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Everything posted by LANCECASPER

  1. iPhone 15 ProMax 256gb Blue Titanium My older brother purchased this new on October 31, 2023. Has been in case with screen and camera protector on since day one. Excellent Condition. Great size for approach plates or as a back up to an iPad in the cockpit. 256gb model in Blue Titanium. Uses usb-c instead of lightning cable. Comes with clear case and usb-c charging cable. SOLD
  2. Over two years ago Apple introduced emergency satellite 911 texts with no fee - they promised two years free - still no fees charged even though that time period has passed. https://video.search.yahoo.com/yhs/search?fr=yhs-ima-remarklist&ei=UTF-8&hsimp=yhs-remarklist&hspart=ima&p=iphone+satellite+emergency+text+-saved+life+video+youtube+free&type=q3020_set_bcrq#id=2&vid=0df28e057dc49026fae739393d9c8639&action=click https://support.apple.com/en-us/101573 https://www.cnbc.com/2022/11/15/apple-rolls-out-emergency-sos-via-satellite-heres-how-to-use-it.html - - - - Then later emergency roadside assistance satellite texts, no fees - still none. - - - - Now regular satellite texts, no fees. https://support.apple.com/en-us/105097 They have never said this would last forever, but haven't charged for any of this so far. Even if they did charge a nominal amount - big deal, you're outside of wifi and cell coverage and you need it, and it never was available and now it is. I don't think anyone is going to be texting up a storm if they're off the grid.
  3. 49mm Apple Ultra Watch 2. Purchased in late 2023. Excellent condition with blue band. Includes charger. New was $799. $550 local pickup cash, zelle or venmo. Or shipping for $10 more. Pictures to follow Can't get the other photos to load - so here they are in Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/b2hq48ozr8svp08g7wsj3/AC78KruFnvBqD2J71r6wYKI?rlkey=hnx6atxa82vdmds76ycuqvr7r&dl=0
  4. How exactly would all the engineering data be put in public domain if they went out of business? Would owners break in at night and steal it? I'm not sure to what A.D. you're referring, but Mooney doesn't issue Airworthiness Directives, the FAA does. You might be referring to a Service Bulletin, which Mooney does release, regarding the weights on your elevator: https://www.mooney.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/12/sbm20-345A.pdf Then later the Service Instruction which provides you a page for your POH: https://www.mooney.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/sim20-145.pdf). To this issue, they didn't have a knee-jerk reaction and ground the airplane. Step 1 was to do an inspection and if the correct weights were found, no further inspections were needed. Step 2 if you had the weights that were mentioned then a more detailed inspection was made to see if there was cracking. Finally if the cracking was found then Step 3 was to replace them. When you look at the pictures on the Service Bulletin you can see why they were concerned. They spent resources that could have gone other places to engineer a solution for owners. Would they have been able to do that if they were out of business as you wish? The relationship between owners and the company doesn't need to be adversarial. We all should want the same thing. The people right now at the factory could find work elsewhere, probably paying a lot more money, with better benefits. They take a lot of pride in producing parts so that owners can keep flying their Mooneys. Whenever I have the opportunity I let them know how much I appreciate what they are doing.
  5. This subject comes up on here every few weeks by people that stop by. Mooney makes parts Monday through Friday every week. They have 34 employees and ship things out every day. Will the part you order be on the shelf? Probably not, although some common ones are. They are doing their best at the moment under difficult circumstances to keep 7,000 Mooneys in the air. As you've discovered, a rudder bell crank for a 57 year old airplane is not in stock. (It also wouldn't have been if you had placed your order 6 years ago when they were making airplanes.) When you place your order through a Mooney Service Center that part is back-ordered. If it's a part that they produce, when they have a back-order that becomes large enough to make a minimum number of that part, they do. On some parts the minimum it takes is very few. It wouldn't be cost-effective for you or them to turn out one of those parts. As you've also discovered, salvage parts keep the older Mooneys flying and have for many years, even while the factory had 300+ employees. Companies in the U. S. like https://baspartsales.com/ part out Mooneys and are very good to work with. In this link there are some recents comments from MooneyMax 2024, where Jonny Pollack, CEO spoke on a video call:
  6. He looks purrfectly comfortable . . . soon he'll want to take his furst lesson like this guy:
  7. Anyone running iOs 18 and higher has it free. Both the the sending and receiving phone have to run 18.0 or higher on an iPhone 14 or newer.
  8. It looks like the Rio Grande Valley area in South Texas. Maybe Weslaco? Edinburg? @RLCarter are you familiar with their shop? EDIT: Looks like Weslaco TX. https://deleon-aircraft.pro
  9. As a side point, you're probably already aware that your airplane, N231LR, is a world record holder from 44 years ago: https://www.thisdayinaviation.com/tag/n231lr/
  10. Cold starts should be easy with a little added fuel. It could be starting procedure for sure - that's the first place to look. If going back to the POH recommendations on starting doesn't do it, I would really look closely on any recent work (or lack thereof) on the mags - timing, overhaul. You don't want to get stuck somewhere unable to re-start. It's easy to run the one 12v battery down on a 231. That was the first Mooney model I owned.
  11. 4 on each of the mains and 3 on the nose. This is the part currently being used: https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/lgpages/lord-m20-mooney.php?clickkey=1633381
  12. All whiskey (kerosene) compasses eventually leak. The only question is: where do you want the drip? on the glareshield from the compass on the post? or on an avionics box behind the panel?
  13. No carb on a Mooney 231. TSIO360-(GB or LB). Doubtful that the fuel is contaminated since he flew a lot in the past ten days after not flying for 5 months, but never hurts to sump to see if there is debris in the fuel that could be clogging it somewhere. https://www.flightaware.com/live/flight/N231LR/history/20240412/2121Z/KSAC/KCCR
  14. Phillip, I'm curious, what do you think these people owe you? I'll help you with that answer. Absolutely nothing. And what have you contributed so far. Exactly the same. Have you ever used the words "please" or "thank you" in your life? People come on here all the time and request help and, just like with you, members jump in to see if they can provide any assistance. The only difference is that in almost every instance the person asking has enough class to be grateful for anyone's time and attention. If you don't like their suggestion, ignore it. Don't blast them for taking their time to respond. You have the airplane in front of you and you and your mechanic can't figure it out and you come on here and expect the answer on the first reply? “what did you do since the last time it started?" was one of the best answers you could have gotten. It sounds like you've done some things recently. You already said the spark plugs were new - did you check to make sure the leads were seated on the plugs? Are they gapped properly? Have you double-checked that they are the correct plugs? You said you had a new fuel pump - this wouldn't be the first time that a new or overhauled pump was not putting out the pressure it should right out of the box. Did you time the mags recently? When was the last time your mags were overhauled? Think back - if it started Thursday and it doesn't start Saturday, it's very likely that something in those two days changed. When we get frustrated we overlook the obvious sometimes. Getting basic answers from people on here and then chastising them for giving you the answers, tells them that you already know more than they do. But if that was true wouldn't your airplane be starting? I wish you the best in the search for your answers, but unless you change your attitude you would save yourself a lot of frustration by getting your answers elsewhere.
  15. Why not just reach out to him at juanr@marshbrothersaviation.com to see if he responds before taking the thread a completely different direction?
  16. Once and it was completely my fault. I left it on the glareshield while I refueled on hot summer day . . not too sharp on my part. I used standard iPads, the standard size in the Pro model, Minis - none of them overheated, other than the one I left in the Sun, and I live in Texas. I also didn't leave them in a thick case. I now use an Aera 760 mounted on the yoke, wired in, that stays in the airplane, and an iPhone Pro Max running Foreflight. I carry a phone with me anyway - just trying to cut back on all of the things I drag with me when I fly.
  17. Several Mooney models used the Shaw fuel caps and some Mooneys use your product on those. You might use this opportunity to tell them the advantages.
  18. When people didn't know any better and were using Simple Green, it wasn't the surfaces that were the problem - since those are painted and get wiped off. It was that part of the spray mist that would get into the crevices. There was a good presentation on corrosion at Mooney Max 2024 and there were pictures that showed what some products can do after they have seeped into areas. It was pointed out that in recent years the number one deal breaker on pre-buys on vintage Mooneys is corrosion. Also another point of concern when doing the belly is gravity - a drop of many of these products ending up in our eyes is not good. Twenty five years ago a friend of mine who was an outstanding mechanic and pilot burned one of his corneas by Simple Green ending up in his eye. Eye protection is a good idea.
  19. What Happens When Your Engine Reaches 0 Hours Left Before Major Overhaul? You celebrate with a bottle of champagne, wait at least 8 hours and then go flying until the oil analysis or compression check or borescope says to do something.
  20. IMO the GI275s are a great solution if you want to get rid of a King Attitude Indicator and HSI and don't want to cut a new panel and you want a much less invasive upgrade, taking less time. But if you're going to cut a new panel and tear everything apart either way, then the cost difference then isn't that much more to go with the larger G3X.
  21. Garmin Aera 760 & iPhone Pro Max
  22. Thankfully the one time I was referring to three hours ago was a cool calm February morning.
  23. You are absolutely correct I did say that, my bad. However, when the wind is zero, groundspeed = airspeed.
  24. I hate wires all over the cockpit so what I did a couple years ago was take off the glareshield and run a usb-c cord up under the glarshield and then up the compass post to the D3. It's set up so when the Master turns on the D3 turns on. If I lose all power I still have the D3 battery. I mounted it on some RAM u-bolt parts on the compass post.
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