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Exit the Holding Pattern: Achieve your Aviation Goals, October 3rd, San Diego

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Exit the Holding Pattern: Achieve your Aviation Goals   

Thursday October 3rd, 7-8 p.m. Located near Montgomery Field [KMYF], San Diego

Much like flying an actual hold, there comes a time in every pilot’s career where an honest assessment of skill, safety, performance, desire, and goals needs to be made. Are you one of the many pilots that are stuck in the hold, unable to achieve your aviation goals?

Psychotherapist, educator, writer, and instrument pilot, Jolie Lucas, discusses the six keys to exiting the holding pattern and reaching your goals. This fast paced, multi-media presentation explores human factors, brain science, and personality in decision-making, motivation, and follow-through.  The seminar is sure to inspire you to exit the holding pattern and move forward in your aviation goals.

Door prizes generously donated by: King Schools and Lift Aviation.

Online Registration:  https://www.faasafety.gov/SPANS/event_details.aspx?eid=95357

Solar Turbines, Kearny Mesa Facility
4200 Ruffin Rd
Titan Conference Room
San Diego, CA 92123

On a side note, I will doing a night photo shoot after the presentation with Gary Buzel who is a pro photographer and VP of King Schools.  He utilizes a light bath/light painting is going to be a blast to see my Maggie in that wonderful lighting.



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