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Everything posted by MyNameIsNobody

  1. I am offended by your offense...so we are even.
  2. How long is the video? What is a breakdown of the "instructional material content"? Does the video cover landings in short/medium and long body Mooney's to include discussion on each and differences regarding power plants/Flap application/speeds. Is it narrated/subtitles/slow motion. Does it discuss when things aren't going right (speed/to high/to low) with actual examples? Power on and flaps with go-around? All different models? What does a buyer get for his $25 bucks other than a couple testimonials that it is fantastic and all right? I wasn't suggesting it should be free. I know nothing about this video. I do know what I think of the master flight instructor and he has communicated what he thinks of me on this forum. Again, I was told that he "doesn't need or "do it" for the money. If you haven't flown a Mooney/are transitioning/have landing issues...$25 bucks is a value IF it covers your Mooney (power-plant and airframe). They (Mooney's) aren't "generic" and the video shouldn't be either.
  3. Is the video available on You Tube? Is it "Free"? You had stated in a previous post that you "don't need to instruct"...train. Why not post/donate a potentially life saving video to the aviation world?
  4. I had an audible gear and pre-stall alert installed in my plane. It IS a potential life-saver. Sorry this happened to someone you cared about. We are ALL human...and fly machines made and maintained by same humans.
  5. Sorry to hear about your tooth Cliff. I had two dry sockets following removal of 4 wisdom teeth as a 30 something year old. Perfect attendance through college and in 30 years of working was almost taken down by that. Couldn't hang after lunch. Poultice applied by dentist. Went from non-functioning to symptom free in about a second. When second one blew I was at dentist lickedy-split. Hope your recovery is quick... Anybody have an update on Flap Hangers from '63 C to 66 M20E? Any changes? Issues?...
  6. I used 3M spray on glue/sealant. No issues several years later...Easy, NOT costly
  7. My E is 90dba @2500-2550 RPM and whatever MP I can get in cruise. 201 windshield and 1/4" glass w/sound-deadening insulation. GA is loud sans headsets.
  8. My uncle was a B-29 Bombadier. Worked in Los Alamos (Nukes) after war.
  9. Funny Bonai. Does that N# Mean NOT Bonanza?
  10. Anybody got that 10% covered? Different Mounting Hardware or same?
  11. Any issues with putting a 1963 C Flap on a 1966 E Model?
  12. Whew! I went pheasant hunting on last day of year. I thought I was tired...until I read your post. Glad you made it.
  13. Really sad to read about this loss. Prayers for his son and family. I look at photos with plane and son. You can see the pride and joy...To those that knew Houman, thank you for relating stories of his passion and love of Mooney's and his desire to learn and be a safe pilot. Always is food for my soul when I read of a tragic loss/incident like this. Be safe everyone.
  14. I would re-post this in Modern forum as I do not look at the modern area as I have a vintage bird. Others with good input may do same... Have fun learning your Ovation. Congratulations on your purchase. Experience from a knowledgeable transition pilot sounds like wise council to learn it's "way".
  16. Glad to hear they made it...Here's to a speedy recovery.
  17. Ya, Guess you are...
  18. Garp (Robin Williams) would say "Let's Go Ski"! What are the chances of anyone getting hurt. Glad everyone survived. Especially the pilots. They got some 'spraining to do. I bet the Plow driver had to clean more than the runway after that shift...
  19. FANTASTIC! Congratulations! Looks beautiful in the air...
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