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Everything posted by INA201

  1. Congratulations on the sell! I think I speak for others here too. Please post your experiences in the Comanche. Looks like a lot of fun.
  2. I had thought about buying a small heating pad and stuffing it into the cowl flap opening and closing it in with cowl plugs in place. Has anyone tried this? Seems cheap, safe, and possibly effective.
  3. Wouldn't it mount where the electric trim motor is? IDK
  4. I looked on Flight Aware and did not see any other Mooneys that appear to be testing the last few days. Hopefully other models will get into the line up soon as well.
  5. Makes sense on the grounding too. BTW I went to an MSC that got all this straight. I think the timing is now correct too.
  6. That's cool! I bought the same heater but did the lazy version. I have it placed under the left cowl flap and adjust the thermostat to cycle as best possible. I use the heater wherever I am working too. It doesn't put out a ton of heat but for localized areas works well. Anyone use the kerosene or propane heaters in the hangar?
  7. I’m 24-0578.....Yep, no step and three position.
  8. I’ve got the Century 2b which is coupled to a G5 with GPSS and 750 for lateral guidance only. It does a good job following the direction of your flight plan, anticipating turns etc. You can add an STEC 30 component for altitude but it’s like $6000 last I checked. Personally, I’m waiting for the right digital option for a sub $10k install price to modernize. I’m happy overall as the Mooney holds altitude reasonably well and doesn’t add a lot to workload.
  9. I will agree with others about the 94 fuel. It needs a lot of time on it to be "proven." You would be adding an unknown to the equation of aircraft ownership. On another note I can lean waaay back from peak and have a low gami spread. In theory, running LOP like I do should beat the cost differential of 94. If the environmental side is more important to you than all other factors then I would go with a C. You don't want to feel guilty by running 100LL vs 94 when your principles are compromised.
  10. +1
  11. Yes, both mags drop equally along with corresponding EGT rise. I was thinking that the low mag drop prior to overhaul was abnormal. My oil consumption may be less too but its only been 12 hours now so not enough data on that. It's interesting how many things can be affected by timing and other seemingly small adjustments. Thank you guys for the feedback.
  12. I'm just curious here. I had my mags recently rebuilt due to 500 hour. The engine still starts and runs great. I'm just curious as to why my mag drop is now 75-100 rpm where it was a a very low mag drop prior maybe 25 RPM or so and almost unnoticeable. I will say that CHTS seem to be a little lower but that's the only change.
  13. I bought a J because it seemed like the best all around plane that Mooney has produced without a turbo. When you can beat an SR20, and a Diamond in the performance and economics equation I was sold. However, a C has an awesome economic and performance matrix that'll knock out an Arrow, Archer, Grummans, etc., and even the Diamond. Unreal! You are at the right place.
  14. I concur!!! Great customer service and is well constructed.
  15. In my 78J I can set the flaps to slightly open. I think the friction from the control mechanism holds it open in various settings but isn’t necesarrily designed as such. I couldn’t tell you what % opened or closed it is however. My cowl flaps are also set to about 3/4” open when in the closed position. I don’t currently have any CHT issues (+380) except for extremely hot days. Mine will also do the trailing and full open settings. I hope that helps a little anyway. Others will chime in as well I’m sure.
  16. It's not a retread but it is possible I've run a few times with slightly low pressure. I must've missed the wearing of this tire due to the even wear on the innermost part. Thanks, I will check the valve and probably replace the tire. I just don't want it to repeat. HAHA on the NASCAR, I just race the occasional Cirrus and whatnot.
  17. I have a weird tire wear situation here in the south. So, I’ve got a real slow leak in my left main. It takes all of a couple of weeks to lose 5lbs of pressure. Anyway, do you guys think inadvertent low pressure would cause this? Pic one is right main(Normal). Pic two is left main(the inside of the tread is evenly worn off). Any other ideas?
  18. Sounds like a plan. Please let us know how it goes. Hopefully you’ll have no issues.
  19. Mine was very similar. Sat for a couple of years and had high numbers. I did it differently than most and changed the oil every 15 hours a couple of times after bringing her home. I didn’t want extra iron and old carbon floating around. What I did notice is that I had a lot of carbon show up in the filter. I run lean of peak and think that a lot of stuff got cleaned out during those first couple of oil changes. After that I went to a 25 hour schedule and started analyzing the oil data. Three years later and the numbers are are still normal. I took the crapshoot and feel pretty confident now, knock on wood. If you get an appropriately discounted purchase price and like the plane then it can be worth the risk imop.
  20. It seems to me that there are a lot of lending opportunities for aircraft due to the lenders miscalculating valuations.
  21. I had all kinds of static too. We found multiple issues. 1. Unshielded wire connecting alternator was replaced. 2. JPI900 was wired in too close proximity to audio panel and GTN750 which was causing some feedback among other things. 3. Comm wires were separated as best possible. 4. Had a break in the shielding for the ignition wires so replaced that. 5. Cleaned battery connections. All in all a lot of trial and error but with diligence it is all clear as a bell now. This is probably not your issue but may be some insight for others.
  22. I did this just yesterday. I set up throttle/mixture for cold start but only primed for 1/2 a second or so just to kick the pressure a little. It fired right off.
  23. What’s the Encore advantage over the 252? The 252 seems really refined over the 231 for one.
  24. This is an old pic of mine from the eighties. I recently converted it to the GFC100 to take 100 dollar bills.
  25. I may be mistaken but I think he was having a tough time making a long term go of it at least for piston engines. Seemed like a good idea to me.
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