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Okay, I can't take it anymore! Them there lying bast$rds!!!!! emoji3.png



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They are all nutz.  There's gotta be something wrong with someone to be a politician.

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They are all nutz.  There's gotta be something wrong with someone to be a politician.

Not to invoke an evil chant that will raise Timmy from the crypt he now resides; however, a politician without term limits is focused on his or her career and not necessarily taking a stand on those issues that may put that career at risk.

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Darn - he almost fooled me -

I'd rather he had said nothing rather than lied to me and tried to trick me.  I don't see the point in telling a lie to me to try to lead me to think he is supporting when he is not - since surely people will find out and he will loose more ground in voters eyes than simply either saying he is against it, or at least saying nothing, or maybe that he is still thinking about it - but trying to trick me - not impressed.


No, in politician speak, he didn't lie, but he also never answered your question or stated his support or opposition to it. Instead, he answered by giving you his talking points. I have had a similar experience with a House member a few years back. After a few back and forth messages over several weeks, he let me know I should have read his first response more closely because it did not say what I thought it said. I guess I should have felt privileged he (or his staff) took the time for multiple responses. Now days I review everything a politician says or writes with an eye to determining if they are actually answering the question asked (majority of the time "No") or if they are using the question to put their talking points about the subject out there. Or to just get a chance to speak on something not even related to the question. 

Either way, with elected officials, my personal motto is "Caveat emptor".



If you live in New York - I forgot I sent my senator an email like late Spring. And never heard a thing.  I guess they do work at that office and it took this long for them to take a position - I am actually surprised that they are organized enough to record who emailed specific positions and to respond back months later.

Here is the note:

Dear Dr. Bollt:
     Thank you for contacting me to express your support for S. 571, the Pilot’s Bill of Rights 2. I agree with you about the importance of assuring the vitality of the general aviation industry while also maintaining robust safety standards.
     As you know, general aviation is a large and vibrant industry in New York and across the country, which serves as an important economic driver in many local communities. According to the FAA, there are nearly 16,000 active pilots in New York State. And according to the General Aviation Manufacturers Association’s 2014 report, New York ranks ninth in the nation in terms of total jobs attributable to general aviation. I believe that it is important for the federal government to support the general aviation community and maintain strong safety measures.
     The Pilot’s Bill of Rights 2 was introduced by Senator Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma. The legislation would amend the Pilot’s Bill of Rights, which was signed into law in 2012. The bill would reform the third class medical certification requirements for certain pilots, among other legislative changes. The Pilot’s Bill of Rights 2 was referred to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation in February 2015. While I am not a member of this committee, I will continue to monitor this bill as it moves through the Senate.
     Again, thank you for contacting me about this important issue. Please feel free to contact me in the future if I can be of further assistance on this or any other matter.
Charles E. Schumer
United States Senator

Senator speak for "I haven't supported this bill"

I got one of these 'smoke blowing' responses from Nelson in Fl. also. Upon receipt, I called his Washington office and let his handlers know in no uncertain terms, if he doesn't sign on as a co sponsor, he will NOT be receiving support from me going forward, either financially or with votes.


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Senator speak for "I haven't supported this bill"

I got one of these 'smoke blowing' responses from Nelson in Fl. also. Upon receipt, I called his Washington office and let his handlers know in no uncertain terms, if he doesn't sign on as a co sponsor, he will NOT be receiving support from me going forward, either financially or with votes.


If only he has said "support" instead of "monitor" in the second last paragraph... But that would have required commitment. Another trait most politicians don't have.

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  • 1 month later...
On 9/16/2015, 4:35:04, 1964-M20E said:

So ???

George ???

Like it has been said we are nearing the end of the year with many other more important things that congress needs to do.

If we do not get this voted on and approved this year we are back to square 0 and have to restart the process all over next year.

Is AOPA formulating a backup plan?

1. Refile same bill early next year? and hope for better results that will be the 3rd or 4th time they have tried this (see definition of insanity):unsure:

2. Plan B file new legislation that gets the Feds out of the medical business for all medicals 1st through 3rd class.  We should be able to get more support across the board from all pilots.

3. You would still need a physical (satisfies the opponents to eliminating the 3rd class physical)  but you and your doctor alone decide if you are fit to fly not some bureaucrat in OK.  No paperwork to file with the gov't just you and your doctor.

4.  The only thing the feds do is provide check list of what procedures need to be performed at the initial physical 1st, 2nd & 3rd.  If there is an issue then you and your doctor work it out.  THE FEDS do not dictate followup.

5. First class can be a minimum of once a year while 2nd and 3rd the doctor and pilot make that decision as to when the next physical is needed based on that individuals condition.

6. Airlines, operators and individual pilots can opt for more than the minimum if they so choose.






Sorry for not seeing this sooner...Ive been peddling hard on my day job.  Here is the latest update.  This is very encouraging news and as Mark Baker notes, we've never been closer than we are right now.

The Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation has set Nov. 18 as the date to move the Pilot's Bill of Rights 2 (S. 571). Third class medical reform is among the provisions in the legislation designed to help general aviation pilots. 


Here is a list of Congressmen and Senators who have not signed on. http://www.aopa.org/Advocacy/Legislative-Affairs/Non-CoSponsors-PBR2

 Please send them a note or call letting them know this is an important issue!




Thanks for the reply.

The newer revised edition now moving though congress has some of the things I spoke of I would have liked to get the original version through but.....  let's get this passed and signed.







I know (we all know) so may pilots who want to continue their way of life!  I sincerely hope our representatives temporarily remove their heads from their ass and vote this Bill in!!!!



Marauder et.al. 

One of the things I use with an obdurate bullshitter like Schumer that seems to get pols attention, is to tell them or rather their staffer that you are a single issue voter, with a long memory, and that you are watching, and that lack of support for the issue will generate your active support for his next opponent, whoever it is.  I've used this on anti-Gun pols, and it seems to get their attention. I think it helps that I mean it.  

The object of his waffling letter is to tell you no without pissing you off.  CALL back and tell a staffer that you are pissed. And I mean call, works better than e-mail, maybe because it's done less these days, and it's much harder for them to doublespeak you in person.  

I have many times asked staffers what works, and they almost universally tell me that e- mails are nearly ignored, just match the prepackaged response to the issue and done.


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Shumer is one of those useless sleazy politicians who talks too much for the sake of talking. 

I lost total respect for this moron when a flight attendant, in the course of doing her job, told him to shut his cell phone off before takeoff and he called her a bitch! 

He is an arrogant, and immature idiot who never learned what respect is during his upbringing. It shows every time he opens his mouth!

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