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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. You guys should team up. The key to wiring projects is to triple check your work, diagnosing wiring issues is difficult. Much better off taking the extra time up front to do it right.
  2. Treasure Coast Avionics at Fort Pierce, FL. Florida doesn’t charge sales tax for aviation equipment and labor. So when considering quotes across states it’s something to consider.
  3. The Garmin salesman was confused. I PAID 30 for G3X, AV20S and 3 servo GFC500 which included redoing the entire panel including circuit breakers, switches, etc. This was a couple of years ago so it would be higher now. But these offhand quotes are useless, so are estimates posted on the internet. You need to have a dealer look at your plane and panel and give you a written estimate, for either D or G. Talk is cheap (or expensive), get a written estimate, that’s the only way you will know.
  4. Yeah, it’s about 20% on glass panels, Dynon doesn’t bundle its parts together (like STC, GPS, etc) so if you only look at advertise panel prices they look way cheaper. Garmins retail prices have gone up as well in the last few years, but most dealers cut their prices on hardware because they make money on the installation labor. The only way to compare is to get a quote for each. Then you have to decide if Garmin is worth the extra money.
  5. I don’t know where you got that from, I compared what I actually paid for a Garmin 10” panel and autopilot to same configuration using Dynons own spreadsheet, they’re close the same. And Garmin doesn’t quote installations, that’s a dealers responsibility. 100k?! That’s not a real quote, that’s a joke
  6. No way, not unless Garmin drastically increase their prices lately, I only paid about 18k for 3 servo GFC500 and G3X a few years ago.
  7. I don’t like the way they handle the trim either. They’re yaw damper is less than Garmins but otherwise, I added the all the HDX/AP hardware up and it’s little more than what I paid a few years ago for the G3X/GFC500 hardware. If you think it’s a better system, then great, but I would not do it just to save money. Nice to see another option and some competition.
  8. A little further south at Fort Pierce, Chips Custom Painting. I’d expect them to much less than $28k….wow, that’s like a 100% increase in less than 10 years.
  9. Put me in this column if it’s not stupidly expensive.
  10. Don’t know, but if you look closely at the body above his head it looks like he has eaten something.
  11. Never seen one climb, they usually stay on the ground.
  12. If I’m being vectored which is the great majority of the time, I would have a hard time getting slowed down to 90 kias without pulling power enough to make the gear warning sound. This is where speed brakes come in handy.
  13. I think all routes will basically follow the interstates.
  14. If you want interoperability with other older equipment, you should get G500 TXi, the G3X I think only works with modern digital equipment.
  15. I think 2 is no, I can’t change the GTN frequencies, but I can with 255. But that may be because I don’t the necessary connection, all my GTN RS232 ports are being used.
  16. I don’t know where the $18k came from, as I said, 100 hours at $100/hr is $10k…certainly not trivial but not ridiculous by any stretch for a glass panel and autopilot installation. I never said I expected to get operating costs back, just pointing out you do get some of the avionics upgrade costs back at sale and 10-20 years of operating costs will dwarf the net costs of a avionics upgrade.
  17. Years of paying hangar rent, insurance, avgas, maintenance will dwarf the labor costs and unlike avionics upgrades you won’t get any of that money back when you sell.
  18. Define ridiculous? My G3X/GFC500 installation was 100 hours, I think that’s very reasonable.
  19. I went through the Dynon calculator and its 10” is more expensive then what I paid for the G3X 4 years ago. So I don’t know Garmins current prices, but it doesn’t seem to be much, I would pick the best solution, not the cheapest.
  20. Grease is easy to clean compared to the gray exhaust (lead) gunk.
  21. Mooney may have manufactured 11,000 but I think the existing fleet is 7000.
  22. Better leave tomorrow if you’re going to go, or wait till Saturday.
  23. Its now got a name: Helene.
  24. Given the right conditions which I rarely see in the southeast US, I make book. I do have some speed mods.
  25. Here’s one: https://www.controller.com/listing/for-sale/235125125/1979-mooney-m20k-231-piston-single-aircraft But it may not be original. I don’t think I have seen a refurbished one with the armrest. With popularity of iPads and glass panels, the right hand gets plenty of use.
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