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Everything posted by Andy95W

  1. @FlyingDude- I’ve got the brake rotation. It definitely looks cleaner when the gear is retracted, but I honestly don’t think it makes any difference in speed (and if it does, it’s maybe 0.1 knot). The downside to the brake rotation is that if you get a flat tire, you’ll destroy your brake caliper.
  2. I agree. I think there should probably be 3 sections: FAQ- Maintenance, FAQ- Ownership, and FAQ- Flight Instruction. Gatekeepers would receive input from members and then post it to their section by submitting it to @mooniac58. They would be automatically paid up as a “Supporter” and would be the gatekeeper(s) for their section. If they were to use the section simply to build up their own business, instead of for the general good, they would be replaced as gatekeeper. For FAQ- Maintenance I nominate @M20Doc, @cliffy, and @jetdriven. For FAQ- Flight Instruction, I nominate @donkaye and @kortopates for a start. For FAQ- Ownership, I nominate @gsxrpilot, @KLRDMD, and probably @carusoam.
  3. My suggestion depends on the year of your airplane. If it’s a 1964 (like your screen name) then I would definitely do the remote filter. That way, instead of removing all 3 pieces of your upper cowling (and about 100 screws) you will only have to remove one side. If you have a cowling with the 1/4 turn Camlock fasteners, I’d get the “normal” oil filter adapter that goes on the back of the engine.
  4. It’s still there by the A/B terminal entrance. There’s a nice display with pictures and even the actual toilet seat they used on the flight. Ick.
  5. For God’s sake, land at an airport 50 miles away. At least then you can count it as a cross-country flight.
  6. Basically, yes, but there is more to it than that. The G5 HSI displays a lot of information, and you could say it is a “smart” display. It shows everything that the Century HSI does plus it automatically sets the course needed and also the mode it is displaying (VOR, LOC, GPS, LPV, etc.). To do all that (plus more) it needs a processor for the ARINC data from the 430. The GAD29 is that processor. By comparison, the Century is a “dumb” display that needs the pilot to interpret and set it up. The G5 does it all automatically. BTW- you should consider getting the GAD29B that talks to autopilots. You may not need it now, but maybe someday. Having dual G5’s that talk to each other and everything else is the single greatest addition I’ve made to my airplane. I’ve flown a G1000 and frankly, I kind of prefer the G5s and steam gauges. (I freely admit I might be weird, though.)
  7. Where was that? It looks like Ft Hood in the summer or Ft Campbell in the fall.
  8. Well, that’s obvious. We’re not as ignorant as you assume. Some of the folks you’re lecturing to here are as experienced and knowledgeable as you. Some more.
  9. Slow drying, non-hardening. The cork gasket is designed to seal dry with proper torque, but the Permatex doesn’t seem to hurt anything. I’ve seen some surfaces that were scratched up pretty good where people scraped off the old gasket. The Permatex would probably help that kind of situation nicely.
  10. My M20C has the same AirHawks that it had when I bought it 10 years ago (and they were a few years old when I bought it). So about 12-14 years old and probably 450-500 landings, and they still have tread. And I have to get on my brakes pretty hard on landing, since I've got about 1200' of runway that is not displaced and not rough as snot. Needless to say, I'll be replacing them with AirHawks next year or the year after.
  11. Concorde RG-35AXC
  12. I frankly suspect the two of you have much more in common than not, and would likely enjoy each other’s company and discussions much more in person over a beer than on the internet.
  13. So, what you meant is you started flying Mooneys 100+ years ago...
  14. Exactly. 30 years and a whole bunch of hours ago I put 39.4 gallons into a C-172 that held 40 gallons total. After a night flight. Because I was stupid enough to listen to a guy just because he was a King Air pilot. We live, we learn. If we’re lucky, we survive our mistakes so that we don’t repeat them.
  15. Calling either OSH or Sun-n-fun “only an airshow” is like calling Manhattan “only an island”. OSH is like a state fair, aviation convention, fly-in, plus air show all rolled into one that you share with your closest 600,000 friends that you haven’t met yet. Sun-n-Fun is a smaller version of the same thing (about 1/3 to 1/2 the size).
  16. We went through this whole discussion a few years ago. Most people here know that burn certificates are not required for our CAR 3 airplanes. You should read the whole thing a little closer, though. The materials used must meet a recognized standard for flammability. No specific standard is mentioned, but it must meet something. It’s likely wise to include that standard in the logbook sign off, as well as a reference to the applicable CAR 3 chapter and section.
  17. My ear canals get itchy too on a long flight. I use the standard yellow tips in the summer, custom molded ear pieces in the winter. (Winter in Detroit is not good to the yellow tips. Takes too long for them to warm up and expand.) I’ve had good luck using Phil’s suggestion (Quiet Technology owner, he’s also here on MooneySpace @pmccand). He said to pull on the tube a little bit. Just repositioning the ear plug relieves the itch nicely.
  18. I was always under the impression that with the electric trim, it was no longer needed because that added sufficient friction to the system.
  19. No, it’s not, because it’s different for every airplane. EGT is dependent upon where the probe is placed, so each installation will differ. CHT depends upon cooling efficiency, so that’s dependent upon the airplane type and how good the baffling is. Fuel consumption differs by engine type. What remains consistent is the relative relationship of each of the numbers, which the chart shows pretty well.
  20. You can visually inspect the stops yourself. Remove the inspection panel under the left horizontal stabilizer (see photo). Look inside, up, and forward. See photo- red circle is one of the stops (the other is forward of it), the green arrow points to the structure that it hits to stop its movement.
  21. Those marks are exactly where they would be if the elevator and rudder pushrods were disconnected and someone wasn’t careful enough to make sure the rudder didn’t bang into the elevators.
  22. LASAR used to make them in house. They probably still do. You can likely get the kit through them regardless.
  23. The trim brake didn't get added until '63 or '64. You could increase the tension slightly on the chain that drives the system.
  24. I said it was helpful. I also said it wasn’t essential. I’ve no doubt whatsoever that you provide excellent instruction. If I were to ever upgrade to an M20K or up, I’d probably give you a call. Your services would certInly speed the process in mastering the new airplane. But I take exception with the word essential. You’re saying that anyone who doesn’t get Mooney specific instruction is going to become a smoking hole in the ground, and I just don’t see that.
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