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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. An oil filter is critical single point of failure component. Not only do we not need a 337 if we change brands, but owners are allowed to do the work.
  2. I would check the log (on sdcard) and look for disconnect and see what errors if any.
  3. I don’t think a 337 is necessary, sounds like a very minor mod which only requires a signature. A 337 is for a major modification. I’ve seen it replaced with toggle switches.
  4. The door grabs the latch at the top of the door frame, this can become loose and needs to be adjusted and tightened.
  5. I used dry silicone spray so it doesn’t attract dirt.
  6. Venice Italy or Florida?
  7. If you want to convince yourself if you need it, just a quick push on the rudder and watch how quickly it settles down, it’s like a second in my J. Now the V tails need it.
  8. When you lean do all the cylinders peak at about the same fuel flow?
  9. $135?! Just so you can be wireless, which isn’t true, you still have the probes, it just uses smartphone to display. Im not a CB, but I could buy 13 digital multimeters for that.
  10. Intake valve guide but no exhaust valve guide?
  11. Smart glide and VNAV.
  12. Add it to your preflight check list?
  13. If I thump the baggage door by the handle it will pop out a little (1/4” or so) but no more.
  14. https://www.aircraftcovers.com Bruce’s covers are popular, I have no first hand experience.
  15. And you wonder why your posts were deleted?
  16. From their website: *** Trim control features including Autopilot Auto-Trim require the installation of the SV-AP-TRIMAMP and SV-AP-PANEL. The aircraft must also have an electric trim system installed via original equipment, an existing STC, or other certification means. The SkyView STC is not grounds for installation of a trim motor.
  17. One main difference is Garmin replaces the trim servo, Dynon requires electric trim to be installed and uses it.
  18. I have parts with SL, AEL, LW, and no prefix at all, I assume AEL and SL are different manufacturers (superior, continental, etc).
  19. TAP has a couple in your price range but none with a 430.
  20. I would be surprised if engine shops, even the big ones, ordered any parts prior to an overhaul, there’s just too much variation and ADs not to order it when it’s required. Id bet an adult beverage your parts were ordered after the deposit was made. Find that date and I would use it.
  21. The log entry may not have this much detail, check other paperwork they gave you. This is where I found it in my case.
  22. I overhauled in 2019 so this shouldn’t be an issue, but when I look at the logs I don’t see any rod assemblies, just individual parts. And there’s no serial numbers so I guess they can only go by the dates. I wonder if shops will check their records and send out notices if for no other reason than to protect against liability.
  23. Since I don’t have the step, it will probably happen when getting on and off the wing becomes a chore.
  24. I don’t understand your previous post about the cabling being difficult, it’s a D-shell connector, 2 screws…should be simple and a 2 minute operation to disconnect or reconnect.
  25. 8 years?! I think they should last 20 years or more.
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