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I am hunting some radio noise in my Eagle. Radios are GNS530W and GNS430W. The noise does not break the squelch but I have problems hearing distant stations. Diagnosis so far:

  1. Prominent low frequency noise in headset (like "grrrrrrrrr") when the Garmins are un-squelched. Same on both radios.
  2. Tried different headsets and passenger plugs, no change -> issue does not seem to be on the audio end
  3. Sound is not "whining". Switched off alternator, no change. -> no alternator problem
  4. Pulled all CB, switched off all equipment (except radio), no change -> not a radiating instrument or el motor issue
  5. Noise changes frequency with rmp and volume changes with radio volume -> Radiated ignition noise?
  6. Mag check. No real difference between L/R Mag. -> Not a "one mag only" problem
  7. Switched off both mags in flight. Noise was gone! -> For sure ignition noise.
  8. Grounded shielding of the P-leads. no change.
  9. Removed P-leads from mags (hot mags). No change when engine is running -> not a P-lead shielding issue
  10. Mags are S6-25 series. I believe they have a decent condenser filter integrated. -> Improvement by additional mag filter unlikely
  11. Both mags got the 500h overhaul @ last annual. The noise was there before and still is. -> Mag (or condenser) problem unlikely
  12. Spotted the noise with a hand radio. Looks like most noise comes from the mag/harness area

Planned next steps:

  • Pull the Radio antenna and check impact. If noise reduces, noise is radiated. If not, noise is conducted.
  • Visual inspection of ignition harness. Looked good on first view though.
  • Check grounding of ignition harness on both sides (plugs and mags).
  • For a test run shield mags and ignition harness with grounded copper tape.

Any ideas or guidance is highly appreciated!



Ignition harness is tough to tell if it's good by visual inspection, microscopic cracks in the insulation, a little surface corrosion on the contacts...how old is the harness? I'm afraid to ask what a complete harness cost...


Did you recently tune a VOR and listened on that frequency? I recently left the "nav" button pressed on the audio panel and had what you described till I realized the little tell-tale light was still on. Deselecting nav made the problem go away.


Have you checked the large engine bonding strap?  Also, frequently radios use a common ground point.  If this degrades you can start picking up noise.  

  • Make sure the P leads are as short as possible without straining the wires.
  • Remove Comm antennas; if there's a gasket, throw it away. Area under antenna base should be bare metal, burnished clean, and treated with an electrically suitable Alodine.
  • Your radios get there ground through the ground blocks (rectangular black connectors) riveted to the bottom of the cowl deck.Should be no more than .003 ohm resistance to airframe ground. 
  • Same with engine bonding strap.

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