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Everything posted by ArtVandelay

  1. It takes so long to do the updates I decided to try it while on a short local flight. I also introduced the SD card while in flight, now if you lose power during this process you might screw it up, so it might not be a smart thing to do? IIRC, you’ll get errors from the GTN during the process.
  2. The G3X will load databases when in motion, I’ve done this.
  3. On my model year, the circuit breaker panel is canted inwards. I have 3 panels, left, right, and CB, and prefer it that way.
  4. You can’t foresee problems that can cause jobs to go on longer than expected. For example, after I had my plane stripped I had some fuel leaks, so I had to get that fixed before having the plane painted. Due to weather (hurricane), my avionics upgrade was delayed, stuff happens. The avionics upgrade took the longest (4+ months). Rule #1, I only bring the plane in once all the necessary parts are in.
  5. First, has it always been this way, could be an installation issue. If not, it may need to be serviced, I had a problem where mine wouldn’t sync up altitudes. Have a avionics shop bench test it.
  6. Pumps don’t give any indication of failure just looking at it, there’s a drain that will leak fuel when pump needs an overhaul, there’s a drain screen just downstream should only be in case of pump failure. When mine started to leak I inspected it and it was perfectly clean. On my J the only paint I remember having to damage was around the screws
  7. The G3X takes about 12 minutes if updating all charts, the flitecharts, IFR takes most of the time IIRC. Even on the coldest of days, the engine warms up faster than the database update.
  8. The older ones have a 4 way relay that acts as the control box, but I would check the switch first in this case.
  9. C&K 16amp SPST switches available at any electronics retailer (digikey, mouser,etc).
  10. No, the problem is the space the extra switches will take up. FYI, The long body Mooneys have a larger (higher) panel, mid and short bodys don’t.
  11. I went with modern mini rocker switches, and there’s plenty of room for CBs without old legacy engine gauges.
  12. The GFC 507 doesn’t use the high speed bus, neither does any of the original experimental boxes (G3X, GDL50, G5), I think there’s a GAD 29B box in there as well. I put in a AV20S to serve as a tertiary AI backup, it’s completely self contained and doesn’t require any Garmin connections.
  13. That’s about a 120% inflation rate. But if you need it…although I don’t think many are going to do the 1000 hour service just because.
  14. Flightaware shows this tail number belongs to a Cessna 310 and hasn’t flown since 2006. So that brings up a lot of questions. Such low hours (41 hours per year) is not considered a good thing. Asking prices have dropped about 7% since last year, but it’s not like the market has crashed.
  15. I use a cable tie, the fat end I think will prevent it from falling in. Also you’ll need a small funnel if you don’t want to make a mess.
  16. I would keep the stripes/secondary colors off handles and control surfaces, to reduce extra weight on the surfaces and touch up around the handles easier.
  17. Some don’t even have that, just have to have something soft to rest it on if doing it singlehanded.
  18. You’re assuming it’s about the facts, the jury pool will probably hate the airport too. I can see it now, the slick lawyer during summation, “lead is harming the children and these 1%ers are literally poisoning them with their toys….”
  19. Maybe the mechanic had very little Mooney experience, so did it by the book without any shortcut knowledge. I imagine a experience Mooney mechanic could do it in less time.
  20. Yes, but you’ll need it lowered because of the left side of the panel turns down, probably to the yoke shaft cutout. Cut a piece of cardboard of the same dimensions and verify for yourself, or there’s a pdf you can print life size copies. Also having it shifted to the right makes it easier to work with, my left hand flies, my right hand does all the avionics controls. I didn’t want to have to the yoke interfere with my right arm.
  21. Mine isn’t, but it does result in the HSI being centered when in dual screen mode, which I always use. This was by choice, it also allows me to push it up higher.
  22. My case had a crack (it was leaking oil) around the alternator area, was told it couldn’t be repaired due to location and size. I just bit the bullet and got a new one. The difference between a reconditioned one and new was about $1000, I thought it was a no brainer, also had a new camshaft installed.
  23. Depends, if it was used as a trainer I would definitely discount it.
  24. I replaced all the control cables, they were original and I thought 40 years was enough. New alternator,refurbished all the baffling, just flushed the oil cooler since it had been replaced, repainted the engine mount. Some work I did myself to lessen the cost. I also had prop overhauled. I had to replace the case because it was cracked, probably because PO installed a non approved 130 amp alternator. I didn’t keep track of the all the costs, but it was close to 40k. Zephyr did mine, I didn’t have to pay shipping because I was close enough for them to send a guy to pick it up. And being Florida there was no sales tax.
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