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  • 4 months later...

Update: finally got the baffle seals replaced with ones made by @GEE-BEE. I also compared this to the McFarlane ones and I like Guy's better. They are more flexible and as a result easier to fit around the baffle.  The top seals have a forward slant and fits nicely once the cowling is in place.







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The flow divider should have metered fuel in and six lines out and a vent for the diaphragm.  This vent line should go down to cowl flap area to direct fuel out of the engine compartment if the flow divider diaphragm springs a leak.  Manifold pressure does not go to the flow divider.  You might try retracing your lines.


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@Jim F yep I guess I forgot to update the original question. After properly tracing the lines, the line from the firewall does go to the intake manifold for pressure. @N231BN @pkellercfii were correct. The drain line from the flow divider does goes down to the cowl flap area.

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