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Everything posted by Aerodon

  1. I'm not sure why you ended up with a fuel pressure transducer - normally only supplied with non-turbocharged engines. But if you had a fuel flow gauge that was also marked in psi, and the fuel pressure limitations in the handbook, that would explain it. Then use the fuel pressure line that used to go to the FF gauge. But as far as i know most of the later Mooneys had FF measured with a Hoskins or similar fuel flow transducer and display? As others have replied, your two FQ transducers are already connected together. If they are resistive, you should be able to look at the electrical diagram for your plane and figure out where you can find these wires in the cockpit (usually a CPC connector). Then you need to connect the JPI 'black box' to convert this into a voltage signal for the EDM900 Send me you serial number, I will try find an electrical schematic and provide some help. supercub180@gmail.com Aerodon
  2. The bottom of the Mooney panel is rolled back with a 1/2" radius. If you mount the jacks on an angle bracket at the back of this, then the jacks or somewhat recessed and protected. I even prefer mounting them vertically (like Cessna) in order to protect the jacks and cables. Aerodon
  3. Nice layouts, what software are you using? Look for a vertical 'Artex ELT switch - I prefer locating it on the RHS. No clock? No dimmer switch? I also don't like the idea of iPads on the panel - will be redundant and the next one won't fit. A vertical Garmin Area 760 would be nice on the copilots side. I like the remote audio panel, remote transponder. I don't see your second nav com, are you thinking the GNC255 can be mounted remotely and controlled with the G3x? You second navcom is more important than the GTN750 - this is the one that is wired as 'more failsafe' so that if your audio panel stops working, or GTN screen goes dark, you still have a radio straight through to the headsets. I think you will get an SL30 in your main stack if you go remote audio? And you are missing the annunciator panel. It gets
  4. The installation instructions refer to installing the switch near the throttle like yours, or on the control wheel LHS. I assume the thinking is your left hand is on the control wheel and your right hand is on or near the throttle. Mine is on the control wheel LHS and I like it there. Aerodon
  5. You are looking for a welding supply shop, not welding shop. I used the local Praxair distributor to get any of the western enterprises fittings. You might have to order some, but its worth the wait. http://westernenterprises.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Industrial-Catalog-2018.pdf These are my go to guys for all oxygen fittings, its not very expensive to build up a couple of hoses (even long ones) to fill your airplane and portable bottles. Remember, the longer the hose, the more gas you lose on every fill. And they have some neat converter and adaptors, it's feasible to make hoses with one fitting for the oxygen bottle and one for the airplane side without multiple nipples, adaptors, bushings etc. If you can read a catalog, you won't have much difficulty. There are fittings here that will connect directly to the small and large size scott fittings on the airplane, and also the standard CGA540 bottles. Then you can keep a nice set of hoses in your plane, keep them clean and either fill yourself or lend to the FBO you are visiting etc., I also bought a set of wrenches specifically for my oxygen filling kit to protect my fittings. Aerodon
  6. Depends, if you get the CiES resistive output transducers, they will do the same thing as your original transducers, including the output to the annunciator panel. My low fuel lights work with the CiES transducers. Now I am installing and EDM900, it can still use the resistive CiES or the capacitive CiES transducers. The EDM has on-screen low fuel warnings and 2 outputs for low fuel. I doubt this will be compatible with the Mooney panel (unless you by-pass the internal circuits) but it will be compatible with external bulbs. One of the challenges in making up a new annunciator 'row' is how to dim the lights. I have a drawing somewhere from a late model Saratoga - they have a relay that provides multiple sound signals to ground, or through resistor to ground for dimming. I am going to try making annunciators using the ridiculously expensive but nice Eaton labelled annunciators. Aerodon
  7. I have a complete 4 or 6 cylinder used EDM830 with an all new harness, probes, transducers, etc. $2400 for 4, $2600 for 6 cylinder. And when will you ever learn, I am getting tired of taking EDM830's back in trade for new EDM900 or 930 systems. I can beat the best advertised street price by $100 and give free shipping from the factory. supercub180@gmail.com Aerodon
  8. I tried finding some information on these, does anybody have a list of the 'Alerts' and sounds that it can annunciate? And a wiring diagram or pinout? I believe it will work with a KFC-150 and KFC-225. Aerodon
  9. The last plane I purchased I secured with a $1000 deposit after my initial inspection and I had about 3 weeks to do a pre-purchase and close. The one before was a $5000 deposit with the same 2 or 3 weeks to do a PPI and close. You have too get your head around the rest of the contract and disclosure to that point. If the seller has already told you one radio isn't working, compressions are low, prop is due for an inspection, and the plane is priced to reflect that, then don't expect much of a discussion. But if you find AD's that are not done, major corrosion etc. that make the plane not-airworthy, and the seller won't fix or deduct, then you should be able to get your money back. Aerodon
  10. that looks like the sludge that comes out of the oil breather tube?
  11. I have a couple of sets of pedals with the 1.5" extensions installed. You can take the 2 pedals and extensions for $300 (one pair) or just the 2 extensions and pins to modify your pedals for $150. You only need 1 pin, washers and new cotter pins to install each pedal (included). Aerodon supercub180@gmail.com
  12. I would say that the airplane running/charging is hard on the batteries, but it is only for say 100hrs a year. I've bought into the concept that a simple 'battery tender' is not good enough to leave connected to your airplane for the other 8700hours a year. I believe the temperature charts and voltages set for individual brands of batteries on the BatteryMinder series. If you have the 2 battery system and use the splitter, one battery will be looked after, the other not so much. How this manifests over time, I do not know. Golf cart operators have the luxury of having enough batteries in the maintenance shop to put together a balanced set. Google 'battery balancing' and you will see many articles and products. To me, the point of spending $250 on a Battery Minder is to look after a $1000 battery and extend its life by many years. So if I had a plane with 2 batteries, I would buy 2 BatteryMinders. Or experiment with alternating the chargers every / week or month. I would also use B1 more often than B2 so that I would not be buying 2 new batteries at the same time. Its not like a golf cart where you are trying to match the capacities. I've had very good experience with Concorde AGM batteries, typically 8-12 years on a battery. The only other thing I can add is that the life of you battery is dramatically affected by degree of discharge and operating temperature. A 20% discharge will give you 3000 cycles. A 60% discharge will give you 1000 cycles. Operating at 25C will last twice as long as 35C. Aerodon
  13. It's also dependant on the age of the plane, I think it has something to do with the fact that up until 1996 or thereabouts, the TC of the plane was recognized by TC through the bilateral agreements. Then it became more of an individual recognition. So yes, I think this is a spin off of the MAX and CRJ political issues. Or just straight bureaucracy at its best. Aerodon
  14. Watch out, that is a glass lens and if it falls... I think it needs to come off to get the bulb out, and it looks like it is wired in place. I think those bulbs are hard to find, and there was a replacement holder available from Mooney. I purchased some LED replacements and they did not fit. I used that as an excuse to buy Aveo wingtips without rear white lights, and then install combined LED/strobe on the rudder. Overall, I would abandon those lights and get a rudder mounted strobe / nav. Its an easy install on the rudder, but not so easy to get the nav light wire to the front. I have not done it yet. Aerodon
  15. seaerospace.com is great for finding out what the different dash numbers for a variety of avionics are. Aerodon
  16. I'm on the fence, should / should I not install these in my plane. I can ship with either 10-49, or 10-24D master cylinders for single / dual puck brake installations. The rest of the installation requires standard hardware available from aircraft spruce. I'm pretty sure these will fit all M20J/k's and on, not sure about the earlier models. Maybe someone wants them more than I? Aerodon
  17. I have a couple of sets of OEM pedals with extensions. They can be configured for copilot side by swapping the links from left to right. US$600 shipped to lower 48. Aerodon
  18. I thinks so, that you are wrong. I think the 420 is GPS com. I thought I was wrong once, but I was mistaken. Aerodon
  19. I think he moved to KS and had to change his name.
  20. There are two different pedal extension kits - the 1.5" extensions (easier to make and install) and the 3" extensions. I know where to find some. Aerodon
  21. These are good working Cleveland master cylinders removed from a 1986 M20K for upgrade. Help me offset some of my Encore upgrade cost. I believe they are also direct replacements for earlier Gerdes master cylinders. If you are ever thinking of installing copilot brakes, start your collection now. Aerodon supercub180@gmail.com
  22. I still have a factory print of your serial number: Aerodon
  23. It can be done, one of the instruments provides power, both get signal and ground. You might need diodes on the lines going to the 'un-powered' connection. I have a drawing somewhere, send me an email. Aerodon supercub180@gmail.com
  24. I did see a Mooney conversion kit somewhere, seemed to be a different bulb holder. I'll look around and try find it again. Aerodon Found It: Search for 'Nav Light' 940103 on the Mooney service bulletins.
  25. The diverter valve turns off fuel to the fuel control unit and injectors and re-routes it to a priming nozzle in the manifold. So an inadvertent operation or partial failure of the unit itself causes big problems. The 'new way' is to prime directly through the injectors, which intuitively seems to be a much better way of getting fuel to all cylinders. But make sure you have the new style drain valves, my understating is they prevent hydraulic locking if you overprime. One less item to fail or maintain. Aerodon
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