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LANCECASPER last won the day on November 5 2024

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  1. It's a 1991 J. https://www.flightaware.com/resources/registration/N9136B In 1986 the new K, the 252, was introduced with rounded windows. Beginning in 1987 the M20J 205 had rounded windows. I believe starting in 1989 all Js had rounded windows.
  2. Sign up at the Beechtalk forum, that's a good source. @derekbox used to be on here a lot. But he's Derek Boxwell and he's on Beechtalk too plus he sells on eBay as well. He's a good guy. His number is 321-246-4288.
  3. Never heard of that before. It would be interesting to see that drawing. I had Encore serial #12 and it definitely had dual puck brakes. In time, I would make sure to do the brake upgrade. The stopping power is much better.
  4. Yes. https://static.garmin.com/pumac/gi275_autopilot_compatibility_c.pdf
  5. Are you putting a new filter in or did it just come out for service and you're putting it back in? Here are the instructions for re-charging the filter from the POH of the Acclaim Type-S:
  6. If I remember correctly, the dual puck brakes started with serial #0108 on the M20M.
  7. This might work: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4340751
  8. Frank handles both of those e-mails I believe.
  9. Contact Frank Crawford at support@mooney.com and let him know what you need. Frank is very resourceful.
  10. It looks like it's only approved for Cessnas (and Reims), but it looks like a direct replacement. https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/elpages/igswitches.php They also have another kit with the ignition switch and locks that use the same key for baggage and door. https://www.aircraftspruce.com/catalog/elpages/igswitches2.php?clickkey=13673
  11. They might have just forgot to connect it when the put the belly back on. I've done that once or twice.
  12. That has the Pilot's guide, but he is looking for the Mooney-specific KAP100 AFMS that goes in the POH.
  13. Mooney has a whiteboard which we saw back on the tour during MooneyMax 2024 where they have parts that need to be ordered, the number backordered and the minimum order before they place it. The advice is to go through a Mooney Service Center. Have them backorder a couple of them for you. Sadly with some MSCs you have to convince them to place the backorder. Mooney has said that once they reach a certain level on backorder that exceeds their minimum order with the manufacturer, they will place the order. Quite a few people that have needed these in the past few years just demand them now and complain about the company, never place the backorder and won't listen to reason. I haven't needed many things in the last few years, but every time I have followed the advice they have come through for me.
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