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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. Higher pressures = higher horsepower. As long as the engine is operating correctly, it’s no problem. That’s reason they went to 20° timing BTW, was to improve the detonation margin.
  2. 7000’ before leaning the mixture?! You’re just dumping avgas out your muffler. I start by 3000’, I use the rule; 19-altitude in 1000s = fuel flow, so at 3000’ I set the FF to 16. That’s more than enough to keep the mixture rich and gets you close to best power. I also pull power on a descent, it usually starts getting bumpy at lower altitudes, why stress out my airframe, and me.
  3. I do it all the time, you can extrapolate from the table if you want to.
  4. There’s many variables when it comes to speed and engine power. My top speed varies 7 knots just on weather conditions (hot, humid =slow, cold,dry = fast). Us Floridian pilots are always at a disadvantage when it comes to bragging rights. Then there are mods like powerflow exhaust, propellers, etc. Then there is instrumentation errors, and pilot errors (intentional or not). Using what’s posted on the internet is like rummaging through the garbage, you’re not going to get anything worthwhile.
  5. I’m more than just skeptical. The airframe drag coefficient for a Mooney is .0173, the Cardinal is .0258. So unless the Mooneys engine/prop is unbelievably worse in efficiency than the Cardinal, the numbers are BS.
  6. I think those without a step will find it more difficult when they get older.
  7. I can’t get down to 80 without using the speed brakes or go into a climb, Js have a 15” MP limitation. Of course I can do the latter in VFR, but IFR you can’t plan and have often been slam dunked, speed brakes become a necessity in that case. I’ve had a bracket holding the gear door break on both my doors, I now wait for 120 or less.
  8. I responded to the post that Dynon hardware (2 screens plus AP I think) cost $35k, what would total cost with installation. I figured 150 hours at $100/hr, so $50k. It did not include GPS, audio, etc, only the Dynon boxes.
  9. $20k.
  10. Isn’t there a bolt making metal to metal contact?
  11. You don’t “need” a Mooney either, you wanted it. It’s all about what you want and what you can afford. You live only once, fly what you want. When I started I use an old 152 for my PP and then went to a G1000 172 for my instrument. After that I knew I wanted a glass panel, it adds so much more situational awareness.
  12. I’ve never had a spark when connecting the ground wire. And if you do first, as prompted, there’s no gas fumes to worry about.
  13. I had mine done 9 years ago for $7500 by Aero Trim (Vero Beach) , but I didn’t do the yokes or glare shield. I kept the price down by not doing any fancy embroidery or complex design.
  14. SQL doesn’t have fuel onsite, a truck comes from somewhere and fills up planes that request it, usually the next day.
  15. Hmm, never heard of a variable ground. The transistors seem like an unnecessary complication. The J models have a circuit that comes into play when navigation lights are on, used to dim the landing gear annunciator light, don’t know if older models have that.
  16. The AML only means this switch was used by the manufacturer. It has NOTHING to do with whether it’s a major modification.
  17. I know my shop didn’t have to do any disassembly.
  18. I’ve been to Cutter at KCOS and thought they were great.
  19. By that reasoning, replacing the rocker circuit breaker/switches would require a 337. You’ve effectively eliminated minor alterations, everything not in the parts manual would require a 337. I can make a owner produce part, clearly not in the parts manual, and have it installed without a 337. 14 CFR Part 43 Appendix A lists examples of major alterations and the ignition switch is not included.
  20. You can try adding MMO to your oil to clean the valve stems to see if it helps.
  21. A paint shop can get it I’m sure.
  22. The ignition switch OP referenced does get rid of the AD, and requires no panel modifications, it basically has the same external design except it doesn’t require a push to start, it starts like a car with turning it to the start position.
  23. I did, it was always in an aggressive attitude, but that was a few years ago. First thing I would do is have all the software updated.
  24. I thought they had a rebuild kit for these switches, much cheaper than a new switch?
  25. So does the signature take precedence over future IAs? Lets say you take it to a new shop that needs to raise their income, can a new IA start looking over your old log entries and declaring them not airworthy?
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