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STATE TAX aircraft

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Quote: KSMooniac

 Such a silly statement? Research this  "Community Reinvestment Act" It is a silly little law to help minorities overcome the discrimination. It forced banks to loan money to un credit worthy minorities. It was the foundation of the subprime debacle. A prime example of government interference in private sector. The attempt by Carter help the disadvantaged and strengthened by Clinton.

See how Fannie Mae and Freddie mac enabled the whole deal.

The Law Of Unintended Consequences strikes again! 

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Hey Dan, if you are going to post something, don't post something false and look like a fool.  Churchil never did say that. So if you were trying to prove a point, you missed.  Paehaps you saw that on Fox News. They do that often.

"Show me a young Conservative and I'll show you someone with no heart. Show me an old Liberal and I'll show you someone with no brains."

Often attributed to Winston Churchill. [5], The phrase originated with Francois Guisot (1787-1874): "Not to be a republican at twenty is proof of want of heart; to be one at thirty is proof of want of head." It was revived by French Premier Georges Clemenceau (1841-1929): "Not to be a socialist at twenty is proof of want of heart; to be one at thirty is proof of want of head."

Quote: N1026F

“Show me a young Conservative and I'll show you someone with no heart. Show me an old Liberal and I'll show you someone with no brains.” 

Winston S. Churchill

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I was looking for another one on a web site and ran across that Conservative/Liberal quote and grabbed it. I "sit" corrected. And deserve that bloody nose for being reckless.

I was looking for the author of the quote "you may not like the way I do things, and sometimes I don't either. But I like the way I do things better than the way you do nothing." It's clearly applicable to those who promote criticism over offering any substantial contribution. (And I would not claim the quote itself for my own.)

As For the Fox comment. I don't watch Fox nor MSNBC; I don't believe the divisive media is doing us any favors and the less we watch, the better--they only make money from sponsors when we tune in.  I get suspicous when I see several talking heads adopt the same phraseology within a day or two of someone else coining a new catch phrase such as "job-creators."  It's obvious pandering.

Like it or not, Congress ceases to function when people take oaths to "not ever raise taxes." I believe signing such a document before taking an oath to carry out the function of a legislator is a violation of the Oath of Office.  The only reason they made it in to office to start with is that 100% of the 14% of the Tea Party voters showed up. When did taking away a temporary tax break amount to a tax hike anyways?

We hear alot about "big government" and all I can say without writing a total diatribe is that we pilots love the fact that we don't pay user fees for our big government ATC and federally funded airports.  But we never like looking at our own benefits, it's always the other people that are sponging off the goverment.

Here's the rub and there's really no ther practical way of putting it : I'll be taxed more by the Obama plan that those of you still flying 20+ year old planes. And I should! This country has given me great opportunity and succes. Yes, I worked for it, but the only thing that has stayed consistant for 30 years is the income gap has grown: the rich are richer and poor are poorer. I'm no Herman Cain, but I do have the facts to back this up: if it wasn't for taxpayer money that assisted me to go to college I wouldn't be in a position to pay higher taxes! 

Nonetheless, your observations have had more real thought and less blather than some of the others.  Any ideas on the author of the quote that set this off? My Bartlett' is in my home office.


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Didnt we just have a discussion about "catch phrases" and name calling?  Go look up the definition of socialism, marxism, and communisn and have your 3 page report on my desk tomorrow afternoon.

Quote: triple8s

WOW, I thought this was site was for the promtion of the sport of flying and specifically about MOONEY aircraft. Guess Communist/Liberal propaganda always finds a way to get in no matter where you seek refuge.

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Quote: Shadrach

True, but there's more to the story. The truth is that it created a market for bad loans (bundled mortgage securities) because they seemed to be performing. As it turned out, these folks were robbing their HELOCs to pay their mortgages. When the Ponzi-esque behavior reached the end, the mortgage security market came to a halt and any institution with mortgages on it's books could no longer sell them. This led to banks not meeting their cash reserves required by the Fed, it also led to insolvency, which led to Fed bank takeovers, which led to runs on banks, which led to a complete and first class CF...

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Somehow the evil government made the big banks do it.  "Forced" is the newest version of history.   Government made them issue bad loans in the trillions, pushed them as AAA rated CDO's (rated by the same S&P that downgraded the US Debt) while secretly taking odds against them, and then praising the "invisible hand of the market" right up until the entire world melted down.  Suddenly screw capitalism and risk taking, help us out!  Read that book "the big short".    All the US Government's fault. 

Tell you what, ask Somalia how their "freedom from government regulation" is going.  Perhaps you can get a glimpse of why the protesters in NYC are so upset.

Doesnt seem this thread is done yet.

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Hey Maybe we could get the moderator to retile this thread "Political Opinions" or perhaps have a forum just for that purpose like the new "Mooney Bravo Owners". Like every one else I believe in free speech but seriously this thread keeps getting hijacked & those that might actually have an interest in "State Tax aircraft" are left to keep looking at the latest political view. Enough already.    

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Quote: jetdriven

Somehow the evil government made the big banks do it.  "Forced" is the newest version of history.   Government made them issue bad loans in the trillions, pushed them as AAA rated CDO's (rated by the same S&P that downgraded the US Debt) while secretly taking odds against them, and then praising the "invisible hand of the market" right up until the entire world melted down.  Suddenly screw capitalism and risk taking, help us out!  Read that book "the big short".    All the US Government's fault. 

Tell you what, ask Somalia how their "freedom from government regulation" is going.  Perhaps you can get a glimpse of why the protesters in NYC are so upset.

Doesnt seem this thread is done yet.

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Yep I decided to retire from the thread, until someone labeled me as a "liberal" and then a couple posts later someone commented "a liberal is someone with no brains"

I'd submit that someone repeating something that is blatant non-truth from Fox news they saw that morning as short on thinking process.  Lets hear some real ideas, not sensationalist bits repeated from a "conservative" news source.  

Can someone describe "conservative" anymore?  Cause last time I checked, Bush and Co. raised the national debt by double, or 5 Trillion dollars Plus the legacy of 2 wars nobody wants and tax cuts we cannot afford.  So what are they conserving?

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All this blah-blah-blah harkens me back to the days when flying was romantic, the worst I was called was baby killer (but never to my face) and flight attendants where cute stewardesses.

Watch this video on Eastern Airlines DC7, N836D, and note who the Captain is....Frank Moss, a good guy and a former Mooney driver. I hope that, like me, this video brings a smile to your face, unlike most of this thread.

You folks are wounderful people but I, for one, don't give a flying rats ass about your political views.

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