours reset to 0. Give them a copy of where it was prior to rebuild. Make sure to add in any new equipment. If you are lucky, they will accept it.
  8. I just had an airwolfe installed on my M20A. There wasn't room for the lycoming adapter. Not to mention a crap ton of cowling screws and three pieces that would have to be moved each oil change just to access the filter. Now mine sits happily in a corner where its easy to get to. So far no experience with it. Still waiting for my engine to get finished. The hoses were suppose to be ordered from Airwolfe before Labor Day. I talked with them the other day and he said he just passed the info on. My mechanic still hasn't heard of them shipping. I think at this point that is all I am waiting on to get my plane back together. As far as length, it all depends on where you mount it. It's setup to install it, measure, then order the hoses. \ Just my 2 cents. Good luck. I hope to enjoy mine soon.
  9. Andy95W thanks for that insight!
  10. Wasn't aware of that. Thanks. Anybody know if there is an alternator for M20A?
  11. Some of these planes have had the generator for half a century or more. What is the benefit of upgrading to an alternator?
  12. Who is this grim reaper you speak of?
  13. Do you think that is actually the case. Or that the older Mooney owners are putting the New owners into a different category because they will never be able to afford a newer one? And are therefore jealous!
  14. For a piece of metal. Wow. Aviation prices still never cease to amaze me.
  15. If you don't have the 430w already I would ditch it and the sky beacon for the Garmin 375. That would clear up your panel immensely not needing a transponder and the 430. And price wise you can't be much different. Not to mention newer technology, ties in seamlessly with the G5's.
  16. Any cons to doing this? I'm assuming you had your oil tested each time at what, 25 hour intervals?
  17. Anybody else running one in their M20A? I've read all of the post that I can find on it but haven't found anything solid yet. Some of the bolt on adapters look like they might be too tight. I've read the down sides to the remote oil filters but think this might have to be the way to go. What are others doing? While my top end is torn apart I figure now is the time to do this because I don't want to be taking all those screws and cowling pieces off each time I need to change the oil and clean the screen. Thanks for the advice.
  18. Hello all. Little slow at posting here. Been trying to rack up some hours (25 so far) in my new bird (1959 M20A) but after a 4 hour flight one of the mags stopped working. That has opened a can of worms and now she sits torn open with mags sent off for overhaul. One cylinder removed and un repairable and soon she will sit with no top end because the others are getting shipped off for inspection. So. Here I type instead of doing some sort of training or figuring out how much this is all going to cost me.
  19. Thanks for the help
  20. Located in NE. Don't know what all he quoted me fore. Cylinder had a crack. Sent it in and they found a larger crack. Said it isn't serviceable.
  21. Just found out my new bird needs a cylinder replaced. Any thoughts on where to get this? My mechanic quoted me $1042. Thanks for the help. 8130 serviceable lycoming O-360-a1a narrow deck cylinder chrome/or not
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