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Everything posted by RLCarter

  1. There definitely is a shortage in deep S. Texas, been through 4 in the past year trying to finish my commercial
  2. Under the GI bill does it have to be a part 141 school or can you pay out of pocket with an independent CFII and turn in your paid invoices for reimbursements?
  3. I run 30 as per the POH but curious cause I run what is recommend on the tire for everything else. Short story, old guy with an old Harley (1968) bitched that it handled bad, test ride confirmed it was like riding a slinky, bumped the psi up to what was stated on the tires and the issue went away. Personally I might switch to the tire manufacturers recommended psi and see if there is a difference
  4. Just for the record, you flash the Armature NOT the Field
  5. direct short somewhere, my guess is generator
  6. I started flying back in the late 70's, there is a ton of situational improvements since then. I would get the father-in law in the right seat and let him see it in action, he still has the aviation bug, you just have to bring it out. I will say that you had better bring your "A" game so stack the deck in your favor, severe clear, calm, cooler temps, minimal traffic..... You get the picture. And with all flights it can be text book perfect but you'll only be graded by the landing
  7. Good ending to a bad story. Years ago getting ready for me PPL check ride the DPE asked if I doing a preflight or an annual. We've all rushed a flight and generally its uneventful, but shit can go south in a hurry as you just saw
  8. Had to turn mine down (25 rpm), IA threatened to take my b-day away......
  9. Chrome won't get ya home, but it looks good setting there
  10. They show up on eBay with the shafts for like $2k from time to time
  11. I think I check that the gear is down like 10 or 15 times... maybe more
  12. Wires are my big issue, I've pulled a bunch out that was cut dead on one or both ends. Brittian's website has a Mooney section and they sent me a bunch of documents to get things figured out, just haven't done it yet
  13. A well maintained grass strip is easier on an aircraft than concrete/asphalt. A buddy has a grass strip at his house, looks like a 2500ft putting green
  14. BI-201 Magnetic Heading Sensor 42 / 62
  15. It's part of the Brittian auto pilot
  16. slow the Johnson bar rotation down just a bit, it will still be faster gear retract than anything else. I've undone the buckle on a few people lowering the gear if i go too fast
  17. Split the cost of 55gal with someone else or several people for that matter,
  18. Yep, it was time for new tires
  19. Being a tool guy my theory has always been "if I have to barrow, I might as well just get my own"
  20. The Appliances take the longest to figure out, an old compliance record is a good start but might not be complete......I got with my IA and had him help with Appliances
  21. I used the FAA's site and created a "Master" AD list (spreadsheet), it's broken down in 4 sections (Air Frame, Power Plant, Prop and Appliance). The master list shows ALL of the AD's found, columns are AD#, Date, Description and Note. AD's that do not apply are in gray text and the reason given in the Notes, One time AD's reference the date of the Log Book entry in the Note, reoccurring AD's are in Bold and easy to spot. I printed each AD that applied and any Service Bulletin or any reference material noted in the AD. I keep the Referance material in a seperate binder than the AD's so the A&P/IA can view them at the same time without flipping too many pages. New AD's are added to the Master List and AD/Reference printed as needed. A new Master listed is printed anytime an AD is complied with and at Annual, there is a place at the bottom of each page of the Master for the A&P/IA's signature, license # and date. It took several weeks working on it when I had time but once it's done it's easy to keep up with, I think I've added 2 new AD's in 3 years.
  22. That ring looks to have been broken for a long time
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