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Everything posted by N9201A

  1. Using your definition that would be true. I don't know you so I was using Merriam-Webster's and the common real estate, investment and airplane owners' one.
  2. CONGRATS on the 252, Rocket!!
  3. Thanks for keeping us posted!
  4. I mean sadly for the sellers and GA generally that it's a buyer's market. Not sad for buyers!
  5. And I agree with those who say to budget for the worst and that underutilized "great deals" sometimes can be not so great. Factor in that you're buying the plane to fly it. Why spend the money to buy an aircraft and then not be able to fly it? Sadly, there are enough often-flown, carefully looked-after birds out there to take a chance on something unless the numbers pencil out as irresistible ... AND you're OK being down for a couple months if the worst happens.
  6. As a guy who's represented parties on both sides of similar transactions, escrow is usually a good idea. Where you can't agree on it, there's a reason. Never had someone tell me "wish I had skipped escrow." But I've lost count of people who were sorry they didn't do it. I believe AOPA even has a service for members. Easily done.
  7. I know Zhengzhou well, unfortunately. We had an apartment in Manhattan, near the only two expat places in the city. And yes, it's not that common for locals to see Westerners, even with a city of 8-10 million. We had one engineer we always introduced as "Harrison Ford." Not being tall enough to pull that off, I usually went with "Clooney." My WeChat is lawrencebrennan.
  8. Speaking as someone who's handled crying babies, sick pax and some unusual cabin antics on Vegas charter flights, I can think of no task that requires an uninterrupted 15 seconds inside the cockpit in VFR conditions, and I've not met the instrument pilot who can divert attention from their scan that long without consequence. You should be able to reach your fire extinguisher or don your oxygen mask (for high fliers) in less than 15 seconds. +1 on comments on planning ahead and setting your cockpit up so you can handle stuff without deviating from priority no. 1: Aviate! Everything else comes next. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  9. If you don't believe you can leave power/RPM in throughout climb, or safely takeoff/land without flaps...don't. But don't expect those of us that know better to either give a hoot, validate your procedure, or change what we do as the situation dictates. And stay "on the step" while you're at it! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  10. Ni hao! Great update Paul. Have you heard anything about the release of airspace above 1,000 meters? The other unexpected factor inhibiting sales for everyone was the government focus on corruption, which spooked a lot of folks buying planes, as that could fall unwanted attention to oneself. It hit jet builders hard too. Infrastructure remains a challenge but the Chinese aren't afraid to throw money and resources at that, once they've a goal in mind. And Chinese ownership will help Mooney there also, which can only help Mooniacs everywhere. How long are you in China? If you're there in a couple weeks, lemme know what city you're in and let's grab lunch or dinner, I know some places... Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  11. I am interested. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  12. Congratulations! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  13. It's very common in SoCal to get what is effectively IMC even though VFR conditions are reported due to haze, setting sun, glare and smog layer. Something to be on the watch for, especially when near our busy Class Cs and Class B. Good that you're getting that experience under controlled conditions. Set personal minimums and stick to them. Be conservative! Learning from experience is only possible if you survive the experience. Similar conditions (effective IMC in VFR reported conditions) have done many in, most notably JFK Jr.
  14. Nice flying guys. The churning of the twenty, thirty or (this year) forty-odd aircraft can really make it bumpy, so "parade" isn't often practical for the Caravan itself. Glad you guys got some wing time in on the way home. I'm only today heading west to California from NJ, probably the last Caravan bird to roost when I hangar (hopefully) tomorrow.
  15. This is interesting and fun to read. Good luck completing your PP training ... Then you can get to work on that instrument ticket! As others have written, now that you're a pilot, keep learning and waiting for that "perfect" flight...if you're paying attention you'll notice you'll never quite have one...but that's what makes it so challenging. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  16. Nice post, welcome Nate. Let Rocket, Puddles, SayWhat or another one of our C jocks help show you how well a C flies formation. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  17. No reserved parking in North40. That's basis for mass arrivals, so people can park together because they arrive together. This is an ongoing struggle with EAA. Ask the Cessnas, whose tent was surrounded by Bonanzas. Vintage area seems to have a very civilized approach, why not reserve if one pays in advance? Everyone wins! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
  18. Additional new fact: Spoke to Jim Shafer at OSH. He explained that reduced back pressure should reduce CHT. Thinking it through, the increased CHTs I experienced could have been the result of less cooling airflow because of higher deck angle at the same climb speed. They collect data so I will share mine with them and perhaps they can publish all of the Mooney owner results they've received, and everyone can judge for themselves.
  19. Welcome Jason. I would suggest you join the Caravan, but as I'm sure Rocket, er, he who is known to you as Paul, has already prodded you, I guess I will look forward to meeting you at a Texas or AZ clinic or in Madison in 2017. Joker
  20. Steingar find me at MS event Monday. There are numerous CFIs flying in the Caravan, I will be happy to make some introductions.
  21. Caravaners wear your name tags!! Save Yves some work!
  22. My concern is if the red trolleys aren't running, it's a looong walk from Vintage out to N40. Length of 36 + much of 27. Hate to see anyone miss the briefing, pretty bad newbie faux pas. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Mooney reserved a lot of N-numbers with "201" in them. Not my pick but I've lived with it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. Sure you can Ned. How do they stop you? We've got folks who aren't camping, land, debrief, then taxi to GAP at the FBOs. Just leave the rows and go to the parallel, wave the sign, and you'll get routed back. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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