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mike_elliott last won the day on September 3 2020

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    Tarpon Springs, Fl.,
  • Interests
    MCFI, Mooney transition training, plane ferrying, and instrument instruction, Mooney Summit Co Founder, CEO Mooney Pros, Inc.
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  • Model
    M20C thru M20V

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  1. When was the last time the mechanical pump and the fuel servo/spider were overhauled? I had a fuel pump diaphram issue back in 2000 that caused the FP to drop with DA so a leak/pinhole can cause some weirdness like your describing. The fact that if it is a pressure issue and gets past the Servo causing EGT variations would have me look at those parts also just to be safe. Additionally, make sure your intake tubes are tight and not leaking any. They like to work loose as the gasgets age and take a set.
  2. If anyone has any contact info for the pilot surviving spouse, please let me know and I will have the Mooney Summit’s Bill Gilliland foundation engage
  3. We lost a kind gentleman who put everyone and his love of flight above himself always. I will toast you at the next QB meeting Andrew blue skies
  4. Dr. Maltenfort's observations are with authority
  5. Dear Mooney Enthusiast, The weather for our last event was cold, overcast, with a forecast of a low freezing level in the Northern part of the state. As a result we had 9 people show up at Winter Haven in 2 Mooneys and 2 Teslas. Our next event will be this Saturday, February 8, at Sebring. They will no longer take reservations on the weekend, so the first one there needs to tell the restaurant staff that we are coming and how many are in the group. I will send out another email on Friday telling everyone how many I am expecting so you will know what to tell them if you beat me there. All events start at 11:30. Future events. February 8, Sebring, SEF March 8, Bartow, BOW April 12, Ft. Pierce, FPR Please let me know by Thursday if you are going to try to come so I can give the restaurant an approximate headcount. If you tell me you are coming, and can’t come do not worry about telling me, just do not come. I do not want anyone flying for any reason if they shouldn’t. I have been putting on Mooney Lunch for 20 years, starting in January of 2004. My situation is changing and I am thinking of giving it up after the April or May meetings. If anyone would like to take it over, please call me. If I pass it on to someone else, you will be given the option to have your name and address removed from the mailing list before I make the transfer of information. So far, no one has shown an interest in taking it over. Hope to see you soon, Dave and Ruth N46DT 352-408-3343
  6. looking at a current sectional, it appears it is now t319. I have been sent over at 5K (maybe it was 5500) going to cobb county from the south a few times.
  7. I have one from a J that was pulled when AP was changed out a number of years ago. I also have the elusive vaccum switch for the KI256. DM me if interested Edit, just checked it with a multimeter, works ok.
  8. with a 6K ceiling, this would probably happen. I use the vfr corridor over tampa at 2.5K routinely going east, and have used the vfr corridor at ATL and PHX a few times. Controllers sure seem keed to allow it.
  9. Or will the insurance company try to subrogate their losses against the CFI or any other crew (safety pilot, etc) Parker is right, it’s what’s above the bottom line that counts in relation to the bottom line
  10. If it’s the ships gauge, the outboard sender is probably inop Phil. Suggest checking ground first. If it’s the wing sight gauge, scrounge a replacement. Dr Kim is correct, they are available with inaccurate scale markings
  11. Dear Mooney Enthusiast, The weather for our last event was windy with rain showers around and only 4 Mooneys brought 5 people to lunch at Fort Pierce. But, we had a good time visiting and eating. Our next event will be this Saturday, January 11 at the Flight Line Cafe at Winter Haven (KGIF) at 11:30. As of today on Foreflight their self serve price for 100LL is $4.43. All events start at 11:30. Future events: January 11, Winter Haven, GIF. February 8, Sebring, SEF March 8, Bartow, BOW Please let me know by Thursday if you are going to try to come so I can give the restaurant an approximate headcount. If you tell me you are coming, and can’t come do not worry about telling me, just do not come. I do not want anyone flying for any reason if they shouldn’t. I have been putting on Mooney Lunch for 20 years, starting in January of 2004. My situation is changing and I am thinking of giving it up after the April or May meetings. If anyone would like to take it over, please call me. If I pass it on to someone else, you will be given the option to have your name and address removed from the mailing list before I make the transfer of information. Hope to see you soon, Dave and Ruth N46DT 352-408-3343
  12. Chuck says he knows you and will go from there, thanks Ken
  13. It’s Chuck’s dm me your contact info and I’ll call him this is Mikey’s plane 31-0001
  14. Happy new year Dan, Fran!
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