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Everything posted by 201Steve

  1. I talked to Zephyr about port polish, from his perspective it’s a waste of time polishing a tractor engine only turning 2700 rpm. Not saying he’s right but, it’s not unreasonable logic.
  2. I’m going to be in Houston in two weeks for a few days to attend an expo at the downtown convention center. What’s the piston preference out there? A hangar for parking would be a big plus if pricing is reasonable. Will need a rental car
  3. Don’t want to get the kids excited
  4. +1 for the 02D2! Despite what the charts may say, makes my port tank run MUCH longer than oximizer. And to @donkayes point, I too wondered “how will this regulator know what amount of flow is right for me?” Since you can’t adjust it yourself, it forced me to tweak my breathing technique just a tad, which solves the issue without simply blowing more 02 out of the bottle. Lots of information about efficient gas exchange techniques in breathing found in the freediving world.
  5. There is a theme. A perceived black and white issue with predisposed position > additional complexities are presented > more thinking is required > maybe it’s actually a little grey > get frustrated > act like I’m not frustrated > dismiss the discussion > send outward signals of inner peace.
  6. It gave me a good chuckle, so I figured I would throw it out to the group. Maybe someone knows why it's their preference. I was flying into Ocala, FL KOCF yesterday from the North. The active RWY was 18, so my flight path was lined up perfectly for a straight in to RWY 18. I started listening to Tower, with no activity. I made my call previous to Delta entry, he asked where I was, etc. Seemed like they did not have radar. After 2 transmissions of him trying to find me, I said, I'm 8 mile final for 18. He said, sort of in a way that I should know this, "you can't just fly straight in". Ok.... what would you like me to do? Give you a juke? "Enter Right base for 18". Wilco. And so this is what he got. No traffic, no conflicts... let's just add a juke.
  7. With the early J’s getting near 1050 on 2740, conceivably with some jiggering you could get one to 1300 useful on a 2900 eligible ship. On 9gph. That’s a lot of options!!!
  8. Great topic title
  9. Bumping this thread.... I'm researching hangar floor coatings. A neighbor has used the Polycuramine product, marketed as Rust Oleum Rock Solid with good results in his garage. I also had a local company quote a polyurea. The whole job is expensive... but it seems anyone who's done a coating has a lot to say about the effort. Are these poly blends better than the epoxy applications?
  10. That’s the caveat I was trying to remember. I don’t understand why it would be frowned upon by the feds to be able to toggle your displays but…. I don’t understand a lot of things.
  11. My G5 is hooked to a 650 and a 430. Can select number 1 or number 2 from the G5. It’s written in the install manual but that’s all I know to describe.
  12. 200 on a Kelly, no issues
  13. Rental local is one thing rental sea plane, to another country, in salt water, overnight, to a stranger, seems implausible.
  14. Since we are amongst several of the 77J drivers in this thread, relevant to this comment, mine cruises with nose down trim almost to the stops. Are you guys seeing that in cruise? I doubt a negligible weight of 20-40 lbs would affect that much but… I wondered if 120 lbs in the baggage cOmpartment (silo) would put the trim at the stop… but it still did not run out.
  15. Interesting what happened this weekend with longtime trucking giant “yellow”. I’m sure there’s two sides to the story but from a 30k’ view, the Union at least helped dig its’ own grave. It draws a lot of comparison to both aviation and trucking being highly regulated, high liability, competitive industry. In todays world where each camp has convinced it’s’ people that they are under appreciated and owed more, I fear it doesn’t stop with Yellow. And by no means is it limited to the “millennials”. I listen to 50-60 year old men seeping with entitlement every day. They have been allured away from the principal of self responsibility and happy to determine their circumstances are someone else’s fault.
  16. Here is the caravan departing Madison as I came over the top.
  17. Stick with the advice from those who’ve actually done this maneuver. As muffler b points out, lots of documentation here. Easiest way to find the thread is using google: Mooneyspace ashes high chance for a botched release if proven method not followed. It’s not the airplane it’s the releasing method.
  18. I keep a spare plug in my tool bag. Haven’t needed it yet but, how close to proper gap do the typically run when new?
  19. Is that the gel type?
  20. So cats is the way. Generally animals near a runway are frowned upon, no?
  21. This is amazing. Just like temp workers.
  22. If you have 15 minutes of your attention to spare, I wrote a long and descriptive bad PIREP for an overhaul shop. I touch on this topic quite a bit. The short of it is, I waited about a year, let the emotions settle, got several second opinions, and gave the shop beyond ample time to do ANYTHING to correct some stuff they even admitted, in writing, was very poorly done. My stance was, had they made even the slightest effort, I’d have just let it go, never used them again, and kept my mouth shut. But, since no such effort was made, I had no second thoughts about making my experience widely known and heavily documented. That is sort of my calculus. If you’re too big of a baby to hash it out with your customers, good riddance.
  23. I asked a Garmin tech rep about this on their gfc500 servos, see if they had any opinion on the matter, and guy had never heard of fogging a wing. Whadda ya do.
  24. At least in my town, coastal GA, there’s somewhere to squeeze the planes into someone’s hangar. Or at least within the area. With some Some folks leaving (that are in hangars) can usually utilize space somewhere. I’m always surprised with how many places have space during a hurricane from here to Atlanta. Albeit, FL is a different animal, we aren’t that far. Last time I parked the cars in the hangar, flew out, had the insurance pay me $500 to do it, and gave it enough time for the dust to settle before returning. Getting home right after the storm can be a shoot show also. People going nutzo.
  25. What airlines are cruising around at 25k and below?
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