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Everything posted by PeteMc

  1. Email? To Mooney Flyer or to an individual CFI??? Go back to the list and keep scrolling down. After the top part of the list with CFI name, it starts showing them by state and they usually say what Airports they're by. So you should be able to reach out directly to some CFIs that are in your area.
  2. The Mooney Flyer list is probably going to be your best bet. I'm not sure how many CFI(I)s use their own planes due to insurance. But I have heard of some.
  3. You just got a plane or you're looking for one to rent with a CFI? If you have a plane, I know that Air-Mods Flight Academy over at Trenton Robbinsville Airport (N87) used to have a Mooney on their line, but sold it. But they may still have some instructors that did the training. https://www.airmodsflightacademy.com/ (609) 259-6877
  4. If I'm sitting in the Pilot's seat, where would the extinguisher be? Trying to visualize where riveted into the spar.
  5. I had my nose gear messed up years ago with the same basic story that the FBO was refusing to fix. A year or so later out of the blue I got a check. Turns out someone I knew that had heard the story ran into the FBO owner "at the club" or somewhere and the story went that the owner was complaining about his ramp people being rough on the plane and OF COURSE that couldn't be true we train them!!! So he brought up my plane and said, I know Pete, if he said your guys did it, they did. So ya never know.
  6. KMDW = Chicago Midway KMDA = Martindale Army Heliport, San Antonio, TX
  7. And I hope you have pics from that day with the Limits clearly marked on the nose gear.
  8. Call ahead!!! It's your best bet to see what today's policy and pricing is. I think there are a lot of people that see others gouging and they are not getting much pushback, so they're doing the same. And I'm assuming all of these were larger CORPORATE national FBOs. That should be your first clue. In April I did a OH to WA flight and at two of my destinations I changed my FBO choice by what I was told on the phone.
  9. Totally agree you should keep all the old W&B, but if your POH is overflowing, just keep the current one. The older ones can be put in the Aircraft Logbooks in case there is ever a need to review them.
  10. The website compatibility list shows the GNS series. Says it will display 8 targets and Regional NEXRAD, CONUS NEXRAD, METARs, TAFs.
  11. I was reading your list and wondering how much weight you were using up! I have probably 1/2 or a 1/3 of what you have, but also have an inReach and a HH. inReach clips to the door (and is already on so I can hit the SOS if I need to). But the basics are in a funny old vest with lots of pockets that is on the back of my seat so that it can be grabbed on the way out the door if there's a fire and I can't get to anything else. So no tent, but a couple of tarps and line to create a shelter and wait. Well... Actually the vest is at home while I'm getting rid of some old stuff and putting in new. Guess I should finish that project before the planes out of the Annual.
  12. I just had my FF fail, bad transducer. Sucked because the plane sat on the ground forever in the interior shop, but the manufacturer said it was 1 month out of warrantee regardless of the minimal hours it actually was in use.
  13. But going from XC 20w-50 to 20w-50 to 20w-50, in theory, should not show any change. Sure, maybe change over years, but not from a flight yesterday to a flight today after an oil change. Why the change with no real time between, using the same oil type that has been used over a long period?
  14. Good to know. I don't know when it changed from 91.33 to 91.205, but I guess that 2016 legal interp. was to put back in/clarify the "installed" part that was left out of the wording.
  15. Stopwatch? Don't you mean a clock? And note that the clock must be in the panel, your watch doesn't count. Not that you can't use a stopwatch, or a kitchen timer like I used to use before all the other timers appeared in my panel. But a stopwatch itself will make you illegal. ADDED: Just checked and I remember it saying it needed to be an installed clock, but it looks like that has changed to just a clock. REF: 91.205(d) (6) A clock displaying hours, minutes, and seconds with a sweep-second pointer or digital presentation.
  16. JOHN DEKIN ARTICLES ATTACHED I really don't remember if I got these articles from John or someone else. But there is some good knowledge in them. I'm going to review them again to see what I've forgotten. @mooniac58 I think these are all in public domain now. But pull it if you think there's a copyright issue. J Dekin Articles.pdf
  17. Doubt it would be an issue for the engine. But even if you do pull back to clear the CBA, just like any other long climb, there is no reason you can't put the power back in.
  18. I do agree with the noise abatement for some areas.
  19. So it was John. I remember discussing it back in the AVSIG days when he was first experimenting with the full power climb.
  20. If you're coming over to KSFF's Neighbor Day we can try it in your plane!
  21. I had a chance to watch the video. I think you took him out of context. He was specifically talking about Checkrides and what DPEs were failing people for. He never referenced any Reg that says you can't do the PT with a GPS. And if there were one, I think Garmin's lawyers would not allowed their devices to fly the PT on GPS and THEN switch to VLOC. He also makes a great point about NOT relying on the Auto Switch. You need to monitor it or just go ahead and switch over once you are Inbound.
  22. A few decades ago John Deakin (maybe it was George Braly) did some tests and found that obviously they reached altitude and cruise speed faster with everything in (or at max allowable power) with no impact on the engine. I believe some math also showed the small increase in power from his original climb practice was greatly offset by reduced time to altitude and cruise speed. So ultimately better for the engine. You need to keep an eye on the cylinder temps and in some circumstances you may need to reduce your climb rate for more airflow or actually reduce power. And a lot of pilots will level off and pull the power back right away, but you not at cruise speed yet. He emphasized that you leave the power in for a short time until you reach your typical cruise speed. Then start tweaking for the % power you want.
  23. I'm trying to confirm, but I think they really do mean "Fort Worth" as in Fort Worth Meacham (KFTW). I had hoped to go to Santa Maria, now I'm hoping Burlington, VT will work out. What's one more X-US flight.
  24. Looks like you're reading an older AC that is specific to "RNAV" systems, not GPS. "...NOTE: This AC does not address the use of RNAV systems on RNAV routes and RNAV terminal procedures. The current edition of AC 90-100, U.S. Terminal and En Route Area Navigation (RNAV) Operations, applies to those operations. This AC also does not address the use of RNAV systems on instrument approach procedures (IAP) titled RNAV (GPS) and GPS..."
  25. @mooniac58 Did you see the above?
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