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Everything posted by jnisley

  1. Congrats! My plane's younger sibling.
  2. "Carenado makes a M20J model that's pretty nice. A Garmin 430W can be purchased as an add on that uses the actual garmin trainer software. I still use it (FSX) to chair fly new (to me) routes in 8x or 16x speed. " For the last number of years I've been using the above setup along with RealityXP's 430/530 WAAS and Flight Line T gauges which includes several autopilots. (I use the Stec30 which is what's in our plane.) I also have Saitek's yoke/throttle quadrant, but prefer using an old Microsoft forced feedback joystick that I've had for years. (I'd sell the Saitek so if someone's interested email or PM me.) I mostly use this setup to fly approaches and have found Carenado's M20J approach speeds/power setting to be very simular to my M20F.
  3. The very first item on my preflight is to sump the fuel and cycle the fuel selector, that way if for some reason the fuel drain valve would stick open I would see it during the exterior preflight.
  4. Makes sense. Thanks Mitch
  5. By the way, it has a Hartzell HC-C2YK-1
  6. Would someone know if it fits on a 1969 M20F?
  7. Pallet manufacturing/sawmill operations........early years, family dairy farm.
  8. I had in mind that the $115 per hour rate was wet.
  9. It costs us between $125-145 per hour depending on hours per year flown. (usually 70-100 hours per year) Our fixed costs plus "normal repairs", average $6000-7000 (insurance, nav/weather subscriptions, annual, hanger expenses (we own hanger but lease ground it's built on for $450 per year) I would love to rent a decently equipped M20J for $115 per hour
  10. Congratulations!
  11. Welcome aboard!
  12. I'm satisfied with the choice I made buying 9103V ten years ago, although a plane with more ice protection would be nice (especially here in northwest Pa)
  13. We use the SAFE-HEET Variable Temperature Controller/700 Series SAFE-HEET Engine Pre-heater set to keep oil above 45 degrees, then turn it up during preflight. Monthly electric bill increases $10-20 depending on weather. Hard to find a perfect solution in an imperfect world.
  14. It takes around 40 (clockwise, if I recall correctly) cranks on our 1969 M20F to lower gear completely, nothing much seems to happens the first few cranks.
  15. My missing logbook story goes something like this, Shop goes bankrupt..... owner and wife go through bitter divorce....he says she has my logbooks....she says he has them....no one knows where they're at..she says he broke into her house which is his house also and stole them ...the judge says no one can touch them until the bankruptcy and divorce is settled and on and on..........almost six years later, nothing, no clue how to make contact (phone disconnected) or find out where he lives...grrrrrrrr..... I dread to even think about ever selling the plane even though I was able to reconstruct the last 10 years/1000+ hours. My reconstructed logbook is in a fire proof safe, my IA only sees copies.
  16. I used the iPad 1 for several years then upgraded to the iPad 2+ this past spring, both have worked great, I started out with using Foreflight, Wingx Pro and JeppFD (Gotta tryim all:) but settled on Foreflight. Although I've never had a problem with the built in GPS chip, on most flight I use the plug in Bad Elf GPS receiver. My ipad 2 overheated one time, but only for a minute or so, it was on my yoke in direct sunlight in a rubberized case, I took it out of the case and never had a problem since.
  17. 7000-12000 on all but local flights, with my preferred altitude being 9000/10000.
  18. The S-Tec 30 w alt hold, GNS430W, GPSS, it's a wonderful combo, flying holds, procedure turns and approaches with this setup is a pleasure.
  19. Great, it is hard work but very rewarding!
  20. Plexus for windows, Wash-Wax All for everything else.
  21. Four years ago we installed a STEC30 with alt-hold and GPSS steer for around $14,000 if I recall correctly. With the GPSS coupled with the 430W it flies procedure turns, holds and GPS approaches perfectly, it does however seem a little weak when tracking a localizer needle in windy conditions, perhaps there's an adjustment that I'm not aware of. I like the idea of it being independent of the attitude indicator which is vacuum powered.
  22. José, My receiver is a Garmin GDL69 feeding a Garmin MX20 MFD, it has an external antenna but has to be outside to pick up a good satellite signal, therefore I'm not as apt to turn it on as I would with a more portable unit. (especially in the winter when there's two feet of snow out side the hanger door.
  23. Love it, thanks!
  24. I've been using XM weather in the cockpit for a number of years, I've found that the receiver has to be re-activated if it's not used for at least once every 4-6 weeks, I've found re-activating to be quite simple, call their toll free number (it's programmed in my speed dial) and follow prompts, (for me it's home phone number for log in, then tell the computer voice you want to re-activate and make sure the receiver is on within 15 minutes of activation) I expect if you have multiple receivers (XM radio etc.) on the same account you need to specify which receiver. John
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