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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. Wow, I don't care what it cost, IMHO it was worth it And given the recent court cases against Lycoming it's hard to blame manufacturers for trying to protect themselves
  2. Texas is known for large hail, might want to spend extra $ to have your plane hangered
  3. I just completed mine as well, removed old style, gave them a more modern look (no welt seems, more bucket seat like), old: New: Fixed various cracks, took out ashtrays, work done by Aero Trim at KFPR
  4. We really need a FAQ
  5. That's pretty common, here is an extreme example: http://www.controller.com/listingsdetail/aircraft-for-sale/MOONEY-M20J-201/1995-MOONEY-M20J-201/1346107.htm 140 total hours in 20 years!! Does he have a history of oil analysis? How often were the oil changes, once a year?! Has it been hangered? With an engine with only 250 hrs, if you pay a premium for low time engine you need to make sure it's good. If the engine had 1750 hrs, you price it as a runout and don't have much to lose. If the answers to my ?s are no, 1, no I would plan on an extensive prebuy, looking for corrosion in the airframe and the engine, both expensive because it requires some disassembly
  6. Take example of a 600nm trip, at 150k it's a 4 hour trip, at 140k, it takes 17 minutes longer, not really a huge difference.
  7. I think you can throttle down on a E or F and get equal or better burn rate. A J certainly will.
  8. Not to mention aluminum, which the pistons are made of
  9. It specifically states it does not, now how far off it is I don't know Also, it doesn't match the POH tables for the J anyway
  10. Any mag work? Maybe timing is not quite right? New air filter, restriction in the air intake? Go up and compare performance numbers vs POH at high power and low power settings, including fuel flow, airspeed. Could be instrument error, maybe a leak, which would be more at higher speeds.
  11. I don't think you need a full display, a warning light or an error code from the transponder would suffice.
  12. I thought 337s had to be submitted to FAA? You can go online and order a CD with all submitted paperwork for your plane
  13. Sarasota avionics has a special: $5789 for a GNS To GTN upgrade. Also, if upgrading I'm don't know why you need more panel space?
  14. +1 on the engine monitor, also allows you to lean as you climb
  15. And you do it with less fuel, which is a neat trick Also, check out fuel rate at 10000, your fuel rate drops 26% but HP only drops 6%....another neat trick that defies the laws of physics
  16. Wow, feel for the families as well as the instructor of the 16 year old student pilot, can't imagine what he is going through.
  17. Yea Hank, I didn't explain it very well, basically I was saying is I set the engine to less than 65% HP first, whatever those numbers are for your engine, then you lean without worrying about hurting the engine, also pointing out you can't use altitude alone, at higher RPM, I'll be at higher HP, don't know if C has performance tables the J has.
  18. Jose, I don't want to spend your money [emoji1], but looks like you have the panel space for a full color monitor, did you consider it?
  19. On a J, when at 4000' and 2200 RPM, you are at reduced power, but at higher RPMs you are not, you want to be below 65% HP, so after leveling out, set power, RPM as desired, then mixture...
  20. 1. It would take me over water: ocean, gulf, Great Lakes and you don't have raft or life preservers 2. Avoid class B airspace 3. Avoid a mountain 4. Avoid a restricted airspace, MOA, etc. 5. Weather 6. IFR you always vectored onto an airway it seems 7. GPS NOTAM, RAIM failure, so you go old school and fly VORs, airways just in case
  21. It leaves me around 40-50 LOP, YMMV, but I think if your engine gets rough on the ROP side you have a problem
  22. GTN650 requires 2 pushes per letter, unless letter is near previous Flightstream 210 displays ADSB traffic and weather on big screen of your iPad Without GDL88, the 210 has limited functionality
  23. Here in Florida you don't want to sit very long. Oil temp reaches 90F before the avionics have completed booting, cabin temps soon after Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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