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Everything posted by peevee

  1. 90 percent of the time you can skip the altitude too, once mode C is verified it really doesn't need to be verified again in that facility. This probably isn't one of those times. But no one cares anyway. Having something ahead of the callsign is kind of good, it works as a buffer so you don't clip the front half your tail #
  2. Don't take up the guys frequency. It's annoying Tbh.
  3. Logs removed
  4. 40 hours? That's like a week tops !
  5. Not for awhile like. . . Tomorrow?
  6. I believe it's 2k hours. Haven't found the one yet. It's a LB
  7. Sold.........
  8. It is tied to the glareshield on ours. Ours didn't work for a long time and now does. The instrument lights don't work now
  9. I talked to him about it. He said he out it on trade a plane but I can't find it yet. Sounds like a pretty clean basic rocket. I think he said 700stoh and 1700smoh and he's asking 135. When I find the ad I'll post it.
  10. So uh, you gonna sell that rocket?
  11. Probably saw it then. Was up yesterday looking at a k
  12. no contact info in the ad, so I PM'd you a couple times. Maybe it's sold.
  13. BTW, you saw there's one in the classifieds here, I assume? side question, our 231 doesn't have a hot prop but a lot of the 231/252/and rockets do. What IS the advantage of a hot prop without tks anyway?
  14. It's nice for sure, but parts of the wings have been reskinned twice, replacing some ribs the second time around and the empenage replaced with a used, and it sat for 3 years.
  15. Cool, well. It looks like they'll do our PPI then. Getting the ball rolling.
  16. Wearing o2 doesn't bother me or my wife in the least. Getting it filled does, it's a hassle around here. Easily remedied with your own transfill setup. Would I take pressurized? Sure! But I'm good with the tradeoffs.
  17. I never thought about rainx. I should do the leading edges just to see if it's easier to remove bugs.
  18. thinking about it, if the price comes together.
  19. They were not, but with the broker being on field it makes me nervous to use a mechanic on field also
  20. We're talking about a plane in willmar with a broker, and I'm wondering if it would be safe to take it to willmar flying service for the PPI. I think we're all a little nervous about using a shop in the same small town as the broker. Maybe Oasis or Red Wing would be a better idea?
  21. And super cooled liquid droplets behave differently from both. That's the problem.
  22. Problem with hydrophobic coatings seems to have been that ice behaves differently from water and they don't work. I think this looks promising though: http://www.battelle.org/newsroom/press-releases/battelle-heatcoat-anti-icing-technology-for-drones-passes-milestone
  23. probably wd40... and urine. I think it was piloto.
  24. This.
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