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Everything posted by jnisley

  1. No filters, no bugs, no problem.
  2. Although my PPL training/solo flights and checkride was done in a 172, all during my PPL training I was building time in the Mooney (with my instructor of course) If I recall right needed 25 hours complex time to satisfy insurance requirements.
  3. I take the side panels off and do a visual inspection using a flashlight either before or after most cross country flights. It takes 5 minutes or so.
  4. I'm in... I've learned much about pilots (people) and quite a bit about flying and Mooneys. (smile) Maybe the smily button will work better on the new site. (grin) Thanks Craig and fellow contributors for this site.
  5. For me, I like to have most of my pre-landing checklist done before starting my approach (instrument or visual) such as weather, frequencies, fuel, seat & belt adjustments, landing lights etc. Once I enter traffic pattern or final approach fix I want it narrowed down to four things. Boost pump Undercarriage (gear) Mixture Prop I try to continually remind myself that things will go BUMP (and grind) if I fail to lower my gear:(
  6. There seem to be plenty of "loose wires" on this thread, what's one more.
  7. Needless to say I'm flying a well oiled Mooney! There's still oil seeping out of cracks and crevasses, especially on warm days.
  8. I've been using the Pocket CO Model 300 for several years, it works good.
  9. I know your engine is different then mine...... the leak that forced me to do an emergency landing less then a year ago came from a cracked flare fitting on the steel prop governor oil line. It started out as a mist but quickly became something much worse. (four quarts of oil in 15 minutes)
  10. I enjoyed the photos, I would love to hear about your trip back to Switzerland. Safe flying!
  11. Congratulations! I remember how relieved I was to be able to change my focus to flying.
  12. Quote: jbs007 Lol. You Excel at humor compared to me. Nice work. I would like to have Access to your humor database. My humor begins with a positive Outlook on life! Sounds like quite a Project to me. As long as the Numbers match.
  13. Several weeks ago after returning from a cross country flight (by habit) I checked my mags before shutting down, to my suprise my left mag was dead. As I thought back over the flight things that had puzzled me started making sense. 1. About 1/2 hour into the flight I thought I detected more vibration then normal, all the gauges showed normal so I contributed it to the "auto rough" feature that kicks in when over rough terrain (West Virginia) 2. About one hour into the flight I decided to go from ROP to LOP, I was at 8000ft so I expected my last cylinder egt to peek at around 1440, it didn't, it kept climbing and the engine ran rough before it peeked. So I went back to ROP. Puzzling it was.... Our mechanic removed the left mag and found nothing wrong with it ( Slick mags with 300 hours) a new ignition switch solved the problem.
  14. Oh, almost forgot, you can add bankruptcy to the mix.....
  15. Our reconstructed (at least partially) airplane logs are in a fire-proof safe, never to be touched by any A&P/IA! The story goes something like this, bitter divorce....she has them....he has them....no one knows where they're at..he broke into his own house and stole them ...no one can touch them until divorce is settled and on and on..........Five years later, nothing. If my IA needs information he gets a photo copy of the original, nothing more.
  16. The previous post belongs to me, I love when technology doesn't work.
  17. John, It's 9.25 inches from bottom of tank to top of wing.
  18. I'm going to the airport this afternoon, I'll try and remember to get you a measurement.
  19. The Whelen LEDs do not 'wig wag' and that is, so far, the only improvement I would have liked. Just recently I installed two Whelen Par46 LED lights, ours wig-wag just fine.
  20. I've used XM Weather displayed on an MX20 for a number of years, it has never failed me in flight but occasionally I've needed to re-activate receiver if not used for several month. It's basically a phone call with several auto prompts. The "free" in ADS-B is very attractive after paying $165 per quarter for XM all these years.
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