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Everything posted by MyNameIsNobody

  1. Hey, hey...No need to bring your wife into this.
  2. Shady character have something to hide-confusious
  3. My plane's better than your plane...my plane's better than yours...my planes better 'cause blah blah blah blah...my planes better than yours...
  4. little prick like to go quick-Confusious
  5. I knew there would be a lot of AOPA love. Good. My specific incident is/was years ago now and involved almost the exact scenario that the guy experienced with Falcon. There was a HUGE reluctance to "shop" my coverage by AOPA. The AOPA contact might of been having a bad couple of days, but I wanted other quotes to compare pricing vs. my renewal price and wanted to give them my business. I was met with an "attitude" vs. providing me, the customer, with options. I found options elsewhere. I learned of Falcon from MooneySpace. My business is handled out of Kerrville. Just providing balance to the anti-Falcon thread. I understand that others have had positive experiences with AOPA. So did I...until I didn't. Nice to have options. I wonder why AIG is "getting out of the Mooney business" based on their negative renewal pricing? Competition is good in insurance and ALL things. We, the consumer win when there is choice in the market. Good thread on the 480 vs the 430 and UPS getting bought/killed. I hope AIG, as a player, is not "getting out of the market"... Anybody know how aviation companies are doing? I would love to see a graph with marketshare by top players and combined or Loss Ratio's.
  6. Looks Great! Nice scheme on paint. Enjoy.
  7. Thinking of you, your dad and your family. All benefitted from your skill aviating and sound decision-making. Go enjoy your dad. Nice job! Thank you for sharing.
  8. Customer service can NEVER have a bad day...Unless you are Garmin.
  9. Got any with tennis or golf? I like my girls in sports apparel
  10. Older...Maybe...You fly a Mooney so old...NOPE.
  11. I just about Corey Hart on this subject. (CAUTION, above was an obscure 80's pop music reference) Geezers and babes will be scratching their heads going HUH?
  12. "I seldom use sunglasses" "I am having cataract surgery next month" Lesson?
  13. Do you work for AOPA? What a B.S. hit-piece. Falcon is an Agency/Broker NOT the Carrier. I found AOPA to be a horrible experience personally. NOT customer oriented AT ALL. About as friendly as a car salesman...after the sale. They had me with AIG. I saved money going to Falcon and Global. This renewal after being BACK with AIG through Falcon we found that AIG was $300 higher for same coverage over Global Aerospace. $1200 for renewal with two pilots on policy and $70 hull. 1 Million/$100,000 per. Falcon did a good job for us at renewal finding us a savings and doing business through e-mail vs. snail-mail. All good. AOPA will have a hard time "winning" us back.
  14. I do not cruise at 12,500 or burn 11.5@4500. To each their own.
  15. I would NOT want to own that plane.
  16. What was your fuel flow?
  17. Mooney Hearses. Look like...Hearses. "Excuse me, are there any caskets back there"? My condolences for your loss... I wear my sun-visors and side-curtains on my face. They work awesome when I need/want them. They are "gone" when I don't. Sunglasses. An incredible invention.
  18. Holy monkey of nit-picking rejection items Batman. Sunvisors? Sunvisors would make someone decline a plane. Funny.
  19. Your premise appears to be that the injected engine has "more issues" based on three or four planes that you reviewed. A pretty small sample. The O360 and IO360 engines have both been proven, by time, to be two of the most reliable engines in GA. It all depends on each specific airframe and engine that has been discussed adnauseum within threads. All about who did engine, when and how often it was flown and how to determine engine condition. That said, they are ticking timebombs of cash that generally provide ample warning as to an upcoming "event". Choose wisely. I would choose an F that has been modded, like the one in another recent thread. I could NOT get into that low time bird when I bought my E 14+years ago. Good luck with your search.
  20. Glad you got it diagnosed and are on the road to having your PC fully functional.
  21. Probably my eight week old puppy...regarding the Cheerios. He has the pissing and defecating locations covered fairly well at this point...
  22. I will consider myself "served" by the Snark police. Mooney's are Cross-Country machines. An Auto-pilot does NOT have to be expensive. I like to hand-fly too, but definitely NOT all the time. ALL IN for my Brittain with altitude hold I am WELL UNDER $5AMU's. Options are there. Options are GREAT. It took me years to find the gear and get it installed. My life is worth having a functional PC and the ability to fly straight and level to a location. I am probably just responding based on a long drawn out indecision to purchase a powder-coated step. Past is the past...BUT I have a long memory. It's a curse and occasionaly a blessing. I am my fathers son and pretty consistent on my response's when my B.S. meter is pegged.
  23. Then quite blabbering about your PC....
  24. That's classic. Thank you for the chuckle. How about Lumbrasexual? Sounds sexier as it has bra in it? Definition: Lumbrasexual-The wearing of multiple layers of flannel and wool in plural colors and designs to create functional warm sporty apparel for men that do...vs watch others doing.
  25. I hardly use my AccuTrak. My Accu-Flite heading bug works so well I just don't bother with it. On longer cross-country flites having the wing-leveler with Trak and Brittain Altitude Hold is very nice. A good A&P can do all install, but perhpas the altitude hold on the Brittain. Ours is NOT perfect (a little porpoise with hold in rough air), but is WAY worth the purchase price (Ebay) and install by Brittain. Brittain serviced my step and all servos while "in the shop"...
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