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Everything posted by RLCarter

  1. At least it started out as a Mooney
  2. I have one cap that is rotated like above(tab not pointing straight back) and one that is correct (tab points straight back), it doesnt bother me too bad or I would fix it....lol
  3. Love or Stupidity? It's both, some won't understand but those of us that do will cheer you on.
  4. Add in a little moisture, a few carbon tracks and now you have a starting issue. A buddy puts a light bulb next to the mags on his Ag-Cat to keep the moisture at bay, Hot days, cool nights and a Sea Breeze off the Gulf of Mexico doesn't help
  5. Wouldn't pulling up an Approach been faster?
  6. Forgot to mention, Welcome aboard and Thank both of you for your Service
  7. Sounds like an ignition issue, Shower of Sparks and/or a Magneto?
  8. and that is why I hold my caps in my hand, ck the level and color and install the caps
  9. Nice looking bird, the 1st annual can be an eye opener but it's behind you now.
  10. Flip the carpet over, mine was marked on the back but not cut out
  11. I'm not denying the benefits in the cockpit, any time you can increase SA, safety increases as well. The byproduct of ADS-B was we got it in the aircraft, but the purpose was for ATC use and that's the were the issues are, phase II is being worked on because phase I has fallen short and technology is advancing faster than they can use it. Do I think the FAA should scrap it? Yes, but leave what is in place there, add it to your aircraft if you want either in or out, but it's not the solution for ATC, beside the FAA said with ADS-B they could safely pack us in tighter, ask yourself if that is really what you want.
  12. Falsifying or was there an error on the times? My logs show 2 entries for the Tachometer being replaced, several entries later after each time the Tach time only gets picked up a carried forward and error continues. I've now have a log entry that shows current Tach time and Total Time in Service. Also while looking at the W&B docs there were several errors over the many years.
  13. Looking out the windscreen still provides the best picture of what's in front of you, ADS-B offers a great deal of situational awareness, but the concept of using it for aircraft separation by ATC hasn't worked as planned. Even if it rolls out there will still be aircraft that are non-ADS-B it won't see.
  14. @JeffMirs when I ordered my airtex I asked if I had plastic or carpet under the Jbar on the floor , which it didn't. The carpet I received was 1 large piece for the floor, a T shaped piece that went between seat rails behind the Jbar block on the floor and 2 for around the nose gear well and the baggage area floor.
  15. @donkaye I agree, there are great benefits in the cockpit, but there are still issues they can't get ironed out
  16. 14+ billion spent on something that I think will be scrapped as 2020 nears
  17. I was NEVER that young, Alex! You da man!!!
  18. Get a current pitot static ck (if expired), fix/replace the radios and start training. Standard 6 pk panels makes it nice when jumping between different aircraft. I flew 2 different aircraft getting my IR and the only thing that was the same was they were both Cessnas. Hand flying an approach to minimums has a great since of accomplishment, Auto Pilots and GPS's are nice but not required
  19. My suggestion would be do it under the supervision of an A&P untill you feel comfortable on your own
  20. It's under the dog house and it's a strap on the case center line bolt
  21. I use heat shrink tubing, I use zip ties to hold it in place and I do not apply heat to shrink it over knife connectors
  22. The bendable eye, a little hard to drive at first but well worth it
  23. Have I spent $100 bucks making $50.00 part? Yes I have, but generally time or availability plays into the equation
  24. Nor do you count the cost of the Lathe, Milling machine or any of the tooling.......
  25. Same here, its there if needed, use an iPad mini with most everything shut off except what is needed, can get 4-1/2 to 5 hours before needing to charge
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