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Everything posted by 201Steve

  1. You measuring guys are crazy. And don’t give me the “I’m an engineer” line. You’re just plane psycho. Give it a little splash and go cure cancer.
  2. It means you are correct and I agree with you. Lol. Put your knife away, haha.
  3. @Mooney in Oz you are tracking, and also re hashing some previously mentioned points. I’ve landed behind and took off behind big jets, just simply not in this scenario so it gave me pause. My thinking, there is potentially WT for 1500’ from begin of runway of which there’s theoretically no way to avoid it, short of time or moving beyond touchdown of the landing jet. I would argue there is potentially WT for a minimum of 1500 ft down the runway and although I would not be airborne yet, it’s still there and if it has the power to turn an airplane upside down, what difference does it make that I’m only going 25, 45, 60…. Knots on rollout. So I waited. the surprise to me was that the tower controller was annoyed by it, I figured I’m not the only guy who’s thought this before, but based on the poll, maybe I am! Lol
  4. It’s funny how there are so many little things to think about in aviation. I’ve been reading a lot about wake turbulence accidents lately. I’d never really considered this scenario. All the examples discuss wake turbulence as an event to consider when landing or taking off behind another biggie, when you are both making the same maneuver back-to-back. I found myself in this scenario yesterday and simply thought, well he’s landing… there will be WT up until just passed touchdown- I considered a slow roll past the touchdown point and then full power past the touchdown point, but it seemed just as simple to wait. I asked tower to let the number 2 behind me go ahead of me (a PC12) and you would have thought I ruined his day. It was not a difficult coordination at all, but his tone insinuated he thought I was a real pu***. It seems based on the results of the poll, maybe it’s true. Haha. Anyway, I don’t regret the request, but after further consideration, I may elect for simply a slower initial roll and just move past the point in the future, to keep the conga line moving.
  5. I apologize in advance bc this doesn’t apply to your issue at all but I feel compelled to contribute this. I may change my view on this at some point, but my last Concorde battery lasted 4.5 years and I never once charged it, jumped it, etc. Max length between flights probably 4-5 weeks. This leads me to believe everyone fiddling with battery minders are just wasting time and money. If your legs of disuse are longer I can see the utility, but if you otherwise get max battery life without yet another thing to do/buy… seems like silly Mx to get an extra 6 months over the span of 5 years.
  6. I was looking at the picture before I read the text and thought, damn that looks exactly like my engine. Wire bundles and everything!!!
  7. Wow, this is life changing.
  8. There is one on the right side, too. But the little flapper door is covering the square hole on that side.
  9. Yes sirrrr. Only thing about the 77 I really dislike is the location of flap and trim indicators. Other than that, I’m ok with the other qualities.
  10. Great reason to lean so hard you stall out before you can go anywhere.
  11. Garmin, so you don’t end up in that poor thread about the aerocruze AP with the others.
  12. “Does anyone know how the wing changed over the years from the A to a J? Other than adding gear doors, winglets and the such.”
  13. This is the most depressing ongoing thread on MS.
  14. Cole Aviation Dalton, GA KDNN His shop is 98% Mooneys
  15. That guy needs his ass kicked
  16. Ah. True. Makes sense
  17. 77 J. it looks like a purposeful hole, but it is otherwise an induction leak. I guess I’ll confirm, should this hole be in the very bottom of an air box, and if so, what is its purpose?
  18. I do remember. If I get ditched again by the fam toMorrow, I might swing by. I spent the day at Laurel Park today solo. No telling tho, with the holiday comings and goings.
  19. @GeeBee Thanks for the write up. Are u based at GVL? I’m here now (although not in my airplane, too many Christmas presents to fit) and come several times a year.
  20. Can someone enlighten me as to the anatomy of a vacuum pump. Taking a look over my engine, I noticed that in each corner of the base plate of my vacuum pump, where it attaches to the access case, there are skeletal like notches "cut out." You can see the spinning shaft through the opening, when you pull the prop through. What is the purpose of this? Pics attached. 77 j / IO360 A1B6D
  21. Can you imagine…. Right at the end… “Cessna xxx immediate right turn for traffic 12 o’clock same altitude!” unable. lol
  22. I would like to see some examples of dehumidification in the airframe. Wings, underbelly, etc. Anybody heard of this?
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