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Everything posted by Raptor05121

  1. I bought my plane at 24. 80TT, 0 in type, no complex endorsement. $35k hull and 500k liability for me in 2015 was $1,300 by myself, it has since dropped to $800. I would suspect the rates have risen across the board recently due to some airframe losses, but $3k seems high. I'd shop around. We also have a flight club in which we were able to lower our rates by sending an affidavit attesting to restricting to no soft/grass fields, no paved under 3k ft, and saying all members take quarterly "flight reviews" with a CFI. Maybe you could try to negotiate the same until some time is built up
  2. Amazing job. That engine and baffling looks gorgeous
  3. What are the details on this shop? I have a KX-170 and the transmit is staticy and NAV is off by a few degrees. Wonder if they can make it better?
  4. I'm ready to get my commercial done. The Mooney is flying great. Everything is working, no hiccups, flying smoother than a baby's butt. So far I'm at 500 hours in her in the past 3 years. I bought the Gleim Commercial Online Ground School on July 1st. Finished it in 2 days, did 6 practice tests (all getting 89%) and popped down to Gainesville yesterday and passed my written with................. an 89% I've got my first REAL instrument flight all planned out for tomorrow. My parents recently retired, sold everything and are on the move in their new 5th Wheel and dually pickup in Tennessee. My siblings are driving to them to spend the 4th of July weekend out on a boat. The girlfriend and I will be taking the Mooney, of course. I've flown this route VFR once before and had to land in Georgia and wait 4 hours because of an overcast layer. Too bad its should be a beautiful day tomorrow with high pressure system over us. Oh well! Chasing the VORs some more... We will be starting commercial maneuvers when I get back. My CFI is a real trooper. He usually does primary students and they move on and do other things in life. I've known him since 2015 and if we don't fly once or twice a week, I'm usually over there on the afternoons listening to his regaling stories about flying B-52s or the like, beer in hand. I am having a hard time trying to think of a gift to give him. What do you give to someone who has everything? My original goal a few months ago was to have it done by my birthday (July 22) but I doubt that will be the case. August might be more realistic. I do have a goal of 750TT and Multi by Dec 31, however.
  5. I asked my CFI about the idiosyncrasies between them. He said the Citabria is much more tame. 115hp wood wing with short, wide landing gear and snub nose. I'd love to log some Cubbie time!
  6. I don't see how a cable break in the firewall justifies an emergency takeoff and impromptu, and illegal, formation from someone and being hassled about gear and flaps when it wasn't asked for. Aviate. Navigate. Communicate. Arrow pilot was 100% on the first part. Cirrus pilot was pulling some of that processing power to the communicate part for unnecessary reasons. Cirrus driver is akin to the people on local Facebook groups that scan 9-1-1 radios and follow cops to calls/pursuits/etc or are first on scene to accidents just to have some form of validation when on social media that they were somehow "involved" to alleviate the situation.
  7. That is extremely clean. Good job. I think my mechanic and I alodined my tanks prior to sealing. Any plans for that or reason for/against?
  8. Stones are rolling in my life. I started my tailwheel training a few days ago using a 115hp Citabria. Its a complete 180 from flying a Mooney but oh boy what a blast. I have a few more lessons until I finish up. I completed my ground school for commercial, I have the written scheduled for next week. I also have to upgrade my 3rd Class Medical to a second class for commercial privileges and deal with the FAA again in trying to get my SODA taken care of. Upgrading a SODA requires a deferral to Oklahoma City along with my previous flight test and new results should hopefully allow them to either issue it on the spot or worst-case, require me to take another flight test. (No picture). We also replaced my vacuum pump without the specialty wrench. Only took us 6 hours but next time, I'd buy the wrench. Check-out flight is normal and my AI shoots up to erect position within seconds now. In the meantime, I looked for a good excuse to go fly my first IFR flight on my own so we headed down to Deland for some grub at the bar & grill on the field. /A meant taking the long way down but ATC gave me vectors direct until I got close enough to cancel. But I did manage to go through the one cloud present on a CAVU day, so 0.1 actual logged
  9. Check to see if this isnt the proper part: https://lasar.com/flight-controls/flap-stop-block-210114-009?rq=flap block or https://lasar.com/flight-controls/hinge-block-240005-501?rq=block
  10. How did I miss this. Amazing job. Reminds me of my own misadventures several years ago. I think between three A&Ps , myself, and 8 scratched elbows, we had 40+ hours into scraping, cleaning, alodining and resealing the tanks. They are still good 3 years later. I think I spent $2,500-$3,000 for parts and labor, so the deal is there if you can do it. Keep posting pictures! I'm glad to see another willing to do the labor to revive another D model! Subscribed!
  11. This. I don't know why, but mine starts sticking and I have to crack open the line and blow it out every annual. A drop or two of oil-like substance clogs the line.
  12. I started commercial ground today (I already have the flight requirements done) & calling a CFI with a Citabria tomorrow for tailwheel endorsement I am also looking at a local flight school with an Aztec for multi
  13. Aaaaaand on the flight home..... Irony? Luck? My plane is equipped with a Precise Flight backup which (with a power reduction) it pulled enough vacuum to erect the gyros. Good practice and interesting to see how the engine's intake system provides suction for these units. Back to Mooney-ing while a replacement is on the way. Looks like the old pump was installed in 2013, and was the last entry before I bought the plane. Lasted 428 hours. I'm also temporarily doubling my personal minimums for the first 15 hours of operation with the new pump until I'm comfortable with its use.
  14. Keep in mind there is a rain channel and drainage hole under the vintage avionics panels. Do NOT apply sealant there or in the hole. I don't have a picture but it should be clearly evident when you remove the covers.
  15. So basically pooey to anyone under the age of 45 owning a plane. I reject your reality and substitute my own. I got 0% APR for 48 months and just did a balance transfer and got another 48 months at 0% APR on my plane. Probably wont work for a $150k Ovation, but for a vintage shortbody, a personal line of credit via most local banks or in my case, CapitalOne, works just fine. No lien holders, no scanning logbooks, no hassle. As was stated earlier, its much better to keep cash in a higher earning line of interest right now. I'm dumping all of my spare cash into my 401K and Roth IRAs with the returns I saw last year, is a no-brainer.
  16. There was a file over in the downloads section last year which was a downloadable compass deviation card properly sized for printing and even had a Mooney logo greyed out in the background. I downloaded it and currently have it on my plane right now and was really nice but I can't find it on here. Does anyone know what I'm talking about and might have a copy?
  17. I just noticed mine is up as well. I'll send mine over shortly
  18. Special thanks to @Cody Stallings at Stallings Aircraft Propeller. He was gracious enough to let me borrow his big boy degaussing toy to fix my mag compass issue. For three years I've never had a proper reading magnetic compass. Which we all rarely look at them, but going for my IFR checkride here shortly, the mag compass becomes primary when you do the 'no gyro' approach and 30 degrees off heading is not technically legal. I switched the old whiskey compass out to this PAI-700 thinking it was a compass issue but then I learned about Mooney's wise decision to mount a magnetic compass to a steel tube. Over the years as people used vacuums or welded new gussets onto the engine mounts to kill an AD, the frame became magnetized. As you can see in my first picture, the aircraft is pointed due East but is indicating 055. Even with the compass correction balls and that Mu-Metal stuff, it never read accurately Following Mooney SB M20-150A for degaussing procedures, my IA and I took about 10 swipes with a degaussing coil to knock down the error to about 10 degrees and the internal compensators were able to correct off that. My home airport had a compass rose and all cardinal directions are true within 3 degrees Time for a new compass correction card and time to call the DPE. And thanks again to Stallings Aircraft Propeller. When the time comes to send my 3-blade Hartzell out, I know where it's going.
  19. I would absolutely love to. My dream is to fly King Air's or Citations. A&P would be a plus!
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