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Everything posted by Ragsf15e

  1. Interesting. I’d think if there was a point out there they like to route people through, they’d just name it and include it in the gps databases. I wish we had some atc folks on here who could comment.
  2. In the military we would call that a “fix to fix”. However, I was under the impression they weren’t supposed to give a non-military aircraft a clearance to a vor radial/dme fix that wasn’t already named unless the previous point was the VOR that the fix is based off. Ie, proceed to the GEG VOR, then GEG 100 radial, 10 DME fix would be ok. Proceed directly to GEG 100 Radial, 10 DME fix would not be ok unless I was already directly over the VOR. In the military, we were taught a pretty intensive way to fly a fix to fix using an HSI and bearing pointer. A little practice and you can just look at the hsi and choose your heading from wherever you are to whatever fix your given without any help from gps (you do need the vor tuned and set the course indicator to the radial of the fix). Anyway, rarely used now with gps and all the named points. So in 25 years and 4000 hours, I’ve never seen this outside a military airplane... do people really get a clearance direct to an unnamed fix from a point other than directly from the VOR station?
  3. I agree with both of those interpretations/plans!
  4. Him: Yes, as long as it continuously displays the time. Splitting hairs, and not looking to get shot, but the AV-20s doesn’t continuously display time. Only when you’re on the “time page”, but not ADI page. No?
  5. Thanks that makes sense. I guess I assumed the yellow zone was for the engine, not the prop, but that’s what I get for assuming.
  6. Interesting thread. I have a ‘68 F with A1A engine and Mccauley 3 blade. I have the 2100-2350 yellow band on my JPI930. I assumed this was because it’s in the TCDS. You guys think changing the prop out changed the tcds limitation?
  7. Mine look just about exactly the same (1968 F) If you cover them up and gain 10kts, please post about it!
  8. Bruces fits in a big duffel that comes with the cover. Fits in the hatrack. It seems to be high quality, although I don’t have anything to compare it to.
  9. Bruces came with my airplane and it’s been real nice too. https://www.aircraftcovers.com
  10. Wait, didn’t a $3.2M Vision Jet light on fire and burn up due to a faulty PMA USB?!
  11. When are they opening their Northwest office?
  12. Reading this, https://www.aopa.org/go-fly/aircraft-and-ownership/maintenance-and-inspections/aircraft-inspections#2 I don’t think 100hr inspections apply. Seems like it’s mostly an insurance issue to make sure everyone is properly covered. Maybe some tax issues depending on how deep you want to dig into it (sales tax comes to mind depending on state).
  13. I agree he’s not using it as a commercial pilot, more like a rental airplane... whatever applies to a rental would probably apply to the “lease” unless the person was a part owner, then it wouldn’t.
  14. Definitely. My same approach. And, it’s kinda true!
  15. I’m asking... I’m definitely not raining on your parade or your planned usage... doesn’t “leasing” require 100 hour inspections and much different insurance? Like not just adding him to yours, but specifically insurance to lease the airplane? It’s not like you’re “sharing operating costs” which is specifically allowed. I guess I’d feel more comfortable if he bought in as a minority owner and then paid the insurance difference. You guys could work out the $$ details however you like in the partnership - fixed, operational, both, etc.
  16. No doubt. I’d take my airplane to him in a heartbeat if he wasn’t on the other side of the continent.
  17. Doc you’re gonna have to start charging.
  18. Well sheesh, I guess I should have put “draconian” in quotes because I was quoting a previous poster while disagreeing with him. No, I don’t think the FAA is draconian. I don’t think they’re perfect, but I think it’s about right.
  19. I do not have the number, but there’s an AC from ~10 years ago or more that allows replacement of a turn coordinator with an ADI. The G5 STC explicitly says it cannot be used for both at the same time. I think you’ll just have to make sure the Garmin stc for the -275 doesn’t limit using it or a combination of it and a G5 as both TC and ADI.
  20. Oh yeah, I totally agree with that and that my certified mechanic makes mistakes. Multiply that by 50 years. But I have a starting point and certification standards and regulations to work within to fix those things the right way as I find them. I have no misconception that my airplane is perfect because it’s certified.
  21. Or maybe a -275 with a pair of g5s.
  22. I for one, bought a certified airplane because it was built and maintained to certain standards. I agree there are many experimental airplanes that probably have higher standards, however there are many builders / owners that have lower or no standards. I guess my point is, I have some expectation as to what I have in a certified airplane. That’s what the draconian FAA regulations buy me. They have been through a certification process and maintained in accordance with it. The airframes in experimental aircraft, the electronics and the maintenance have been through a less thorough process which allows them to be much more nimble with technology. And cheaper due to the reduced certification requirements. In my opinion, thats why the experimental segment has a significantly higher accident rate than the certified general aviation segment. If you did this to your airplane, who am I to complain? But it would definitely make me think twice before purchasing it.
  23. Call Lasar and ask. The salvage folks usually have serviceable parts as well. what are you needing?
  24. I think it’s a disaster as well, but not for the same reason... taking a 50+ year old certified airplane and changing its category, maintenance practices, and equipment certification begs an insurance, regulatory and maintenance disaster for the current owner, future owners and/or both. In the end, this is going to cost you or someone else more $$ to fix than it would cost to just use certified parts and do work yourself under A&P supervision.
  25. Yeah I have a 930, but that’s how I remember it too. There are a bunch of red lines and limits that are preprogrammed and you can’t change because they are manufacturers limits, but there are a few pre warnings you can set. Cht, and fuel level among them. It definitely took the manual and some trial/error to get it set.
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