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Found 17 results

  1. Here’s a step forward on insurance to allow our senior brethern and sisters who can afford to self-insure for hull to get the liability coverage required for other supporting parts of our aviation hobby. https://www.aopa.org/news-and-media/all-news/2024/august/14/new-liability-only-insurance-for-senior-pilots?utm_source=epilot&utm_medium=email
  2. Hey. Recently a good friend purchased a gorgeous 1963 Mooney M20C. Brand new paint job, 500 hours left on the engine, brand new prop. After picking it up, after an exhausting flight across the country in turbulent weather he wrecked it in a gear-up landing. For a gear-up landing it's in relatively good shape but the mechanic he talked to thinks his insurance will probably just total it, and he is, understandably, very overwhelmed and distraught at the thought that the plane he's been pursuing for months and saving up for for years might be done after just getting it home. Does anyone have any insight as to how to help lower costs and save his plane? As far as we can tell, he needs the belly panels replaced, definitely needs a new prop (2 or 3 blade is fine), and potentially will need to overhaul the engine. Everything else seems to be okay, and neither wing was damaged.
  3. I had an insurance claim last year on my M20K 252 in May and now my insurance Co. won’t renew. AOPA can’t find any of their 8 underwriters that will issue a policy either. Avemco will write me a policy once a year past the claim. Where can I get a policy?
  4. Insurance is a topic that creates anxiety in many people. Most importantly, they want to know that the Insurance Company will be there in the case of an unfortunate event. On a related note, they want to know they're getting the right coverage - paying for what they need and not paying for what they don't need. For the first time in awhile, rates are increasing - even for those that have never filed a claim. As a MooneySpace Sponsor, we're starting this thread to answer questions about anything aviation insurance related. What's on your mind as you come up for policy renewal? Do you have questions about transitioning to a Mooney? Want to know some general things about how claims are handled? Why did my rate change? Do you have a specific coverage need that needs to be addressed? Ask away!
  5. Hey Mooney Pilots, I was curious if anyone else was getting hammered with increases to their mooney polices and who folks are with. I have a Starrlink / Starr Aviation policy that was for $160,000 Hull and 1M liability on a M20K. I was paying $3100 for 2 lower time VFR pilots. Now its looking like the cheapest is close to $5k / year. Thoughts
  6. Anybody use this service? It seems reasonably priced. http://www.sportys.com/pilotshop/sporty-s-breakdown-assistance-program.html $149 a year for some peace of mind. Thoughts?
  7. I just looked at the post regarding R Model insurance. The answers are difficult to assess as no one posted hull value, coverage or total premiums paid. So, I started this thread. Please post your Mooney Model, hull value covered, coverage amounts and total annual costs. I know I am paying more than most, however mine is a special case since I have an F model that is professionally assessed at $206,000.00. Some companies will not insure much above book value, however there are more and updated Mooneys, so I am wondering what the real market is like. I am insured with AVEMCO. I would like to know what others are paying with similarly equipped airplanes and similar hull values. John Breda
  8. I got my quote this am for my insurance renewals. I'm glad I was sitting down. I was quoted nearly $4500 this year for COPA VIP Gold coverage (which is by far the most popular aviation insurance package in Canada, sponsored by our affiliate of AOPA) with $250k (CAD - or about $190k USD) hull motion/not-in-motion + $2M smooth coverages for my Ovation. This is up by $600 over last year. I didn't think was me: I've got over 2000h TT, with over 1800h in high performance retractables, 1300h of that in my Ovation. I'm IR current and proficient. No claims or violations. So I asked, and was advised: " there’s been a rate increase on all retractable gear aircraft. Mooney’s specifically have consistently poor loss experience. We've taken your experience into account to minimize the impacts on your rates. " Anyone else getting similar quotes or rationales for rate increases?
  9. Has anyone noticed and increase in insurance costs this year? I recently received a letter from my insurance company stating.... they will insure the aircraft but cannot provide the current premium price. I expect a slight increase, but when I called to inquire it was over $500.00. I've never had a aviation related claim, ever! I was told... based on an increase of claims in my class/brand of aircraft, insurance on this equipment went up significantly. I am looking elsewhere! Are you all seeing this as well???? Rick
  10. Hello all, Have been a lurker until now. I have a CFI that I'm scheduled to go up with for the checkout (5 hours for insurance company) on newly acquired M20E in Cincinnait. I'm looking for a backup CFI as well - anyone in the Cincinnati, Ohio area that would fit this bill (CFI needs 25 hours in M20E). Thanks!
  11. Hello Folks, Time to renew my quote again for another year. However, this year I was more excited than my first two years of mooney ownership because now I have over 200 mooney hours and 800 PIC hours.....so I had thought...more later. I am in the middle of inst. rating also. I'd like to hear who is using which company for insurance and also interested in options other than AOPA. I have been loyal to AOPA the last couple years however a couple things have been frustrating me: 1. This year and last year I had sent in my renewal application and I had to follow up with emails a week or so later asking if my quote has come back from the underwriters. Both emails were answered with a reply for me to fill out another renewal application because they said they did not have one on file. When I pressed both responses I did finally get an answer of "oh yeah, here it is". Once I understand but two years in a row seems odd. 2. When binding last year I had to follow up twice with emails off an oil rig (close to the 11th hour of insurance expiring) to get a copy of the final insurance paperwork. One was answered again with, we don't see a renewal request from you after I had binded over the phone before going offshore for work. 3. I have a hangar both in Virginia and Florida and when I tried to change my Virginia airport and add my Florida airport last year it took multiple email and a couple phone messages to get a copy of the insurance riders to the airport managers. It just seems like I have to pull teeth a little too hard to get anything from AOPA in regards to insurance and it worries me that if (knock on wood) I really had to use my insurance it would be a little too frustrating....and who wants that if you are in an unfortunate situation. I really don't think it is associated with ineptness but more seems like they are understaffed. Because when I do talk them, everyone I have talked too is pleasant, professional and knowledgeable...but its just a little too hard. Ok, now the situation that prompted this post. As I mentioned I am going into year 3 of mooney ownership, I have added 200 hours of complex time and I have 200+ hours of mooney time with around 800 PIC team in addition to my Navy special crew F-14 and F/A-18 time (which doesn't count for a lot). However, the renewal quote i just received is $880 more than last year and $380 more than my first year of insurance with zero mooney hours. I've had no FAA issues, accidents, driving issues and I am still under the same medical exam as last year with no medical issues. I also just executed my BFR last month. Instrument check coming at the end of July.
  12. I'm a Canadian citizen recently moved to California due to my job. I have a Canadian 201 and need to get insurance. But a couple of american brokers including Falcon refused, since it's not an N-registered. A Canadian broker also refused since I'm not currently residing in Canada. Can anyone please help?
  13. Just got a renewal notice on my 1986 m20k. It went from just under 1400 to almost 2000. (nothing changed as far as hanger or pilot) I currently have USAIG. I sent my info in to aopa to see what kind of quote I get back from them. I was shocked at the increase. Has anyone else seen this kind of increase?
  14. I just got my renewal quote from Southwest Aviation. Turns out I can drop my premium in 1/2 by changing companies with no real difference in coverage. My broker mentioned that the market for high time pilots with no bad history is very competitive right now. Unfortunately my current provider (AIG) isn't reacting and as a result they're seeing an exodus. This was especially nice since I increased my hull value after installing my new engine. I've had a good history with AIG but I don't see paying double for that relationship. He also mentioned that companies are really looking at what you did the previous year. They're looking for hours flown and proficiency. -Robert
  15. Does anybody know anything about or have experiences with Star Aviation Insurance? My quote from them is more than $200 less than Chartis / AIG.
  16. MOONEY AIRCRAFT OWNERS FORUM at EAA Oshkosh 2013 Monday, 7/29/2013 - 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM - Forum Pavilion 08 NATCA Wednesday, 7/31/2013 - 2:30 PM - 3:45 PM - Forum Pavilion 08 NATCA All current and future Mooney Pilots and Enthusiasts are invited to attend this panel discussion covering model specific Mooney Operations, Maintenance, Safety, Training, aeromedical issues, insurance, and owner support networks. This forum is facilitated and sponsored by: Mooney Pilots Association, Mooney Service Centers, Mooney Specific Flight Instructors, the Mooney Ambassadors, Vintage Mooney Group, Mooney Caravan, Mooney Safety, and industry partners representing insurance providers, aircraft maintenance, and paint facilities. Learn about Mooney aircraft models, performance characteristics, ownership, upgrades, FUN ways to enjoy your plane through Mooney clubs and most importantly meet your fellow Mooney Pilots! Whether you are a current Mooney owner or considering your first airplane this is THE forum for you! Panel Speakers Include: Mitch and Jolie Lucas - Mooney Ambassadors Don Kaye - Master CFI, Premere Mooney Flight Instructor Chris Shopperly and Larry Brennan - Mooney Caravan Don Maxwell - Don Maxwell Aviation, Leading Mooney MSC Phil Corman - Vintage Mooney Group, Mooney Flyer Magazine Chuck Crinian - M.D., FAA AME and Mooney owner James Oliphant - AOPA Insurance, Mooney owner Teresa Venegas - owner, ArtCraft paint Dave Marten - representing MAPA, CFII and others to be announced........... Forum host: Dave Marten dandtmarten@hotmail.com
  17. So we finally got with our insurance to add the value of the new engine to the insured value of the aircraft. Just so you know if you are doing an overhaul, the terms of our policy, at least, is they will cover you for a 20% value increase temporarily (30 days) after a major modification before you have to report the new value to your company and pay a premium for a difference in insured value Anyway, our 20J was insured for $80k before the new engine. This was a bit overinsured for us, we had estimated the replacement value of the plane was about $70k-ish, but wanted to be free to go buy a new plane following a major totalling accident with minimum drama. After much discussion, we decided that with the new Lycoming overhaul we wanted to insured for $95k, which is probably still a bit over insured, but closer to the real value. Doing quick math, this represents an 18% increase in hull value. We just got the invoice from the insurance agent for the premium different: $1,618.00 New Hull Premium $1,118.00 Current Hull Premium Change = $ 500.00 $500.00 X .332 pro-rate Prorated amount due = $166.00 (Note that is not the total policy price, its nearly an additional $1000 for the liability portion of the policy, can't remember the exact value.) My math shows they are increasing the rate of our hull insurance by 44% ($500) to cover the 18% increase in hull value. I am a little appalled. Is this normal? We insure through Falcon - is this just a failure of my agent to negotiate with the insurance company? We are pretty locked into an insurance company because we have an open claim, and so all the other companies declined to quote this year - still we thought the rate we were paying was in family with what other people in our area was paying.
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