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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. My venier throttle doesn’t have a button, it’s just a normal knob that you can twist if you need to make fine adjustments.
  2. No, I’m not sure what protocol is being used, but it syncs flight plans so I thought that’s in MapMX and not aviation protocol?
  3. FWIW, I have a 660 hardwired and it doesn’t have this problem, but it’s hardwired to the G3X. The certified division doesn’t play well with the others. This and the fact the 650 wasn’t designed to be a plug in replacement for the 430 is an indication the upper management at Garmin is not the best.
  4. Easier said than done, there’s not a single one that can compare to mine. All those who have posted about upgrading their planes are not selling and probably won’t be for a long time.
  5. Despite the glass panels, they kept the vacuum pump, so there’s almost 10lbs, if they have an electric backup it would be more like 20. The older autopilot servos are much heavier than modern GFC500, and don’t most Es just have wing levelers? I can’t tell if seats are upgraded to match the modern yokes, but articulated seats are heavier. Speed mods, thicker glass, electric gear, speed brakes, wing tips etc, it all adds up. They’ve tried to make it a J, except without the Js higher weight limit.
  6. What is the old TV looking screen below the tail number placard?
  7. Did they follow the procedure (level the plane, put seats in proper positions, etc)? Those speed mods will add weight, so will a paint job if they don’t strip the old paint.
  8. Isn’t about 10 gallons less if you have speed brakes?
  9. even if it becomes a hurricane you won’t see hurricane winds, so it comes down to if you’re low enough for storm surge to be a problem.
  10. Why? Comparing the premium for an Acclaim tied down to a C in hangar is not going to tell you anything useful.
  11. Wow, that’s bulky, I expected something more like the Oura.
  12. I understand the logic, but if we only used logic we probably wouldn’t have bought an airplane in the first place.
  13. Is there a reason not to have the RTV entirely fill the cavity so no water can get in between and pop the gauge out when it freezes?
  14. I assume “gps navigator” in the AFMS implies certified GPS.
  15. I’d do some troubleshooting: .https://zeftronics.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Z14PS.pdf
  16. Js have limitations on their engines (rpm/mp), so you are restricted in what engine settings. They’re only like 12lbs. I occasionally find them convenient, could I do without them, sure. Of course I could do without modern avionics too, but they are nice to have. A personal plane is a luxury, speed brakes are just another luxury.
  17. I have them and I use them. When asked to keep your speed up, when slam dunked or even when coming over a mountain range and you need to get down quickly. I think they will cost 12-15 AMUs, so would wait to see how often you wish you had them.
  18. Paint jobs need to be quoted, depends on which color (red is $), number of colors, metallic or not, etc.
  19. I have the 1st edition, great resource. Here is an 81 for $348750, I think they could use it as well: https://www.trade-a-plane.com/search?make=MOONEY&model_group=MOONEY+M20+SERIES&model=M20J+201&listing_id=2431320&s-type=aircraft
  20. My shop did this as well, AP bottom left, Alt Field top left, I don’t bother with the collars. With modern avionics and LED lights the current draw is pretty low, I would just focus on landing the plane unless I’m more than a hour away from a suitable airport.
  21. Annunciator is on a separate circuit with it’s own circuit breaker.
  22. I assume one of those things is the manifold pressure sensor needs calibration.
  23. If it’s the relay, mine is installed in the footwell, looks like this: It’s installed in a socket, try pulling it, using electronic cleaner and see if that makes a difference. Notice you have easy access to check connections with a multimeter.
  24. If both aren’t working, I would check the switch first.
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