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Everything posted by LANCECASPER

  1. Is there a button somewhere on the yoke that mutes it? Your POH should have a flight supplement section that has a few pages on every add-on in your airplane. it should be explained there.
  2. On the #1 alternator that's not a good trend you might be on to something there. Has someone who knows what they are doing checked the coupler - that's a known issue. On the backup alternator I think you have a solution (30v backup - good!) looking for a problem (there is none). But I'm sure they'll be happy to keep the clock running while you have them chase it down . . lol
  3. Close, Mooney mentioned at MooneyMax that there about approx. 7000 still flying. They delivered their 11,000th Mooney back in 2006, so less than +/- 11,300? https://generalaviationnews.com/2006/03/24/mooney-delivers-no-11000/ But your point is well taken. The ones destroyed aren't coming back. I still believe though that corrosion is taking more out of the fleet every year than natural disasters.
  4. Where the arm attaches to the door
  5. Twenty years ago over 20 Mooneys were damaged or destroyed just in Punta Gorda alone in Hurricane Charlie: https://www.aero-news.net/index.cfm?do=main.textpost&id=1946e114-50b7-4e0f-8ef4-003f1b2afb8e That was the storm that brought Brian Kendrick from FL to TX.
  6. People in FL most likely have higher rates than people in WA. @Parker_Woodruff could explain that better.
  7. The Steelie held an iPad fine and holds my 6.9” phone fine as well. I also use a Steelie in each vehicle: https://www.amazon.com/Nite-Ize-Windshield-Universal-Compatible/dp/B0BRDCY488/ref=sr_1_6?crid=2ACAYOBVATEZX&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.2_0hoSLpnRYEISAd0CjP7j9PUWjN1Cleq-wRPIIKIg_Nc6fSjvxGWtVpC_CIRLVsVO3VH6qFlsgOAwKjrf3mHZXsuFFtmTKbXPsxU4X--FURXyq9gsKkl_o8FXY-pyxKqc4x2higQurCuzN6x81HxTgBasBnb6seAhNhH2wO7UQgB9xkeJ9us_1SdtlBfGQoy9DQXucA2CjIvsRR7ubhxysjfjyMPvZ8GicbPky2Th4vHpBO7hHCuTNMAJBxIBu-Ix099v0ivUgjmzsbCtKiKo8YcL_Y4c_LrN3YPBcu7tk.jqIxrGkpBu1Iz9LkiS2UhbnmSHo9m7iSs1NsXTV474Q&dib_tag=se&keywords=Steele%2Bcar&qid=1728401223&sprefix=steele%2Bcar%2Caps%2C206&sr=8-6&th=1
  8. When I used an iPad (11"or mini) the best solution of all of the ones I tried for me was the simplest - the Steelie. I stuck the ball to the center piece on the yoke. I still use the Steelie to put my iPhone Pro Max on the co-pilot's yoke to monitor Foreflight. https://www.amazon.com/Nite-Ize-Original-Steelie-Mount/dp/B00BAQKRHY/ref=sr_1_4?crid=245OXQFYXUBWW&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.FGshYnA6ZYvhN2SCyIYp7tNUhWb3pOfoN5SgTsxIu4fm4jQeFiaTNrw9G4EdGjtBMnlYQcY3L69aBpMbpPISqvZAf5YYJRvobCGKOp5VyvrjwP_8kfWv7bldpOkq8KLnLF1kO0k917JupZibp-7ahwKaCCCKditFDgc7IQJ_d9MEVi8XVVieR_yna2_Bb2awicVIUSHfehZpWh6nfpCI4xmnTVkviJxHqSe9Btii164.o72BMDvhlSNA5ABdlzdTdIrOGSAEcFHvk3ATQsTVqYM&dib_tag=se&keywords=steelie+phone+magnet&qid=1728392184&sprefix=steelie%2Caps%2C158&sr=8-4
  9. There was a threat of a strike but it never happened. https://www.sungazette.com/news/top-news/2023/10/new-lycoming-engines-contract-effective-immediately/
  10. Tampa can’t catch a break
  11. You'll need a WAAS GPS (Garmin 430W, 530W, GTN750, 650; Avidyne IFD440, 540, 550 - those all have coms and navs as well)
  12. There are good power adaptors that don't interfere with any other devices in the cabin and provide clean DC power. I would be more concerned about the battery pack: https://asn.flightsafety.org/wikibase/386971 https://www.binghamtonhomepage.com/news/local-news/watch-plane-catches-fire-at-hornell-airport/
  13. As long as there are free programs (FltPlanGo and other free options), lower cost options and Garmin Pilot, Foreflight won't be able to do much with their pricing without losing a lot of their customer base. They created a higher Performance plan a few years ago and continue to add new features to that to make it more appealing to upgrade, which seems to be their pricing strategy to increase revenue. The Basic, Pro and Performance have stayed around the same price for a long time. https://foreflight.com/pricing/#featchart
  14. Just be careful of the POH recommendations on TIT. You can't run the max POH numbers (1750 TIT) without burning up cylinders. Owners who have flown M20Ms for years keep TIT 1600 and under. Fuel is cheaper than cylinders, labor, TIT probes and exhaust components.
  15. It was mentioned at MooneyMax 2024 that Mooney International had licensed the no-back spring to LASAR. That's a much better solution than trying to re-invent the wheel.
  16. Like @Jake@BevanAviation mentioned in his post, "Be sure to remove the static line to the transducer first."
  17. There isn't a lot of difference in the hardware, but the labor is going to be a lot less on the Dynon since everything has a pre-fab harness and a dealer does not have to do the install.
  18. The labor is going to be a lot less 9n the Dynon since everything has a pre-fab harness and a dealer does not have to do the install.
  19. Troutdale MSC should be able to do it for you, not complicated. I had an Ovation converted from 280 to 310hp ten years ago and watched Brian Kendrick do it. He took the prop governor off and I took it over to the prop shop to have the mod done on it to go to 2700 rpm. The only thing that took time was the week for the prop shop to get the governor done. The fuel set-up is where you need the expertise but @exM20K already gave you the numbers there. If the shop goes on the high end of that you should be fine.
  20. Here are the specs: https://www.dynoncertified.com/mooney-m20j-autopilot.php It shows fully coupled approaches
  21. That's great news - it opens up a lot of options for J & K owners. I have a feeling that @Jesse Saint is going to be very busy.
  22. I've heard that it's possible to avoid an extra tach by selecting "Ovation 3" in the G1000 software which sets the tach for a redline of 2700 rpm and I've heard that it retains the TIT since the Garmin EIS "sees" it there. Also I heard this morning that Bob Minnis the individual who came up with this STC has sold the Acclaim 310hp to Don Maxwell Aviation. (Mooney stills owns the 310hp for the Ovation.)
  23. Paging @exM20K Welcome to Mooneyspace! Dan (exM20K) has the 310hp on his Acclaim and should be able to provide some info. Just a bit of trivia - the first Acclaim Type S (serial number 31-0100) was delivered in 2008, although some of the earlier Acclaims have had some of the speed mods added. The Type S did come with a few extras also, none of them were delivered without WAAS, they all had 4 Bose jacks, 12v power outlet in the back. Below is a video of the owner taking delivery of the first Type S:
  24. Don Maxwell Aviation may have taken off the engine and re-installed it after the overhaul, but the owner gets to choose who does it. Also from what I hear that when Sam Jewell used to do a lot of the work they did a good job, but not so much with the son David Jewell. I like a deal like everyone else, but considering the wide definition of an "overhaul", it's hard to imagine choosing the lowest bidder in the country who does the absolute minimum to do the engine on a high value airplane like this. By the way www.jewellaviation.com doesn't take you to Jewell Aviation anymore, although I like the fuels prices on their field (https://airnav.com/airport/KTKX/A3).
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