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LANCECASPER last won the day on November 5 2024

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  1. You will probably not find any of these in stock at Mooney or at an MSC. But, as with all other parts, order a couple through a Mooney Service Center. Mooney prioritizes purchased and manufactured parts on backorders. Once they reach the amount on back order that exceeds the minimum level they need to order from the manufacturer then it makes sense for them to order, since they’ll get their money back soon. The biggest issue is that so many people complain about no parts being available, yet most of them don’t order any parts. The people that are actually ordering parts are getting them in a reasonably decent timeframe. About the situation with ordering Cessna or Beechcraft parts - not many sitting on the shelf.
  2. I’ve seen a few early 231s without factory oxygen.
  3. Just a moment ago I edited my above post: The base is already in your airplane - all you need is the relay. If you have a bad base socket it looks like that last company I linked might have one for the relay.
  4. Did your intercylinder baffles ever get sorted out, with the springs holding them tight underneath? There are a handful of Mooney guys that know this engine really well. @philiplane on here does. David Behrens at Dugosh in Kerrville TX, Brian Kendrick n San Marcos, TX; Kerry McIntyre (https://www.knr-inc.com/), also I'm sure Top Gun in CA as well. Also if any Bravo owners on here could provide you with good pictures underneath of a cool running engine that would help.
  5. With your Garmin G500 display you either have a GAD43 or a GAD43e. If you have the "e" you have pre-select built-in. If not, you need to keep the KAS-297B pre-select for your KFC150 autopilot. (https://www.garmin.com/en-US/p/62760#additional) Looking at your panel (https://www.aircraft.com/aircraft/228929665/n9153z-1996-mooney-m20m-bravo) it looks like the only vacuum instrument you have is your backup attitude indicator. You could get rid of your vacuum pump (and backup vacuum if you still have it) by installing any approved electric attitude indicator, which would be much less expensive than a GI-275.
  6. PM SENT
  7. Danb could easily be taken for Dan Bass. It would be so much better in so many ways if Mooneyspace just had everyone use their name for their screen name, like Beechtalk does.
  8. I wouldn't trust a Kelly overhauled Slick mag - there are many horror stories of bad mags right out of the box. If your engine is stumbling during the mag check, that's the first place I'd look.
  9. On that engine the Slick mags are the weak point. Most mags are fine if they are properly inspected every 500 hours. On this engine they may have to be done sooner and I would make sure they are done by someone who really knows them. I also would alternate and stagger them, having say the R mag done and then 250 hours later having the L mag done, so you are still doing each mag every 500 hours or sooner but not having both done at the same time. This would prevent the same person making the same mistake on both mags at the same time. Robert at Aero Accessoires in Van Nuys does man excellent job. I don’t have a Bravo anymore, but if I did I might go with one Surefly. Until there’s a lot more time in service I wouldn’t be in a rush to do two Sureflys. Belt and suspenders are a good thing.
  10. If you google WC67RCSX-3 they are available from different sources. (https://www.google.com/search?q=WC67RCSX-3&rlz=1C5CHFA_enUS1031US1031&oq=WC67RCSX-3&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIGCAEQRRg80gEJMjI1MGowajE1qAIIsAIB&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) I was having the exact problem on a '93 Bravo I owned back in early 2017. My IA and I replaced the WC67RCSX-3 relays and the flaps retracted and worked fine after that. I ordered two spare relays since they were getting scarce, and then sold them after selling my Bravo. The base is already in your airplane - all you need is the relay. If you have a bad base socket it looks like this company might have one for the relay: https://4gte.com/products/magnacraft-70-303-relay-socket/?srsltid=AfmBOoqngxy0Ui1vyXWSMja0Q_zazdR9lRXdIEETNDE7wZspbH8P-qMB
  11. Umm I think @Danb is in Delaware. Were you thinking of Dan Bass @DanM20C in Winona, MN?
  12. It probably means that close to Sun N Fun or Oshkosh we'll hear about a Garmin GCO14 Carbon Monoxide Detector.
  13. What year is your J? Are you sure you have vacuum speed brakes and not electric?
  14. You won’t find any M20Ks with bladders. The STC on bladders does not cover anything newer than a J model. Going forward, after a reseal in Minnesota or Florida, a lot has to do with how the Mooney is maintained. If the tanks are kept low on fuel the sealant will dry out faster. If the airplane is kept outside in extreme temperatures the sealant will not last as long. If it is kept low on fuel and outside, that’s even worse. If the shock discs, the only shock absorption on a Mooney, aren’t changed when they should be they become hard and don’t absorb any shock, which is tough on aging sealant in the seams.
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