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Everything posted by Ragsf15e

  1. Either jepp or garmin can now provide the required navdata as well as optional updates to terrain, airport directory, etc. Youll still need an account with either of them to update at least navdata to be ifr legal. Garmin seems to be a few bucks less for the same or more navdata coverage.
  2. I bet the limitation could come out when the ap is driven by a gi-275 in the future too.
  3. As noted above, gi-275 is an option. Better/newer than g5.
  4. There’s a reason Minden is a worldwide destination for gliders in the winter and it’s not the cuisine or the sandy beaches! You can take gliders into the 30s or higher in the wave along the Sierras there. I got my ppl at Minden and have flown gliders there although not in wave... the summer thermals are real strong too!
  5. I guess I just don’t see any issues with either of them. There will always be tradeoffs or have we found the perfect airplane or avionics? I use to fly the F-15E with 50,000lbs of thrust. It was awesome, but could sometimes be a “pig” at heavy weights or high altitude, so they upgraded the engines to give another 5,000lbs each. You know what, the pilots said it was awesome, but it would be even better with even more thrust! We will never settle for what is available, we’ll want more. I would be happy to have a gfc500 and I think they did pretty good with the cost vs capability tradeoff. If you want to wait for the gfc 600 to be certified for us (if ever) and pay a little more for a little more capability, that’s your decision, but I guarantee even the gfc600 made tradeoffs, so there’s probably something there we could find to complain about.
  6. No doubt, but the important part is where it gets its attitude solution... the gfc600 has its own attitude source in the controller. From the gfc600 manual “The GMC 605 contains internal sensors which calculate the aircraft attitude, allowing the GFC 600 to operate without relying on any external source of attitude. Flight Director mode logic as well as some autopilot management functions are performed within the GMC 605 main processor.”
  7. I think this has everything to do with the g5 and not really the gfc500. The g5 controls the gfc and is the brains. The g5 also requires gps to aid the attitude solution. It doesn’t go “red x” or totally fail attitude without gps, but it is slightly degraded. The old aspens used pitot/static to aid attitude solution and they did “red x” with a clogged pitot. Anyway, I doubt they could certify a precision approach capability with even a slightly degraded attitude solution which the g5 has without gps. Maybe when the -275 can control a gfc500 it won’t have that gps requirement for an ils? Anyone know what a -275 uses to aid it’s ahrs attitude solution? What about the gfc600... does it have its own ahrs or use input from a g500? What kind of aiding if any does it’s attitude solution use?
  8. Price.
  9. I think it’s really important for people to keep their hand flying skills strong while realizing that managing an autopilot during typical ifr flight is probably the safest way to operate. In the very rare circumstance where you have a gps outage over an ifr field at altitudes that affect your autopilot, it’s time to use the hand flying skills. That should not be the end of the world or even cause a second thought. If it does, you probably shouldn’t be flying ifr... I use the autopilot all day long, but if I will crash the plane without it, I probably need to rethink my plan. Has anyone actually had a gps outage in the terminal area/altitude of an ils equipped airport? Outage areas expand with altitude, so that would mean the jamming is very close to the airfield.
  10. Curious about that though... you can’t just replace the adi with a -275 and then remove your aspd, alt, and vsi can you? So a 6 pack could go to a 3 pack? Just an adi (with incorporated aspd, altitude, and vsi), a turn/bank, and an hsi? I guess I thought you could use the —275 to replace a dedicated aspd if it’s a dedicated aspd display. Likewise with altitude and vsi. Is that wrong?
  11. Syn vis, flight path marker, shorter battery life. Maybe I missed a few more? The options cost extra too.
  12. Thanks that would be helpful. I currently have what looks like Home Depot weather strip on the airplane side. It’s actually not bad except it really gets torn up by the door support along the bottom.
  13. Skates, how does it go over the door slide attachment on the bottom of the door? Does it get torn up there and where the slide compresses into it? thanks!
  14. And I should learn to read the install manual first, post second. He’s correct, internal gps is supposed to be disabled for a certified installation with a panel mount gps.
  15. Interesting... I guess I thought you had both gps receivers enabled, but it only used the internal one if it lost the gns/gtn panel mounted. I’ll reread the install instructions.
  16. Different beast, but I find the weight (or lack there of) is a significant factor for cruise speed in my F. Obviously fuel flow, altitude, temp, etc are important to equalize for a comparison, but I think things like weight, balance, and prop blades make their own significant difference.
  17. Wowza, $1,850?! That’s gotta be a super awesome, self installing door seal! Might want to update the Mooney section to say $695-$1850. Right now it looks like the only one is $1850 until you get into selecting the options.
  18. Mine has those in the back, bolts in the front. Both options work just fine.
  19. Ahh, thanks. I’ll try that.
  20. I don’t think that’s thread drift at all, one of my worst scratches is on the inside, right where the glare shield contacts the windscreen when installing it. Getting the glare shield in/out is like playing chicken... I’ve got to bend the 50 year old glare shield enough to install/remove it without scratching the windscreen, but not so much that I snap it in half. Couldn’t they have designed a 2 piece glare shield?! Anyway, I’m not even worried about that scratch. If I fixed it, I guarantee I’d hit it again with the glare shied.
  21. Agreed, but how much extra install work to connect to the gns and adsb? Also, I wonder what -275 add ons you need to do all the mfd, traffic, etc in addition to the cdi? Also, once configured as a cdi, can they be switched at will to other pages? Not knocking your plan because I like it a lot, just wondering what roadblocks will be?
  22. So you probably know this, but the g5 can be a legal encoder now. My shop was installing mine and asked if I wanted them to remove my old encoder... of course I said you can’t! But they triple checked, it’s added to the stc now.
  23. 11 hours seems pretty high. It’s a simple mag swap. Hardest part is running the power wire back to the battery if it’s in the tail like mine. The interior is not fun to take out/put back. Mine works well. Breaking in a new cylinder though so not flying it high or lean to see any of those benefits yet.
  24. Thanks guys, that’s helpful. I’m gonna keep doing some research and try to wait for @Skates97 pics and experience. It seems like it should be easy, but I think it’s a lot harder than it looks and it’s something that can easily be permanently screwed up with a good bit of $$ and time to put in a new one.
  25. Thanks. That seems to be one of the recommended kits. Id really like to find someone who’s used it. Good to hear that it can work depending on what his windshield looked like before.
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