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George- Wish I could swing by and say hello but I can't due to the Jewish Holiday on Saturday. I know AOPA didn't realize the date when the decided on the event, but I'm ticked I couldn't make it up there as I'm a half hour away.

Have a great time tomorrow - you should have a lot of visitors. I'll swing up to FDK sometime soon.



That is the second time that AOPA has scheduled a regional or major aviation event on a Jewish holiday. Once might be a mistake. Twice is an affront. I will quit AOPA, and tell them exactly why




On behalf of AOPA I'd like to apologize for the oversight.  There was no intentional slight towards anyone.  AOPA needs all of it's members especially now as the pilot community is shrinking.  We realized the overlap far too late in the planning process but have this and other considerations in our scan pattern as we plan next years events.  I hope you will reconsider and stay a member of the team and that we see you at next years fly in's.




How was it? It got windy and the temps fell as the day went on. Any SFRA issues? How did the tower do with the extra traffic? Any important announcements?





It went really well and the weather really cleared up by 0900.  It was a bit windy: 10-12 knots right down runway 30.  By 1100 it was sunny and 65 deg.  The rest of the afternoon was great.  Very good turnout with about 4000 attendee's.  Fly in traffic was a bit lighter than we expected since the weather was an issue and the winds were a bit higher than some prefer.  To my knowledge (KNW) there were no P-40 or SFRA busts and no other safety related issues.  Tower did and OUTSTANDING job of handling the additional traffic and really kept things moving nicely.   Also We had over 300 stellar volunteers that helped with the hand off from ground and marshaled aircraft to parking.  


The FAA's #2 (Mike Whitaker) was on hand.  He spoke very positively about 3rd class medical reform and said that the FAA has pushed forward the proposal to DOT for review and then will go to OMB.  Fingers crossed I think we're getting close.  Also he said the FAA has heard the feedback on hanger use rule proposal.  He didn't elaborate but it sounded positive.  He and I got a chance to talk after the formal discussions were over and I was happy to hear that he's taking lessons at Freeway airport and should be a Private Pilot very soon.  It was clear to me that he's a fan of GA. 


There will be a full rundown and summary of the town hall on AOPA live this week and in print via ePilot very soon.

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