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Everything posted by M20F-1968

  1. I have a pair of panels from an Ovation that can be altered to fit into other air frames. They are the panels that make most of the roof and have the pillars that go around the windows. I had a second set which I altered to fit into my F model. They can be the start of a very nice interior. They are fiberglass and easily remodeled. You can call me at (617) 877-0025 or e-mail me at johnabreda@yahoo.com Thanks, John Breda
  2. I also have 2 King KR-87 ADF receivers for sale. One was repaired by Duncan Avionics - has new display and many new parts, comes with 8130 The second one has a yellow tag and was check out to be suitable for return to service. Both are clean units. I am looking for about $550 each. You can e-mail me at johnabreda@yahoo.com or call me at (617) 877.0025 Thanks, John Breda
  3. There is apparently a specialty welding shop in Dallas, TX that has many jigs for various aircraft and can rebuild/restore engine mounts. Perhaps another person on the list knows of the name. John Breda
  4. I have two KR-87 units. One was repaired and inspected by Duncan Avionics and has return to service documents. It is in excellent shape. The other has been yellow tagged after inspection and testing. I do not have an antenna but I do have a KI-227 slaved indicator which is like new as well. These units were purchased for my aircraft. The reason I have 2 KR-87's is my mechanic had the unit sent to Duncan and convinced me to purchase it. I then eliminated the ADF's entirely when I redid the panel with the 600, 750 and 650 Garmins . I am sure we can agree on a price. You will not be disappointed with either one of these units. You can e-mail me at johnabreda@yahoo.com or call me at (617) 877-0025. Thanks, John Breda
  5. If someone needs it, I have a factory replacement eyeball vent (Wemac vent) which is the one mounted by the pilot and c0-pilot's knees. You can e-mail me at johnabreda@yahoo.com or call me at (617) 877-0025 Thanks, John Breda
  6. Hello all: I would like to know if there are some Mooney pilots in Massachusetts who would be willing to spend some time flying with me in the next few months in my aircraft as a safety pilot. Please e-mail me at johnabreda@yahoo.com My phone is (617) 877-0025. Thanks, John Breda
  7. Use a 2" electric AH instead with attach inclinometer. Mid-Continent has one, not cheap but provides more information than a T&B and still electric. Electric artificial horizons are slower in righting themselves from unusual attitudes so would still keep vacuum AH. John Breda
  8. I have an excellent top cowling which is available from my plane, 1 1968 F model. You can e-mail me at johnabreda@yahoo.com or call me on my cell at (617) 877-0025. Thanks, John Breda
  9. You will need to have the engine shimmed, bulkhead/prop and spinner in palce before you cut the firewall flange and position the cowling. You will need to assess the cowling position in relation to the bulkhead/prop. John Breda
  10. There is a retrofit number to replace the expensive Dukes pump with a more reliable and less costly Weldon pump. This should not be an issue. You want to use the aux pump in critical flight situations such as take-off and landings. That is why it is there. John Breda
  11. It will reduce payload much more than airspeed. You will loose about 2 kts.
  12. Rated_E: I put a J model cowling on my 1968 F with DER approval and 337's. I would be happy to discuss the project with you. You can call me at (617) 877-0025 or e-mail me at johnabreda@yahoo.com You will need a set of cowl flanges (pieces installed between the firewall and outer skin). You will also need to rebuild your engine mount, installing the weld-on parts to support the J model cowl flaps and will need several cowl flap parts. You will need a J model spinner and bulkhead, or better yet Hartzell makes a spinner and bulkhead the installs behind the prop hub . You may need to do some fiberglass work on your cowling dependinh on its condition. There is also a recipe on how to cut back the firewall flange to make the cowling fit. First your engine and mount must be shimmed properly. These are just a few of the highlights to think about. John Breda John Breda
  13. I have tried to upload photographs (.JPG) on the new site and get an error message saying upload failed. Has anyone else had this problem? What is the fix? John
  14. I have about 3 of these. Not yet sure which one I will keep until my plane is back in Boston. Keep in touch if you still need one in Nov or Dec. John
  15. I am waiting until it is finished. It is in the paint shop now - and has been stripped. Avionics install has been completed. I tried to upload some pictures but the new site keeps giving me errors. Does anyone know a way around this? John Breda
  16. I am trying to clean out my hangar of left over parts from my rebuild project. I have a bunch of parts left over. Some are quite nice such as a completely rebuilt RayJay turbo normalizer system. Others are small parts just left over that someone might need. I have listed about 150 photos on photobucket. The link is: http://s1067.photobu...reda/?start=all If there is anything you might need or want, please call me at (617) 877-0025 or e-mail me at: johnabreda@yahoo.com I have more stuff still in Texas and will post when I can get pictures. I have documentation for many F model mods which I have generated which led to FAA approval, so if you are thinking of a project you might give me a call. Thanks for looking, John Breda
  17. I am trying to clean out my hangar of left over parts from my rebuild project. I have a bunch of parts left over. Some are quite nice such as a completely rebuilt RayJay turbo normalizer system. Others are small parts just left over that someone might need. I have listed about 150 photos on photobucket. The link is: http://s1067.photobucket.com/albums/u434/jbreda/?start=all If there is anything you might need or want, please call me at (617) 877-0025 or e-mail me at: johnabreda@yahoo.com I have more stuff still in Texas and will post when I can get pictures. I have documentation for many F model mods which I have generated which led to FAA approval, so if you are thinking of a project you might give me a call. Thanks for looking, John Breda
  18. Check with a Mooney service center. I do not have the part numbers just now but the senders are similar but for their shape (straight or bent) and the wire shape. The wiring is the same as the originals. As I recall, the outboard sender is grounded to the airframe. The inboard sender is not, John Breda
  19. I forgot to add, I am looking for about less than 1/2 what the M20 system would cost, and you can use your original cowling. John Breda
  20. I have a completely rebuild RayJay system for the F and E models. I was going to use it on my F model when I was rebuilding it, but my former mechanic made swiss cheese out of the SWTA cowling mod (long story) and I ended up putting a J model cowling on the airplane. I have come to learn quite a bit about these systems and am happy to give you some insight from my experience. There is only one choice of Turbo Normalizing if you have the original cowling - and that is the original RayJay system with the manual wastegate. The M20 System requires a J model cowling and J model airbox. The cost of putting a J model cowling on an F model is about $20,000 (about $2000 to purchase a used cowling, another $6000 to rebuild it, and another $10,000 to get it onto the airplane which includes mounting cowling flanges between the cowl deck/side skins and firewall, modifying the engine mount and cowl flap mechanism, new engine baffling, new spinner and bulkhead, oil cooler relocation and all the necessary fitting, riveting and fussing. The original RayJay system has a manual wastegate and requires the original F or E model air box. It is not compatible with the J model cowling and J model air box. I assume you have an F with the original cowling and air box. The system I have has been completely rebuild. The wastegate is much thicker than the original (as the original was just made out of exhaust pipe stock and warped with the heat). The exhaust pipes are 1 gauge thicker than the originals and are stainless steel. I have a completely rebuilt turbo and one with 300 hrs on it. The price would vary accordingly. It costs about $2200 to completely rebuild the turbo itself. I have all the documentation, both STC's - one to put the turbo system on the engine and one to put the turbo normalized engine into the airframe, the parts manual, install manual, all drawings referenced by the STC's and the FAA approved POH letter. This is as close to a new system as you will ever find in the world at this time since these have not been made since the 1970's. I also have a second set of good Rayjay exhaust pipes for the same system. I am looking to get my investment out of these parts. This site gives an error message when trying to upload a picture, but you can e-mail me at johnabreda@yahoo.com and I can send pictures. You can also call me at (617) 877-0025 or send me your phone number and I can call you. Thanks, John Breda
  21. I have two compasses for sale. Both in excellent condition. One from a 1967 Mooney F - low time (1700 hrs) airplane The other is from a 1998 Ovation - (very low time airplane - 400 hrs) and was mounted in the glare shield. You can e-mail me at johnabreda@yahoo.com and I can send pictures. You can also call me at (617) 877-0025. Thanks, John Breda
  22. If anyone has a pdf of the service manual and parts manual covering the 1968 M20F I would appreciate a copy. My e-mail is johnabreda@yahoo.com Thanks, John Breda
  23. For anyone that needs a replacement set of vintage Mooney engine gauges, I have a nice working original engine gauge cluster from a low time 1967 F model (removed for 201 panel installation) and a set of J model gauges (removed when the airplane was parted out rather than sold. You can e-mail me at johnabreda@yahoo.com for pictures if you like or call me at (617) 877-0025. Thanks, John Breda
  24. I have a set of fiberglass interior panels (one left and one right) from a 1998 Ovation with the new style interior. These are the panels that form the ceiling left and right of center and have arms/pillars which go around the windows. I was going to use them in my airplane but had another set already modified for the F/J body length. These can be used in the Vintage airplanes with some fiberglass modification. I have pictures but this site did not allow the upload. You can e-mail me at johnabreda@yahoo.com if you are interested in seeing the pictures. The parts are now in Texas and I am in Massachusetts. I would prefer to sell them from Texas instead of shipping them back to Massachusetts. I can give someone a good price so I can clear them out without first shipping them to me. They can be used to upgrade a Vintage Mooney, or to repair a newer model which already has the new style interior. Thank for considering them. John Breda
  25. Chrome cylinders will take 2-3 times what it usually takes to break in. If you only have a few hours on the engine, it may not be broken in as of yet. Continue to follow the break-in recommendations until oil consumption decreases. John Breda
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