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Everything posted by N9201A

  1. You also practice stalls, Bob. Chuck's informal poll showed a significant number of MSers who responded never do...and they're probably a higher percentage in the general pilot population. Again, mindset. Is a pilot who doesn't practice slow flight and stalls as sharp as they would be if they did? Being an MSer doesn't affect that analysis.
  2. And I too came to this forum with that intent. But again, that's mindset. And it's not universal. The mindset may lead one to the medium, but that's different than the medium = mindset.
  3. Maybe. Depends on one's mindset, doesn't it? I don't believe just being on a forum makes one a more competent pilot; it just makes one a pilot on a forum.
  4. Army, CA ARNG, Army Reserve, 1982-2005. Go Army!
  5. And/or has only been married once...?
  6. I know an IA who ran a reputable shop for 35 years without a legal problem, every customer he had raved about him. He was a handshake guy, his word was gold. The guy he tried to help who ended up suing him was 35 years' worth of PITA. Great to be lucky, but I wouldn't second-guess anyone who's trying to be smart and careful, especially when they don't buy aircraft for a living. More information is never bad, either or both parties can adjust their expectations (and agreement) accordingly. But then, some people don't believe in inoculations either. I get a flu shot every year. To each his own...
  7. Can smell them sour grapes from the Left Coast...smile, it's a beautiful world!
  8. Demonstrating mastery in slow flight regime/stall series builds pilot confidence in skills and aircraft.
  9. Don't confuse us with facts, Rocket! Everyone knows Hillary started the TFRs, right between initiating the "Birther" controversy and founding ISIS...
  10. Welcome Lawrence! From where do you hail? What's your flying experience? Those facts can help folks tailor responses to be most useful.
  11. Pictures looked like Bo impacted trainer consistent with trainer being wing-up base to final, and Bo flying straight ahead. But as others have pointed out, it's all *complete* speculation until NTSB has done its grim but necessary work. How many "eyewitnasses" have we watched excitedly on camera about "flames spouting" from aircraft that crashed out of fuel or the like? Makes me wonder about eyewitness IDs in criminal cases, candidly... And let's not get started on the general quality of reporting on general aviation incidents ...
  12. Mike, this isn't a dollars/numbers issue. Someone else mentioned insurance, I'm not sure any company would cover soloing a student in your plane - not to mention giving instruction in it. And why rent a plane? I bet you've got people with slower aircraft who'd love to swap time in your bird for time in theirs. Also, why not have your wife at least get through solo in a glider? It's simpler, cheaper, and develops better stick skills. One pooched landing - a common enough event in primary training - and your theory that using your plane is cheaper is disproven...leaving aside additional wear and maintenance items from primary v. typical use. I taught my daughter to drive and am teaching her to fly...but I wouldn't teach my wife... Finally, educate yourself by reviewing current standards for the commercial and also the CFI. It's not one test, it'll be at least three writtens and two checkrides. You can study for and take a ground instructor rating immediately, which can get you a lot of the learning done for very little money...if you put the time in. I found teaching something a fantastic way to learn it, and I learn something every time I fly. I've also tried to learn something from everyone I fly with. I also learned a lot about instructing by doing it for a while before trying to take someone from zero to PPL.
  13. You won't save any money v. paying for a PPI, but the training for COM and CFI is invaluable and will make you a much better pilot. A 201 isn't as effective a primary training platform either, and more costly to fly than a 150/Warrior/Katana etc.
  14. This is consistent with what others who've adopted it have told me...better awareness of differences at various weights, being able to have depicted critical info in one's peripheral vision ... have to look at this. Thanks for sharing your experience.
  15. Re age, Chuck it's an interesting question you raise. I'm not sure there is an age correlation. But I'm convinced, reading enough of these posts, there is definitely a "mindset" correlation. The guys who've figured it all out don't need to practice. They've got it all down already. Since I don't, I'll keep practicing. Then again, maybe age is just a mindset, too...?
  16. Here's one take from AOPA's pubs that pretty much sums it up for me: "Slow flight and stalls are important skills. They not only prepare your students for the task of learning to land, they teach just how versatile the aircraft is, and how to handle an inadvertent foray into the lower end of the performance arena. Just as a golfer must practice getting out of a sand trap, students must practice getting out of both an imminent and an actual stall. And like the golfer, it is important to keep the skills sharp with regular practice." I practice. But I do fly much better than I golf, maybe because being an unpracticed golfer won't kill my pax, a bystander or me.
  17. Thanks for posting DMax article. Extremely informative.
  18. Does anyone meet or exceed book? I flew with one pilot who claimed he "always" did...then he discovered his ASI was reading fast. Your 152 number is in the ballpark to me (78 J X 19 years, several mods).
  19. Older Js that have been updated are UL wonders. Faster and more efficient than turbos below 10k with longer legs.
  20. Why I left the East for the West, example 324.
  21. '78 J with 1070 UL.
  22. Not stopped flying for seven years just on verge of PPL. Made first trip to OSH sooner.
  23. Yes Paul of course you're right. hamfisted ones! As I recall the CFI PTS had this as a demo maneuver (at least we trained for it) and a Cherokee will just hobbyhorse along, with no vices. Not our Mooneys!!
  24. Skidding is cross-controlling. Cross-control stall=spin entry. Have you read this? May answer your question. http://www.mooneyevents.com/spins2.html
  25. Also, may need to be a big-ass truck.
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