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Everything posted by Raptor05121

  1. Do I get extra CB points for having correct-orientation photos?
  2. It is. FAR 43, Appendix A, Subpart C, Paragraph 10- Preventive maintenance: ...is limited to the following work, provided it does not involve complex assembly operations: -Applying preservative or protective material to components where no disassembly of any primary structure or operating system is involved and where such coating is not prohibited or is not contrary to good practices.
  3. As reigning president of the CB club, you can treat your airframe for as little as $100 and ~5 hours of labor Harbor Frieght "engine cleaning" gun with adjustable atomizer- $12 and 1 gallon of ACF50 (overkill)- $80 The hardest part was doing the wing. FWIW, my logbooks say that my plane was treated 10 years ago. The inside of the wing was clean, and still had a fine layer of residue from previous applications. But I did it again being in Florida. I don't have anything in my plane-jane 1963 apart from an ELT in the empennage, so I just covered it and sprayed away. The fancy nozzles that most A&Ps have will make the job much less labor-intensive but with this wand, you can get the exact same coverage as long as you twist the nozzle a full 360* when behind bulkheads. As you can see in the first picture, I didn't use but 1/5th of the gallon to do the entire airframe. A quart will serve everyone just fine. I'm now offering my ACF50 to local EAA members because I have more than I know to deal with lol.
  4. Going on year 4 with my Concorde RG-35AXC. Last time I did a capacitance check, it was almost as good as new. I fly 3-5 hours a week, no external charger.
  5. There are a couple that tickle my fancy. Have you narrowed them down a bit from which we could choose?
  6. I'm just a jog and a hike north in Lake City. KLCQ. I'm down in the Orlando area often
  7. Hows the oil cooler & bolts looking? $?
  8. I should have clarified- once the wires are in place, splicing 2 hot wires, a sync, and a ground are fundamentally easy. I haven't had the pleasure of rewiring a wing yet lol.
  9. The 650s are very nice. Do you have a separate switch for nav light and strobe? If so, remove the strobe power supply and simply run the low-voltage wire into the 650. Same for the nav. There should be a green sync wire if you want them connected and a ground wire. Super easy to wire, not sure with the wingtips. Your mechanic will easily have them installed.
  10. I paid $16k for my 63 M20D, which is IFR certified with basic 6-pack and a "run out" engine. I've probably for $45-50k into it by now, and if I sold it today it probably wouldn't get maybe $25k for it. I highly, HIGHLY suggest paying more up front, it will make it worthwhile so you don't spend the next 11 months watching your "new-to-you" airplane doing nothing but sit in a hangar and be worked on all the time. If you're seriously interested, my friend has a 1964 M20C, 400SMOH, nice flying airplane, needs some radios for $35k here in Florida. PM me.
  11. That looks cool but that's exactly where I rest my feet on flights when the seat is slid back. Noo thanks
  12. I did a write-up like this last year. I had to upgrade my rhetostat overhead to a solid-state PWM. I fly at night often so I still love that I did this upgrade
  13. I've flown four 2-blade Mooneys and two 3-blade ones (mine inclusive). I wouldn't go back to a 2-blade. I true out at 143-146KTAS depending on weight
  14. That's a thing?
  15. Well put, Skip.
  16. I'd love to be able to install a hat rack. Would free up some room by putting my cover there.
  17. Maybe if there was a LASAR east???
  18. Excellent! I think I'll be doing mine this year and having everything powdercoated. Have you done the nose wheel yet?
  19. Oh boy I am loving the original scheme on that C model! Please post more of it
  20. I have a Precise Flight backup suction and Stratux AHRS on my tablet.
  21. Enroute GPS and approach GPS are two different things. I've battled this mental decision for a while. The small increase in price from a defunct 430 to a 650 is a no-brainer. Install times and costs are the same, and I think theres a $2-3k difference in purchasing price? Even for someone as cheap as me, I'd just opt for a 650 if I had the funds to redo my panel. I really wish I had the ability to do GPS approaches. As it currently stands, if my home field were IFR, I'd have to fly 40 miles south to Gainesville for an ILS and then Uber back home. This is why I recommend younger aspiring owners to buy a plane already GPS-equipped for IFR operations.
  22. Just got back from my flight. Interesting note, upon passing Atlanta southbound, ATL Center asked me if I had a GPS tablet. I responded in the affirm and he gave me a clearance direct to my destination. Interesting stuff. None of this came up during my training.
  23. Dave, I'm not too sure. That SB does not ring a bell to me.
  24. Hey thanks, that's interesting. I was curious how that worked as my last dinner flight they gave me direct when I was 60nm north. They sounded perturbed when I told them I was /A, they just gave me vectors. This route actually might work best, as every time I get near Atlanta, they always make me go around.
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