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Everything posted by skykrawler

  1. Wonder how much it costs to tanker the fuel from Louisiana to San Jose? Wag: .25 gallon And don't forget to add the $1 per gallon surcharge to the first 500 gallons to amortize the STC. The notion that unleaded fuel will be result in substantial savings on engine maintenance is laughable.
  2. It seems like the original owner is flying uninsured. If so, he should have no problem flying the airplane to the place of inspection. If the owner can't do that, then whoever does fly it may want the liability protection. Presumably, you have thoroughly examined the aircraft logs and understand the written maintenance history, the compliance with ADs and general airworthiness at least from a pilot perspective. For example, do all the avionics/radios/indicators in the panel work? Have you flown in the airplane with the owner (risky business in and of itself)? If you haven't done that you may be relying on the pre-buy inspection too much.
  3. I'm sure there will be a lot of opposite responses.....but don't think I've ever seen a tire that doesn't loose air. I just had to top up all four tires on my wife's Honda Pilot.
  4. I have seen properly maintained spark plugs last 500hrs in a C182 with a Lyc 540. If my engine has a problem I'm heading right to the runway to be overhead and lose my altitude there.
  5. Wasn't there a strike that contributed to the backlog?
  6. I suspect the relationship is infrequent engine use AND cold starts - a cold start meaning very low temperature when the oil does not splash well. There is no info on how many hours are on these cylinders. If you hone through the hardened cylinder surface (oversize) results will not be good. Were they Lycoming pistons? The pits on the skirts are unusual. They don't look like 40 hour pistons. The pistons in my 1850hr 42yr old cylinders look better than that.
  7. This product can inexpensive and works good for cleaning under the cowl and wheel wells. https://www.dollargeneral.com/p/las-awesome-cleaner-20-oz/722429200167
  8. So it was simple. Which is good.
  9. So you found the problem? Please share.
  10. https://www.marshbrothersaviation.com/collections/mooney I have personally seen worn solid bushing/bearings on the nose gear of an M20M. These were the pivot bushing for the lower leg. Probably not a chronic issue.
  11. I'm fairly sure that part of the ADS-B message (both UAT and 1090) is the Mode-S identifier. This can be directly translated (algorithmically) into the tail number. So while most applications won't compare the Mode-S ID with the tail number field and correct the tail number for display, some could. ...so that wouldn't prevent tracking for fees.
  12. They weren't pioneers. I had to pay an event fee at St Augustine 5 years ago parking there for The Payers (event was canceled after the first round). Still had to schlep our bags across the ramp from a distant spot. 10 years ago I received a landing fee bill in the mail from a New Jersey airport (Essex) - as recorded by the tower - 30 days later.
  13. The original accident aircraft (of this topic) was a K model which is a six cylinder Continental - so even less percentage of power is lost if a single plug wire is disconnected. It is a fact that if the ignition switch is not returned to the both position and the engine is running on a single magneto that the climb rate will likely be half of normal. This seems to be a likely explanation.
  14. I notice flaps were not in TO position. Take off looked like right after rotation it struggled - too slow for no flaps. Hard to believe a single plug could reduce power enough to cause an accident.
  15. I don't think about speeds so much. My 'canned' procedure is 18" MP far enough prior to FAF to be below gear speed. Prop in, Gear down just before FAF, set 15", trim for glideslope/wind conditions (a big headwind may require more power). When landing is assured, RPM below the yellow arc, bring in desired flaps, decel to landing speed. All things must be adjustable. I'd rather be 105kts on the GS than 90kts.
  16. This would be my understanding.... If one has a complex endorsement there is no reason you can't log time when not a named insured or not meeting the open pilot requirements. You just don't have coverage. Even if you meet the open pilot requirements the insurance company may subrogate and attempt to make your spouse or her estate cover any losses. There is no 'disallowing' time logged time just because you're not a named insured at the time. If you insist on complete coverage, then meet the requirements. Usually a few hours with a CFI in make and model and some more cash. Often there is no flight with passengers until 10 hours or so. Not sure I understand the big debate.
  17. I certainly don't use $14000 of IFR (or flight following) services in a year. I know a private jet that goes to TEB pretty much weekly - or more, not to mention JAX.
  18. Seems like the the gear up probability for a given model is based on history. Even if a technique that reduces "forget to extend" by half such that looks like a step function, it will take several years for that to grind into the insurance sausage. It depends on how the probability is computed in the insurance secret sauce.
  19. Hmmm.....My thoughts are we should all have been trained for soft field takeoff which is similar to what Mr Kaye is describing. Doing it with the gear retracted might not be the most clever thing. Drag of gear at low airspeed is not so great. Normally the acceleration to Vx is pretty quick and doesn't require a gear retraction to help the acceleration. Vx and Vy at Leadville on a warm day are pretty much the same number. The FAA "Flying Handbook" - which I think is a pretty good document - says 'if the runway is long enough and no obstacles exist, ground affect can be used to the pilots advantage by using the reduced drag to improve initial acceleration.' Which is pretty much a statement of fact. https://www.faa.gov/sites/faa.gov/files/regulations_policies/handbooks_manuals/aviation/tips_on_mountain_flying.pdf https://www.faasafety.gov/files/events/NM/NM07/2023/NM07120280/FAA-P-8740-02-DensityAltitude.pdf
  20. As long as you are prepared for high fuel flow and extra expense of maintaining turbo chargers, oxygen systems and maybe TKS - go for it.
  21. Assuming you are pretty close to landing speed in the flare and at the proper height, close the throttle and use both hands on the wheel - this make it easier to get full elevator and control the attitude and hold the nose wheel off. Extra stab trim as you flare will also help.
  22. Disconnect the jackscrew at the point it attaches to the empennage - just above the hinge. There is a procedure for this where a block of wood is placed to support the tail. Having done this, verify that the tail moves freely without binding. It will be heavy to pivot upwards. With the jackscrew disconnected in this way you can determine if there is resistances in the system without the tail weight contribution. Personally I think the machining for the jackscrew and nut is not the greatest and it carries a heavy load. Some of the jackscrew assemblies have caged ball bearings, others have tapered bearings. The pre-load on the tapered bearings seems to be set by the thickness of the gasket. You should mention what year your airplane is - it can make a difference.
  23. The problem is the availability of cylinders.
  24. Please stop identifying this a dual failure. The failure was the pilot left the cover on the pitot and went flying. Granted, there was what should be considered a 'defect' in the system response - but not a failure. IFR required instruments include turn coordinator AND rate of turn indicator.
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