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Found 16 results

  1. Hello All, I'm trying to walk through an armchair process to download flight data from an EDM-700 engine monitor. Some airplanes have a data port near the instrument, but I don’t see one here: I saw a wire dangling under the instrument panel near the pilot’s left knee with a connector at the end: The connector looks a little like a power plug for a laptop, but it's got a wart at the end that would prevent it from being plugged into a cylindrical jack. Any idea what this is? Is this wire used to download the data somehow? If so, how? Finally, I saw something labeled "EDM" high on the left side of the instrument panel, but it looks like just a button and an indicator light. Any idea what this is for? Does this button interact with the EDM-700 somehow? Thanks in advance for any help.
  2. New Mooney owner here. Love the aircraft. F model. Standard fuel gauges that bounce around in flight and also wing fuel level gauges next to fuel caps. Have been considering a engine monitor even before buying it. On my ferry flight home from TX to FL averaged 9 gph with no monitor. My question for the fuel injected Mooney drivers out there, "Are the fuel savings justifiable for a $7500+ plus install?" Or just a fuel flow gauge like an FS450 has worked for most of you? Would like to hear from those with and without a engine monitor and those that went from none to a monitor for real time comparison. Thank you for any help on the subject.
  3. I absolutely love my 1968 M20F! I really love everything about it, with the lone exception of my archaic engine instrumentation and the general lack of data it provides - like fuel flow and individual cylinder head temps, and almost useless fuel quantity estimates. Just as soon as one of those old suckers fail (or maybe sooner), I plan on removing it all, redoing my panel, and updating to some sort of a primary cluster type of engine monitoring system. I haven't decided on an EI CGR-30 Combo, JPI EDM-900, or something else, but I do prefer the round forms and think that at least aesthetically, they would look better in my panel. Because, I have zero desire to change out any of my round flight instruments on the left side of my panel - I really prefer the vintage look. (I fly glass at work, and I really don't need any more reminders of work) So...my question to all of our great mooniacs, experts and commentators out there is: Where should I put a new primary engine monitor(s), and how would you rearrange everything else that is left... Thanks in advance for all of your great ideas!
  4. I would like to ask the good people of MooneySpace for suggestions on rearranging the panel in my M20K 231 in a cost conscious way, as well as help on deciding on a engine monitor. Any other hints for now and for the future are also most welcome. By "cost conscious" I don't necessarily mean "cheapest possible", rather "inexpensive but sensible". Work will likely be outsourced to a shop, a FAA A&P/IA is a rare sight at EPKP, one that would sign off my self-install even more so. I currently have standard analog / vacuum instruments as pictured below; in the avionics rack: KMA24, GNS430W, KY197, KNS80, ADF; in the right panel: a FT101 fuel totalizer, the adjustment panel for the remote compass for the HSI, a WX950 stormscope, TIT, ELT, XPDR and a void. The AP is a KFC200, which works well but is lacking, as far as I can tell, GPSS. Everything works and I see no signs of something wanting to fail. My primary goal for now is to install an engine monitor. I do want a "primary replacement" unit, since the cost difference vs the non-primary units is likely close to fixing whatever gauge breaks first, and I want the recording of as many parameters as I can get. I do not plan on removing the original gauges at this time. I also need an intercom. I don't think I can afford to replace the KMA with a modern unit, since it would probably mean major rewiring. So a Telex PC4 or similar will most likely go above the AP annunciator panel. Hooking it to the KMA should be simple enough. In the future I do want to replace things that break with modern devices, if cost is not prohibitive and compatible with whatever remains, but future-proofing is not a primary requirement at this time, so let's not get too carried away. Think more G5 (if it becomes a KI256 replacement) or Aspen, not G500. GFC500 only when the KFC200 breaks beyond economic repair (hoping never...). For the immediate task at hand - an engine monitor - I am thinking either a CGR30P/C combo (where the ADF indicator and the electric AI are) or a EDM900 (landscape across ADF and VOR, which gets moved to where the AI is). When I try hard enough, I can imagine a MVP50 or a EDM930 in the right panel, but it is more rearranging of stuff and I'm not convinced that the ergonomics will work. This is a stock M20K, with a GB1, so I expect it to need fairly continuous tweaking of the knobs. I really don't see them in the avionics rack, I want to keep the KNS80 for now, and moving it, if even possible, is likely a major PITA. I have, briefly, considered using a Dynon HDX / Garmin G3X / G500 as just engine monitors that I can expand into full glass cockpits later, but as others here proved, they won't really work in that capacity on a budget, and I am not ready to go "all in". Thank you all in advance!
  5. Selling my JP Instruments Engine Data Monitor 830 which was removed for upgrades in my Mooney M20M - 6 Cyl airplane. Unit works flawlessly at time of removal, one of my favorite units. Configured for 6 cylinder, TIT probe display, FF, GPH, EGT, CHT, CLD, DIF, OAT, RPM, MP, %HP, built in USB port for downloading your engine data, and when connected to GPS source will give you REQ to next waypoint, Numeric CO level in ppm if connected to appropriate equipment and many more. Unit bought new in 2016. EDM 830 In flight Pictures of this unit. IMG_0767b.bmp EDM 830 in panel.bmp NO PROBES ARE INCLUDED WITH THIS SALE. EDM 830 Unit for sale plus flush mounting bracket. (See pictures) . Best offer up to 1/2 Retail. If someone bids the 1/2 retail amount it will be theirs, otherwise, bid what you wish. All offers considered! Here is the unit from the JPI website if you're not familiar with these. https://www.jpinstruments.com/shop/edm-8301/
  6. I am a past owner (850 hours then sold in97) of a 1979 M20K with a GB engine with intercooler. I am trying to get back into flying and have been looking at the M20K. I would like to hear the opinions of pilots that owned and fly the K with a GB engine. All the talk I hear is negative about the GB engine. The Mooney I am presently looking at has a GB engine and none of the add-ons.
  7. Really thinking about buying and installing an EI CGR-30p/b/c any reports ? I have an empty 3 inch hole in front of the pilots seat, thinking it would go good. http://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/graphics/promos/2018/EI-Rebate-Feb-2018.pdf
  8. Hey everyone the JPI factory rebates have expired but I am keeping the free shipping and disscounted prices below, thank you all for the support! Here are some prices for the common set ups for Mooneys but feel free to reach out to me if you are interested in adding features or upgrading your current JPI. These prices are for the hardware only, installation is available at North Las Vegas Airport (KVGT) or I can send you the product to have your own A&P/IA install. EDM-730 4 cylinder with all probes and sensors (basic) $1,575 EDM-830 4 cylinder with FF, %HP, RPM plus all sensors and probes (TIT & IAT extra) $2,500 EDM-730 6 cylinder with all probes and sensors (basic) - $2,150 EDM-830 6 cylinder with FF, %HP, RPM plus all sensors and probes (TIT & IAT extra) $2,750 EDM-900 6 cylinder - Certified replacement for many of your analog gauges including fuel option for 2 tanks $4,250 Here is a link to my JPI page https://wolfaviationsales.com/jpi-engine-monitors Give me a call or email if you would like quotes on anything I have not listed. Thank you, Sanjeev Prasad Wolf Aviation wolfaviation@cox.net 702-430-2255
  9. I'm in the process of upgrading from a JPI700 without fuel flow to a JPI900 with all the goodies. While reading the manual I became curious about k-factor, fuel flow accuracy, fuel used, MPG, and percent power. Are you guys who have a modern engine monitor pleased with the accuracy of the parameters above? Any tips? Thanks
  10. Hey folks, Those of you with Ovations and an engine monitor that outputs to a data log (which should be just about everyone, barring some of the early-generation G1000s that haven't been upgraded to WAAS) should open an account with Savvy Analysis (http://www.savvyanalysis.com) so you can load your engine monitor data up there on a regular basis. This has two benefits. There is no charge for a basic account, so you can load your flights up and use their online analysis tools to explore your own engine characteristics to your heart's content. If you choose to pay for the Pro service, then you can get Savvy's help with their expert analysis, but what's even better, is you can get access to their report card that shows you how well you are doing compared to others in your class on the most common engine parameters. But here's why we need more Ovations to join in. Right now they don't have enough Ovations in the system to form a "cohort" that allows them to do this group analysis. Strangely, they do have a cohort for Eagles, but I guess with the detuned HP of an Eagle they didn't feel they could lump Ovations into that group. So whether or not you end up subscribing to their service, you can help out the Ovation public at large by posting your data so they can form a cohort and start tracking our models across the board. And in case you're not aware of Savvy Analysis, another great feature of the paid service is that they will automatically run their Failing Exhaust Valve Analysis (FEVA™) on every flight you import, so that if their algorithm detects the potential for a failing valve they will trigger an automatic Alert out to your email so you can have it checked out. I am in no way affiliated with Savvy other than as a customer, but I do think this is a great service and I highly recommend it for anyone who has an engine monitor from which they can dump the data. It gives good insight into how to operate your engine. Also, one of our own MSers is one of the analysts who routinely helps me with my flight data (I won't "out" him in case he wants to remain anonymous!). But really, Ovation owners, start uploading your data! It's free and easy, and very insightful even if you don't pay Savvy a dime. Thanks!
  11. Hi all - I have a broken factory electronic tach that went from perfect to intermittent to completely dead in a day. My A&P has determined that the problem is in the tach generator, and that it's no longer possible to buy a new replacement generator. His recommendation is to buy the EI R-1 electronic tach as a drop-in replacement. This would be something like $1100 installed. I've read with great interest all of the various threads on tach replacement, and it seems that most people go with the EI unit for 2.25" applications. I'm not wild about the EI units, which have a curious LED arc, and appear not to have been updated in the past 25 years (so I would be replacing a 25yo factory electronic tach with a third-party electronic tach of the same vintage). I think that the LED format is odd, and replacing only the tach without doing MP and EGT would look particularly odd. I do not have an engine monitor, and I think that my preference would be to install something like the EI CGR-30P unit that could replace the factory gauges. EI is running a nice rebate offer right now for the CGR-30P, which would be 4x as expensive as the R-1 installed, with far more functionality. But the CGR-30P is a 3" display, and would not fit in the 2.25" factory tach hole. My understanding is that there isn't a 2.25" engine monitor that can replace the primary tach, and I don't have an available 3" hole unless I'm ready for major panel surgery. Any advice? Am I better off just buying the R-1 now? Something else? Would I still want the R-1 later after installing an engine monitor that's a primary replacement? (Is having an electronic tach even useful in the event of an electrical failure? Doesn't the tach die along with the engine monitor?) Hope I'm not beating a dead horse with this thread - would appreciate any thoughts.
  12. EI US-8A-4 Engine analyzer, was installed brand new into my C model in 2014 shortly before I purchased it. It's in nice condition. I recently upgraded to a JPI900 This is a basic monitor- two LCD numerical displays where you can scroll through CHTs and EGTs and program in alarm temp. It has a button to find the hottest cylinder. I found it inferior to a graphical monitor, but WAY better than nothing. It's compact, fits in a single 2" hole. It might be an excellent option for someone on a tight upgrade budget, might not be hard to replace later with a fancier EI unit. It runs about $1100 new on Spruce, and I am asking only $350. I am including the 4 standard EGT probes, 3 bayonet type CHT probes, one piggyback ring probe for the single factory CHT probe - this one reads too cool. You may want new probes will likely need to get a harness.
  13. For Sale: RPM Pickup for JPI Engine Monitors. I had this installed in my M20J until 2015, when I replaced my engine from the IO360-A3B6D (i.e. Bendix Dual Mag) to the IO360-A3B6 (i.e. conventional Slick mags). I posted about the experience in this thread: http://mooneyspace.com/topic/15898-m20j-io-360-a3b6-conversion-experience/#comment-221002 The sensor worked with both my EDM-730 and EDM-830 engine monitors.The attached photos show both the unit itself and a picture of it installed on my plane. It's just a loop of metal with wires on it--hardly makes a difference whether it is "new" or "used." But of course I will honor returns if for some reason it doesn't work for you (you pick up return shipping cost). The attached graphic shows a screen-grab from the JPI website, and an excerpt from the installation manual. You can see that the new unit goes for $395. (!!!) I am selling this unit for $200 + UPS ground shipping. If interested, please email directly at dhc@jpl.nasa.gov Dan
  14. Hi, I'm thinking of selling the following out of my 2001 Eagle2: -- Mortiz guages, both electronic and analog boxes -- fuel sending units for both left and right tanks -- JPI EDM-700 w fuel flow, fits the smaller hole -- McCaulley 3 blade Ovation prop, 720 total, less than 50 since overhaul. Can anyone help me figure it out what these items are worth and where the best place to sell them would be? I recently upgraded to a Screaming Eagle. All of the above was replaced as part of the upgrade and was working well when removed. Thanks!
  15. I am looking to upgrade to an insight G2 graphic engine monitor to use as a primary for EGT/CHT. I was wondering if there is anyone out there who has an old Insight GEM 600 series broken engine monitor that they will be getting rid off. I need an old broken one that I can use as a core so that I can upgrade to the G2 in order to get a discount. If anyone has a G2 already that they would like to sell, that would work too
  16. Hi All, Brett's graphics from his JPI 830 revealing his stuck valve situation was a great example of how to interpret the data. Any of us who own these marvels are certainly impressed with the information it displays, but also are overwhelmed as to what it all means. I thought I would start a thread on examples of engine monitor data and what it meant. Please feel free to show other examples, because I am here to learn too! Brett -- you think you could drop your example here? My first contribution is a fouled #2 cylinder plug on the left mag. You will notice that the #2 EGT temp (yellow arrow) was elevated right from engine start -- something I missed because a) I wasn't looking at the EGT temps and the engine was running smoothly. You will see when I took the rpm up to 2000 to do the run-up, the red arrow points to the dip in EGT temp and of course, now I felt it. I aggressively pulled the mixture at the blue arrow and then did a left right left mag check as indicated by the white arrows.
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