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  1. I wasn't a fan of Cannon who did my L3 NGT9000 ADS-B install in 2016. From being way overcharged for the install to shoddy workmanship to avoiding me for warranty work. I believe they had sold business previously a couple of times. I heard they were good, apparently before 2016 they had gone downhill. Your new panel looks nice glad came out the way it did. Enjoy it. James '67C
  2. I got a NGT9000+ with the NY164 active antenna. The system detects all acft with ADS-B xpdrs, but it doesn’t see any mode A/C or mode S equipped acft. The TAS is definitely unlocked and passes the selftest. Could it be a problem with the antenna itself then ? I ruled out blind spots due to placement of the antenna because then at least some acft should show up sometimes. And yes: mode A/C/S is still a big deal here in Europe :-)
  3. changed up some stuff in my panel, and have the following for sale out of my J Avidyne IFD550. 6 months old, over 3 years warranty remaining. could possibly take a 530w in on trade sold Lynx NGT9000 15mo old $4000 sold JPI830 (4cyl with fuel flow) pending KX155 Century 2000 (all parts available, computer had an overhaul about 18mo ago. servos etc all available. AI and HSI are both inop) PS eng 450B is sold all the rest of the oem stuff is available. open to reasonable offers on everything. thank you
  4. Tail beacon is easiest and doesn’t require installing an extra antenna. Garmin GDL82 is second easiest - but you need to pop in a WAAS antenna. Then you’re into other piggybacks like Garmin GDL84’s and 88’s - some have built in waas and others don’t - so antenna install needs may vary. Then You have transponders like the GTX 335 with their own waas and antenna, blah blah blah.- price is twice that of tail beacon. Used free flight and navworx/avidyne boxes are great and include in and out, but you need to know how to plug them in and configure them. Going up the price scale you have awesome boxes like the L3 NGT9000 for in and out. Imagine a GTX345 that needs neither a waas receiver or a screen - it’s an all in one box. Or you can throw $9k at the problem and have a GPS/Adsb in and out transponder like the Garmin 375…. Other solutions like Trig and Bendix still require a WAAS receiver so that buys you nothing. Little do I despise more than the Garmin monopoly…. I’m happy to build harnesses for anyone who needs them.
  5. Hi, I was wondering if any other Mooney owners have been experiencing an issue where their WIFI connection dropping out? From their NGT9000+ unit's PIM (WIFI) Module to IPad's connection. Mine has been doing this for awhile now but wasn't really an issue until I started my instrument training then all the data you really need may or may not be there. Eventually reconnects but It's unreliable my instructor said at some point It quit trying to reconnect with their I-Pad. It's drops out with Foreflight and Fly Q EFB EFB apps and two different Ipad's as well. I noticed that the installer who installed mine used twisted pair wires to the PIM (WIFI) module which is pretty short distance 18" or less. However some of the wiring diagrams from installation manual seem to indicate it should be shielded twisted pair wires to the PIM (WiFI) module from the NGT9000+. Thanks in Advance, James '67C
  6. not sure what your setup is that you have with your GFC500... My setup is 2 G5's GNC255(Nav/Com), GNC355(GPS/Com), L3 NGT9000 +(transponder /ADS-B), GFC500 2 axis with pitch trim, GMU11(Magnetometer to CAN), GAD29B(A429 to CAN),GAD13(OAT to CAN) in a '67C Mooney. I really haven't too many problem with the G5 system which have installed since 2016 for the G5 ADI and 2017 G5 HSI display. just tough ones. I have experienced two different types of G5 failures. The first was just shortly after the GFC500 was installed which was about 2 years ago. The G5 ADI display would randomly fail. The Garmin Service Center and the avionics Guy was ready to give the plane back to me since they where having hard time reproducing the problem. They happen to catch G5 fail during the self test. This was intermittent failure and would randomly fail so it wasn't every flight it failed. It was bugger to catch. Garmin sent a RMA G5 which failed then they sent a recondition G5 which lasted about 2 years absolute trouble free until about 2 to 3 months ago. you could reset the electrical power to The G5 and GAD29, GMU11, GAD13 it work fine for the most part but then it start failing at more random bias. This is where I learned about value of the Data Log files on the G5's. Their data logging seems to be pretty bullet proof. While I don't know how to interpret the error codes of the Data Log files their error logging happen at the time of the failure. This last time which was about 2 months ago I had to take into Garmin Approved service center again for help. It was slightly different error codes than the 1st time failures it was more common but at different flight regimes. The HSI G5 display would revert to the ADI display without user input. you could power off the HSI G5 display then back then it would be ok. The two times I did catch the HSI fail i noticed that the OAT would pop up a red "X" just before the HSI G5 would revert to ADI display. between G5 system failures and while trying to get it to more predictable failure mode. <unrelated> I decided to removed L3 NGT9000 (transponder /ADS-B) The L3 NGT9000 would continually drop traffic on the Ipad and annoying TAS fail message. So I installed GNX375(transponder /ADS-B) so get more screen fields. <back to the story> My Avionics Guy gave the plane back to me, along with the help from the Garmin couldn't reproduce the problem or come up inclusive evidence of the cause of the failure. Garmin had them open all the connectors and realign the GMU11 and go through the G5 installation and setting procedures. It would fail just about every flight prior to me taking it into my avionics shop. it has been about 6 flights but has not failed yet. Hope this helps, James '67C
  7. I have always have had issues with my L3 NGT9000+ installation for about the last 6 to 7 years and finally got tried of my Ipad traffic randomly becoming disconnected and TAS message left over from the original installer installation who orphaned me. As a professional instrument student, Should the day happen when I actually do take my instrument check ride .... I don't have go through explanation with the DPE why the NGT9000 has many error messages and why I have not address them, also I had several incidences on the NGT9000 while on the go around my finger hit the Altitude button putting effectively turn off my mode C reporting causing alarm with ATC, both are a story for another day. I am curious to know what people have configured as fields on their Garmin navigators. I have a GNC255 (NAV/COM) ,GNC355 (GPS/COM) recently removed the L3 NGT9000 in lieu of a GNX375 (GPS/Transponder) , 2 G5's and GFC500 A/P. One of my reasoning is adding another navigator gives me additional 4 fields to configure. So I didn't have reconfigure in flight. Maybe 8 fields is over kill might as well have functional panel space. Curious to know people's rational as to what fields/screen configuration(s) they have chosen and what they think are the most relevant for IFR training versus in practical world instrument flying? I have been looking at people's map page setup / configurations to get a better idea. Below is what I have configured. "Next leg on route" = Route leg's page. Thanks in advance, James '67C
  8. and he dumpster'd the NGT9000 to boot! Nice panel!
  9. I bought my Mooney last year, and it came with an NGT9000 transponder. I am trying to get it's traffic to show up on Foreflight, but it isn't working. The transponder is running a WiFi network, which I connect my iPad to, but the transponder isn't showing up in Foreflight's devices list. Is this a problem that is going to require an avionics shop? My internet searches for this issue haven't been fruitful. Thanks!
  10. I tried sending jim an email but it came back bad address. Anyone have any luck with updating software on this ngt9000 transponder? I keep losing my WiFi connection to my iPad after 15 minutes successful communication. william 1984 m20J
  11. I had the NGT9000 installed a few years ago for the purpose of having active traffic. I didn't initially have the diversity activated as I knew that it was simply a software unlock as the active traffic requires the top antenna. Last year I decided to get the diversity turned on, even though it's not yet required here in Canada, for two reasons. 1. As @Jerry 5TJ mentions it's better than an ELT should the unthinkable happen, and 2. I felt that broadcasting out the top as well would better allow other ads-b in aircraft to see me when they are above me and shielded from my bottom antenna (no TIS-B here). Since you're already in the shop and have everything pulled apart, have the top antenna put in now rather than pull it all apart again later. You can put off activating the diversity if you don't want to spend that money now, or since the diversity software unlock isn't that much compared with what you're spending on everything else, get that done now for the above reasons. my 2 cents Steve
  12. I appreciate your response. 1) Oh yeah .... I have probably most expensive install of the NGT9000+ in a Mooney. if not the most expensive installation of the NGT9000+ cost just about the same as the GFC500 installation last year. 2) The so called "Avionics Shop" had lied to me, and had never had installed NGT9000+. They had claimed they had when I asked, only discovered after picking up the plane. I had to clean up the "Avionics Shop" wiring mistakes and the person running the "Avionics Shop" is no longer. Yes I have reached out other Avionics Shop (including one on this form ) but no avail. It just keeps cost me more money. I have tried the firm ware update in the past It didn't fix "TAS External Fail message" message Jim from L3 had help me. So I am orphan customer. regretting my mistake Thanks James '67C
  13. I’m not getting any messages. According to the ngt9000, everything is hunky-dory. But it doesn’t know that there are a ton of acft out there that it’s supposed to report. I asked the avionics shop to run the TAS check with the ramp test set (this was a couple of weeks ago. They never reported their findings, but I guess when there is an antenna problem it would have been clear by running this test. I’ll ask them how this test went…
  14. How so you know you aren’t receiving any TAS (non-ADSB) targets? Can you be sure that any non-ADS/B targets have been in your vicinity whilst in flight? If you’re certain that you’ve had non-ADS/B targets in your vicinity, then any or all of three things is possible here… You don’t have the TAS/Active Traffic unlock applied to the unit. You mention it exists, but I’d verify it from a software perspective. Your NY164 is too far aft to the point where your wing is likely shadowing certain areas. Your WAAS antenna (the foreground left-most antenna above) for the NGT9000+ position source is too close to the COM blade. There should be at least 24 inches of space ideally between any COM blade and this antenna. On a Mooney, the NY164 typically goes above the cockpit…as in the attached example. This is in alignment with factory drawings showing the recommended proper positioning in this location. Personally, I would ensure your TAS unlock has been done, and I would move the NY164 to the front, and put the WAAS position source antenna for the NGT where the NY164 is presently.
  15. GI275s any day of the week. Twice on Sunday. The GI275 (AP) will drive your KAP150 nicely. Good on you also for the Lynx NGT9000. One helluva' capable box. If you have nothing else to do with $4,000, consider getting the NY164 antenna and the "+" unlock for active traffic. Complete traffic picture over and above any ADS/B solution. But then, it's easy for me to spend folks' money. ;-)
  16. What I am searching for is a low time and relatively fresh overhaul ovation or bravo. Fiki and a garmin GTN750 are preferred. If you have such a beast, PM me. I’m going to build an add on barnstormers and trade a plane and I’ll get a link to it posted here in the classifieds. To summarize: 1990 m20J- 2000TT- 115 hours since factory reman IO390/factory new top prop. Done this year Engine mount overhauled, new metal baffles, new engine control cables, new exhaust. Oil cooler overhauled. Surefly magneto on the left side. Maggie ignition wires. Stunning brand new aerocomfort executive interior. Avidyne IFD550. Lynx NGT9000 transponder, PS engineering 450B. Century 2000 autopilot. Whelen nav/strobe combo, all synced together. Whelen landing light. Reiff turbo preheater. New precise flight electric speed brakes. August annual from advanced aviation (mooney service center) Couple photos attached, more photos and better photos once I get an add up. Still working out pricing. Paint is a 7, maybe better, interior 10, mechanical is 10. No fuel leaks. Thorough and complete logs. Sad to part ways with what has taken most of my time/energy and money recently, but I think I want a FIKI bird.
  17. If possible cross check with other GPS systems. I had a G430W and a L3/Lynx NGT9000 transponder. I would occasionally loose GPS on the transponder, and it had a nice status page similar to the Garmin navigators. I could see that when it failed it lost all the satellites. Turned out to be a loose cable. Look for the number of satellites and signal strength. They should be similar, however, the "green" ones might be different based on what each devices chooses for it's position fix. You could also cross check with a Sentry/Stratus in Foreflight. Or, even you phone's GPS. Keep in mind their signal strength will be less since they are not externally mounted.
  18. Avidyne: “Valued Customers: Like all manufacturers of electronic products, Avidyne has been subjected to unprecedented supply chain challenges in recent months. Despite our best efforts to maintain our costs and availability of components, including ordering our electronic components more than 52 weeks in advance of our production need dates, we have been subject to frequent supplier decommit to our orders. This situation is very dynamic, with new component shortages and price increases occurring daily. To give you an example of the challenges we face, we have a long-term purchase agreement for a particular component used on Avidyne’s IFD and Skytrax products. The supplier of that component recently informed us that despite our long-term supply agreement, they would be unable to commit to suppling any more until at least 2024. We were fortunate to locate an alternative source for a limited number of this particular component that allows us to cover our expected production of the affected products through 2022, but for an increase in price of over 500% of what we were previously paying. This increase in the cost of an already-expensive component, with no advance notice, is unfortunately not unlike the increases that we have seen for many of the components in our products in recent months. To address these challenges, and to make our best efforts to continue predictable price and availability of all of our products, Avidyne is taking the following actions with immediate effect: • We will honor all purchase orders received and accepted prior to today for shipment in 2021. • All promotions are suspended. • All new purchase orders going forward and orders scheduled in 2022 will be subject to a temporary Component Cost Increase Surcharge. We will establish these surcharges at the beginning of each month. When we accept a purchase order, we will confirm the price and delivery of that order, or we will provide our best estimate of our timeframe for delivery. Please confirm this surcharge amount with your dealer. As of the date of this post, all Avidyne products as well as the NGT9000 are in stock and available to order. However, despite our best efforts, we may be subject to unexpected interruptions in the availability of our products in coming months. To avoid being impacted by shortages, we very strongly recommend ordering equipment for your planned installations as soon as possible. We understand and regret the inconvenience of these changes. During this period of supply chain challenges, it will continue to be Avidyne’s objective to supply each order that we accept at the quoted price and on the quoted delivery date. Be assured we are working as hard as possible to mitigate future surcharges and potential supply interruptions. We will communicate future surcharge changes and any product supply interruption information as soon as possible. Feel free to reach out to marketing@avidyne.com with any questions. Sincerely, Kelly Myers”
  19. I wish Dynon could have kept the original schedule for the AP. I decided not to wait any longer, and am installing a g3X/750XI/GFC500. Sort of a major bummer, because I'm a big believer in the IFD nav units. I like them quite a bit more than the GTNs. Too bad both companies(Garmin and Dynon) have limited compatibly. If dynon could have interfaced with my century or NGT9000 I would have gone that way and just had things prewired for the AP.
  20. Fwiw I wouldn't put the ngt9000 at bottom. In the future if you decide to put yoke mounted IPad. it's going to hide the ngt9000 display. Just my thoughts. James'67C
  21. I have pretty much has been nothing but nightmare on the installation of my NGT9000+ in a 67C. When I did have to contact L3 they were very knowledgeable and helpful and patient on help update the software on NGT9000+ about 2 years ago. I was going to wait let someone else be the guinea pig on the latest software. The original installer hosed me royally. I have had to redo their all of their coax cables assembly and WiFI which wasn't entirely their fault but they are such pita to deal with I did myself and help from L3 and I was able to get WiFI issues resolved. James '67C
  22. ...to part ways with the Ovation3 that I love and cherish - sometimes more than life itself. Like many of us in this position, family/personal and work situations have changed (mainly for the better), and "it's now that time". My goal - and some may say I'm being unreasonable - is for this airplane to go to a truly-dedicated current or future Ovation pilot who will carry on my legacy of impeccable maintenance and pedigree. It needs to be hangared, maintained, and treated as a priority in someone's life by someone with the means to do so. Anything less - I politely suggest looking elsewhere or considering another airplane. What many don't know about me is that I happen to be very particular about who owns these airplanes, how they're flown, and how they're maintained. It's a fault that I openly admit, but one for which I offer no apology. Having said that, and climbing down off my soapbox, have a read through the description, look at the pictures, and reach out if you have additional questions. Taking out the "emotional value" that many of us feel in a position like this, my asking price is based on several inputs from the professional community as of late, as well as valuation tools available to all of us. It does not necessarily reflect the volatility of the market as we've all observed today. I have just started scanning logbooks, and need a few more days to complete them, so I will update here (and/or update anyone directly who reaches out and asks for them) when they are ready to be sent out. Thanks for looking, and please reach out with questions...preferably via PM, and we can chat via e-mail or phone or both moving forward. -Steve N2145X Full Spec Sheet No damage history – No corrosion – Hangared since new – One previous owner (who also hangared the airplane since new) 1851 TTAF – Complete logs since new Engine – 826 since factory reman (Continental IO550-N8B 310HP, 2700RPM, 2200-hour TBO) (installed 6/2014) Prop – 826 since new Hartzell PHC-J3YF-1RF /F7498 (Acclaim Type-S) (installed 6/2014) Garmin G500Txi with synthetic vision + Jeppesen ChartView unlock (installed 2/2021) Garmin GTN750xi + Jeppesen ChartView unlock (installed 7/2020) Garmin GTN650xi (installed 7/2020) Garmin GFC500 autopilot (4 servos – pitch, roll, pitch trim, yaw damper) (installed 2/2021) Garmin GI275 ADAHRS backup ADI (installed 2/2021) Garmin GDL69 XM weather Garmin GSB15 dual USB charger – 3.0A ports (installed 7/2020) L3-Harris Lynx NGT9000+ Mode-S Extended Squitter (ES) ADSB 978 and 1090 In/Out TCAS/TAS/Active Traffic JPI EDM930 engine monitor (installed 7/2020) CIES digital fuel senders PS Engineering PMA-450A audio panel Bose/LEMO plugs at all four seats Mid-Continent MD-93 digital clock TKS known ice-equipped (windscreen, prop, heated stall warn, ice light, 20A standby alternator). Standby Alternator new in April 2021. PreciseFlight speed brakes All Whelen (WAT) LED lighting: OR650E wingtip white anti-collision + NAV (ACL portion synced with “b.”) OR500 tail white anti-collision + position (ACL portion synced with “a.”) Model #90724 lower red anti-collision beacon Parmetheus Pro landing lights Model #78013 baggage light A508-24 wingtip trailing-edge lights (non-WAT product) Reiff TurboXP full engine heater + oil cooler heater strip option White LED glareshield lighting with Max-Dim LED panel controls Full exhaust system and muffler proactively rebuilt by Acorn (12/2019) 115cf Scott 4-place oxygen system – current Kevlar bottle good for 10+ years (15-year life) Two Concorde RG24-15M batteries (#1 new in 11/2020, #2 new in 5/2020) Acclaim Type-S flap gap seals (installed 5/2021) New UV grey main windscreen (installed 1/2021) New GEE BEE Aero Products silicone cabin door seal (installed 5/2021) New Rosen sun visors (installed 3/2021) Medeco high-security locks on both main and baggage doors Iridium fine wire spark plugs installed since engine was zero-time + Gold Seal ignition harness 25 to 30-hour oil changes with regular analysis and clean history Paint 8.5/10, Interior 8.5/10 All annuals since 2012 by Brian Kendrick – San Marcos, TX Useful Load – 1006 lbs. Additional Notes: Fresh annual by B. Kendrick done 5/2021 91.411/91.413 IFR certifications next due 2/2023 Redline Aviation “Sidewinder” tow bar, 2 batteries, charger, and storage bag included Start-Pac 24V portable power supply + Kennon full cockpit cover included 3/4 full barrel of TKS-406B fluid with over a year before expiration date OFFERING AT $274,500 OR BEST OFFER
  23. I'm thinking about buying an NGT9000 and I'm inclined to go for the remote unit. You know, keep the panel minimalistic. I'm interested to hear from other people that went for an NGT9000 why they did or didn't go for the panel-mounted version. Important detail: I live in Europe where we don't have FIS-B, XM wx, ADS-B UAT or any of that good stuff. So knowing this, would you go for a panel mounted unit ? I'd operate the xpdr via an IFD 540.
  24. I’m looking at purchasing a 1964 Mooney M20D and was hoping to get some estimates on what the value is on it. It is currently in annual with about 6000tt. The bad is that it the engine has 2200smo. The good thing about the aircraft is the paint is in good shape and full logs with no accident history. The avionics have been updated with a GTN650, Lynx NGT9000 adsb in/out, Garmin G1 engine monitor. It also has a Hartzell 3 blade propeller. The seller is currently asking $45k for it right now.
  25. Yes, Avidyne and L3 are best buddies on that front. Avidyne even promotes the NGT9000 if you need diversity. They often do rebates on combo’s (IFD+NGT9000).
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