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I saw a post requesting a G1000 checklist template and thought someone may benefit from the checklist file (.ace) I built for the G3X in my Bravo. I haven't tried it on my GTN 650Xi, but the .ace format is supposed to work for both, as well as for GPSMAP 695/696, aera 796/795 and GTN with software 5.13 or higher. I'm offering it as a baseline for you to edit to suit you and your airplane, saving you from starting from scratch. The Garmin legacy checklist editing software is found here.

The checklist I built is broken up and condensed so that each normal checklist fits on a single G3X page (13 lines), allowing you to either check each item off or just do a visual scan down the complete checklist depending on phase of flight and your personal technique. I entered the Emergency Procedures in their entirety, organized by major system and phase of flight.

Send me a PM if you'd like the file.


EDIT: It appears this file will also work on the legacy G1000. 

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