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State of TX did not so long ago, 2003, Lawrence vs State of TX. Do you really think we've advanced so far in our libetarianism. It was only 2 years ago when the attorney general of Virigina tried to outlaw blowjobs in the state, mind you, and not just between homos.

The law is still on the books since the state legislature thinks removing an unconstitutional law from the register is "promoting sodomy" or something. As a result people are STILL arrested in Texas for having sex in the privacy of their bedrooms. There was an example of this a year or so ago in El Paso and other examples in Louisiana. 






Ya, Christians are great, aren't they? And then they object to Sharia law, lol.


Folks, please don't confuse conservatism (of the republican variety) with libertarianism. They are very different things. Conservatives want to force their way of life on everyone else. Libertarians believe in letting people live the way they want to as long as it's not hurting others. Conservative/Republican = About as big brother as you can get.

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Go down the Republican list? Half of the Republican state legislatures are still trying to overturn Lawrence v. Texas and re-criminalize gay sex, at least according to the party platforms. Most southern and midwestern states have not repealed anti-sodomy statutes even though they are blatantly unconstitutional, because they want to send a message that government has the right and business to intrude into one's bedroom affairs.

How is this enforced? Texans can vote. There is still a lot of prejudice. Personally I don't care what two consenting adult's do in their rooms. Apparently S&M is O.K. based on 50 shades of grey doing so well? Different strokes...

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Please feel free to post pictures of those thousands of skeletons showing our evolution, starting with apes and working your way over the millions of years of proof we have that we evolved from apes to man. Please post pictures, caus I'm so dumb I probably can't read all those fancy words.

While you are posting please include the location and pictures of Jesus' body ... That would sort of quench that "resurrection of the dead" thing I've been spreading around ...




Educate yourself and read about DNA markers and mitochondrial DNA. Do you really think there is a vast conspiracy between 99.99% of world's biologists? You don't need thousands of skeletons to prove something, but yes, they do exist. Hundreds though, not thousands. 


By your logic, protons, electrons and neutrons don't exist as they can never be directly observed. Nuclear weapons are just mumbo jumbo. Sorry buddy, that ship has sailed and I will not waste my time. 


Apparently once again, you have a problem understanding how fossilization works. Most skeletons from 33AD are long gone and absence of evidence in this case is not a proof of anything. I don't have to prove anything to you. I just simply have to fund the fight against you having any influence on public schooling. As simple as that. That's what I will focus on. 

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How is this enforced? Texans can vote. There is still a lot of prejudice. Personally I don't care what two consenting adult's do in their rooms. Apparently S&M is O.K. based on 50 shades of grey doing so well? Different strokes...

You asked me who is trying to intrude into my bedroom. I answered you: republican politicians. Do you disagree with my answer or any sources? Or are you just going to shrug and say, well, republican prejudice is OK as long as it's not directed against me, because I'm a white straight Christian male so it's all peachy.

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Educate yourself and read about DNA markers and mitochondrial DNA. Do you really think there is a vast conspiracy between 99.99% of world's biologists? You don't need thousands of skeletons to prove something, but yes, they do exist. Hundreds though, not thousands. 


By your logic, protons, electrons and neutrons don't exist as they can never be directly observed. Nuclear weapons are just mumbo jumbo. Sorry buddy, that ship has sailed and I will not waste my time. 


Apparently once again, you have a problem understanding how fossilization works. Most skeletons from 33AD are long gone and absence of evidence in this case is not a proof of anything. I don't have to prove anything to you. I just simply have to fund the fight against you having any influence on public schooling. As simple as that. That's what I will focus on. 

+1. America and the Middle East are like the only two places in the world where evolution is disputed. Quite amazing, really, that our republicans have so much in common with the Islamic fundamentalists they hate so much. And America is literally the only place where global warming is disputed. It's like "i no beter tanh sciese coz siens is gay my preecher said so so there duhhhhh"


I love this because it's so true. article-2684147-1F77DA7200000578-259_634


Oh, and yeah, the gay hating family-values-preaching bible-thumping conservative hero who wants to stone gays just like the Islamic State does? She cheated on her husband, a military soldier who was deployed. Family values for the win.

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How is this enforced? Texans can vote. There is still a lot of prejudice. Personally I don't care what two consenting adult's do in their rooms. Apparently S&M is O.K. based on 50 shades of grey doing so well? Different strokes...


Very selectively. That's the whole problem. Different strokes, I like that...Good one...And I accused you of lacking a sense of humor. My apologies, Sir.


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. The news account referenced enforcement action prompted by gays meeting to have sex at public parks. Even heterosexuals will say to a couple "Hey, get a room how bout it!" Geez ... Live how you want. Just don't "get it on" in front of children at public parks. Heterosexual, homosexual ... Whatever ...

But they were arrested for agreeing to have sex at a different location. Is that alright?

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+1. America and the Middle East are like the only two places in the world where evolution is disputed. Quite amazing, really, that our republicans have so much in common with the Islamic fundamentalists they hate so much. And America is literally the only place where global warming is disputed. It's like "i no beter tanh sciese coz siens is gay my preecher said so so there duhhhhh"


I love this because it's so true. article-2684147-1F77DA7200000578-259_634


Oh, and yeah, the gay hating family-values-preaching bible-thumping conservative hero who wants to stone gays just like the Islamic State does? She cheated on her husband, a military soldier who was deployed. Family values for the win.

Not only that but it was during a tea party convention with the Tea party communications director. This reminds me of that Republican congressman, Blow Job Bob.
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Don't worry ... We kicked God out of our schools a long time ago. Thank goodness we got those terrible crazy oppressive ideas like "Thou shall not kill" out of our schools! How's that working out?

I don't need God to tell me thou shall not kill.

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. The news account referenced enforcement action prompted by gays meeting to have sex at public parks. Even heterosexuals will say to a couple "Hey, get a room how bout it!" Geez ... Live how you want. Just don't "get it on" in front of children at public parks. Heterosexual, homosexual ... Whatever ...

Public sex is illegal, gay or straight. I'm fine with that. But they weren't arrested for public sex. They were arrested for attempting to commit the crime of "sodomy" not in public.

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I don't need God to tell me thou shall not kill.

+1. Really, just live by the golden rule. You don't need a book to tell you what's right and wrong, especially when the book thinks it's ok to sell people into slavery and stone people for not observing your religion and burn people for blaspheming and whatever else.


And funny, because the bible is actually full of supposedly deity-sanctioned killing, murdering, lying, and just immoral acts in general. It makes me wonder if most conservatives have even read the bible. Or just very selectively, just the parts about gay sex, in between the thing about selling your slut daughter into slavery and forcing a woman who is raped and who becomes pregnant to marry her rapist and sacrificing your newborn child to please god and whatever other absolute horseshit. You know, different strokes and all that, I guess.

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Here's the reason miscegenation was illegal until the US Supreme Court struck ant-miscegenation laws down only about 50 years ago. Directly from the lower court opinions upholding anti-miscegenation statutes: "Almighty God created the races white, black, yellow, malay and red, and he placed them on separate continents. And but for the interference with his arrangement there would be no cause for such marriages. The fact that he separated the races shows that he did not intend for the races to mix." -- except for that whole religiously-justified slavery bit, though. That mixing was OK.


Btw, some of the anti-miscegenation laws stayed on the books in some southern states, like Alabama, until quite recently (e.g., 2000). You know, because republican values and all that and because big government is bad.

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Ever heard of there being a difference in the Law of Moses and Christianity? It is pretty elementary. Old Testament. New Testament. Old law. New law. None of that in deity sanctioned killing etc in Christianity. If you are going to bag on believers you may as well try to be a little better informed.

well, it's hard for me because all I ever hear preachers going on about when hating on gays is Leviticus. So make up your minds.
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well, it's hard for me because all I ever hear preachers going on about when hating on gays is Leviticus. So make up your minds.

besides the way I've heard it explained by biblical scholars is that some of the Old Testament laws carry over. Either way, sounds like a real nice god, I'd really want him/it teaching me all about right and wrong. Not.
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Don't worry ... We kicked God out of our schools a long time ago. Thank goodness we got those terrible crazy oppressive ideas like "Thou shall not kill" out of our schools! How's that working out?


Once again, BS. The mass killings in our schools are due to mentally deranged individuals and no amount of Jesus would fix that. Also, I am very much for god in our public school. I strongly believe in well rounded, scientific and liberal arts education. I think all students should be required to take a few history of religion and theology classes as part of their public schooling learning about history of religion, various gods and customs through out history as well as various theological philosophies from Confucius, to Thomas Aquinas,  to Martin Luther and Ghandi. 


How much do you want to be if I proposed 6 years of this as a requirement in public schools starting in 7th grade, the religious right would loose their shit as it would expose their children to varied information. I highly doubt the liberal lefties would have a problem with that. 

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Once again, BS. The mass killings in our schools are due to mentally deranged individuals and no amount of Jesus would fix that. Also, I am very much for god in our public school. I strongly believe in well rounded, scientific and liberal arts education. I think all students should be required to take a few history of religion and theology classes as part of their public schooling learning about history of religion, various gods and customs through out history as well as various theological philosophies from Confucius, to Thomas Aquinas, to Martin Luther and Ghandi.

How much do you want to be if I proposed a 6 years of this as a requirement in public schools starting in 7th grade, the religious right would loose their shit as it would expose their children to varied information.

you mean mom doesn't want Johnny to learn about the crusades and religiously-sanctioned killing that looks an awful lot like what's happening right now in the Middle East?

Btw students are free to pray in public schools. It is mandatory or government coerced or pressured religion that is illegal. Get it right. Prayer and religious clubs are totally legal in public schools. The difference is that someone who is not religious should not be forced to sit in a class, under penalty of truancy laws, and be forced to pray or listen to prayer by teachers or other government employees.

Private / free time / lunch hour / after school: pray away. Government required classroom attendance or other quasi-mandatory events (like graduations or school meetings)? = stop forcing religion onto people who don't want it.

Here's the test: do you think it would be approriate to have teachers leading students through a round of allahu akbars or Wiccan rituals in class?

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I wish most of your fellow conservatives agreed with you. I'm socially liberal and fiscally conservative. Which, until the republicans stop being dominated by looney extremist Christians, makes me a democrat.


Wow....we have a new leader. Daver...you can't get suckered in by these guys. I see they have tidily arrived at race relations and Christian bashing. Liberal defaults in hopes of shifting arguments to moral equivalency. I'll be right back....going to Home Depot to get you guys some tool bags.

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Wow....we have a new leader. Daver...you can't get suckered in by these guys. I see they have tidily arrived at race relations and Christian bashing. Liberal defaults in hopes of shifting arguments to moral equivalency. I'll be right back....going to Home Depot to get you guys some tool bags.

You keep on talking like that and soon you will loose whatever support you have among younger generation and then it's bye bye republican party. Won't be a big loss. It would a lot more honest if the choice was between libertarians and liberals. Both have good ideas. Two current sitting parties have none.


Keep on voting on your social agenda. Makes you no different than a democrat. A do gooder...

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How long do you think new guy (FRC) will stay?

Seemed like an upstanding, intelligent individual.

Welcome to the anti-MooneySpace thread...

The anti-whatever-you-hold-dear thread...

The it's OK to type whatever drivel comes to mind thread...

I went to the gym today as well, it was amazing that the HS guys were struggling with the same language skills that we have here.

They blurt out whatever comes to mind and don't look around to see if anyone is offended...

It is OK.

They have earned it...?

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You keep on talking like that and soon you will loose whatever support you have among younger generation and then it's bye bye republican party. Won't be a big loss. It would a lot more honest if the choice was between libertarians and liberals. Both have good ideas. Two current sitting parties have none.

I am younger generation. I don't know a single person in my generation and in my circle of aquaintances who will vote republican. It's just a shame that we don't have the choice of a socially liberal fiscal conservative. Even the Chris Christie type republicans still pander to the fringe and want to increase spending on military, etc. There's no one who is actually serious about cutting discretionary spending (our military is so damn bloated, and I say this as a former military member) and who is also not a lunatic when it comes to social issues / personal freedom / lack of governmental interference in ones private life. It's really a shame. And yes, I'd rather spend money on social welfare programs before spending it on F35s new tech toys for our military to play with. Every republican suggested budget I've seen has included a significant net increase to the militsry budget at the expense of things that actually help people like medical care and unemployment insurance. Not anti-spending, just anti-spending on people and pro-spending on the military-industrial complex. Sad.
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