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Everything posted by RLCarter

  1. A complete exhaust is going to be spendy, buying used or having yours rebuilt might be a better option. You might also look into a PowerFlow exhaust system
  2. You need a complete exhaust or just certain items?
  3. Growing up in Harlingen and less than a mile from the CAF I could see FiFi's vert stab from my bedroom window. It's awesome that there a pair of them now
  4. @BulletsRockts&MissilesOhMy, @Jeff_S Is selling this Icon portable
  5. Why are you calling YOUR insurance company? The FBO should pay not you. Mis-fueling happens and if you catch it before startup you are pretty lucky, should be a simple drain, flush and re-fuel. I would have rather my A&P drain the Jet-A out sooner than Monday, but that's just me
  6. I got mine back in the early 80's, they were used when I got them and still going strong
  7. Grab an A&P or IA and look it over, focus on the big ticket items. I purchased a 65 E that hadn’t seen much action and rolled the dice on it, I had 10k cash sitting and waiting on the known items, ended up being just north of 12k. Would I do it again? Sure, why not, I like doing mechanical work and on an airplane there is always something that can use some attention. There have been several planes on here that have been resurrected, and if you can do most of the labor under the supervision of an A&P i’d say go for it.
  8. Not sure why they didn’t do the right side light at the same time and offer a package, it’s not like someone would run an LED and strobe on only one side
  9. He has Eagle Eyes
  10. Not get me wrong, removing the seal is the easy part, installing the new seal incorrectly will ruin the seal. I applaud you for wanting to learn your aircraft but my suggestion is to wait and have your A&P looking over your shoulder.
  11. check the ground , one lead where it attaches to the bulb the other to the air frame, my bet is a bad ground
  12. Is this an LED?
  13. Really surprised this isn’t getting any comments, the DRX is dirt cheap, almost not worth messing with the Raspberry Pi
  14. You can lay the gasket on a copier or scanner then just email it
  15. Training with 1 nav wouldn't bother me seeing how more than likely it would be in VMC, IMC would be a different story. Most all of my IR was in a 172, I did several hrs in a 150 with 1 com/nav and no GS on the nav head, no big deal
  16. Ahhh, it's your Cessna and not a rental. Take the 140 to get the Mooney, CFI flies the Mooney home you fly the 140 back
  17. Not sure what to tell ya about the 10hrs, but if your working on your IR why not do it all in the Mooney?
  18. There was a thread not too long ago on MS , heres the link G5 Install
  19. Busted.....
  20. A table outside makes it easier, removing the rear baggage bulkhead allows for a fan in the baggage area which you'll need some air flow this time of the year
  21. Several years ago Russell Stallings was tell me about a rear seat passenger that had inadvertently slide the handle out of the up block (the one on the floor) with his foot while in cruise, other than the surprise there was no damage
  22. Chances are your insurance won't require any so that just leaves you to make the decision, if your comfortable, go enjoy your new bird.
  23. WOW.... Thought someone on here said they were like $150 a pair, it might be time to fire up the CNC, the Mooney drawing for both the 1.5" and 3" extensions are on MS somewhere, if you can't find the drawing I might have them saved on my PC at the house
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