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Everything posted by thinwing

  1. since the flight director is indicating,ie commanding left ,and a/p is rolling right,problem is not in the computer it self,but the roll servo in the right wing...either the servo itself or the wiring is failing...and yes ita a big bill...figure 1800 usd for overhauled servo from midcontinents,...good luck..been there..sinc kp couch
  2. hey flying to dc area on my bucket list (I attended school @ Georgetown)so this is good info because things have certainly changed from flying around in a 152 in 1978 there...thanks for the info..kp couch
  3. Well the ipad 2 comes pretty close Mitch...Foreflight for me,Ibooks or Itunes loaded albums and movies,games and all the work aps come to mind,for the passengers and copilot....is this new one panel mounted????sinc kp couch
  4. Hi squirrell!!!...as an active floatplane pilot and owner..I have to tell you seaplane pilots are really not pilots at all.Were sorta skippers of little yachts with wing thingies sticking out the sides that cause us to ocasionally get airborne.We study a different "language"than other common boaters though.We say stuff like..."hey buddy grab that line hangin down would you"or the ever popular.."watch your step its kinda slippery.....ker plash"or ...S**t I just dropped the ignition keys!!!!Some of us get real good at avoiding ramp launching fees...I cant remember the last time I paid to picnic at Folsom Lake ,ca....a nice perk.Watching the line boys figure how to climb up to the fuel caps is great entertainment.I occasionally get strange looks taxing up out of the water up a boat ramp (just trying to get to the porta potty officer)So all Id say were not one quarter pilots....more like 100% frustrated Jack Sparrows!!!..sinc kp couch
  5. Jlunseth...thanks for high altiude pirep....Parkers concern about flight above 23k a real concern...period of useful conscioness rapidly degrades after 23k in average adults.You are quite correct about cooling at 25k,the highest I have flown...temp control to about 380,i achieve with cowl flaps.(2900/2400)TIT 1600.....214 tas.Where they can be closed in cruise @ 19k,I have to somtimes open them up again.The Bravo I fly isnt equipped with inlet or outlet air temp guages so it just tit and cvl hd temps to watch.The thing you did not touch on but in my opinion is most important is condition of pilot and passengers...I check for mask fit,use a pulse oxyimeter and make sure everyone is in good health with no breathing issues.I also try to err on side of too much o2 when setting flowrate.Descents are made at 20in ,airbrakes out,800/900 ft per min.I teach all passengers the valsalva manuver (scuba divers clear)and remind atc when its time to start down(I program a vnav descent profile on the 530)...most of the time they have me cleared for lower before I have asked.Lastly,you have probably noticed how empty the high teens to middle twenties are...they belong to us turbo guys...the kerosene burners are 10k higher and the nonturbo traffic 10klower...all and all a greatride above the weather with a smooth ride...regards kp couch
  6. while I donot agree on all of Jim R ,s conclusions regarding how he would "get out of an inadvertant IMC excursion"if it were to happen,I totally agree on his equipment minimums.I believe he is correct to totally avoid IMC unless his aircraft is equipped with a good 3 axis autopilot including alitude hold.I might make an exception to this if it is only a climb to vfr on top.My feeling is no matter what our training,if we are conducting single pilot ifr without an autopilot,the workload is simply to great to conduct safely.Atp trained airline pilots never fly with less than two pilots to share the workload...I donot believe for a minute I am a better pilot than them.Does that imply that I totally rely on otto at the expense of my hand flying skills...absoultely not...but if I am solid on the guages ,single pilot an the a/p packs up....that is an emergency equipment failure and I am terminating the ifr portion to nearest vfr .As far as Jim r s ditching training...I also know how to water land...however In a Mooney ,I could only doit once!!!LOL...my 2 cents..off of soapbox...sinc kp couch
  7. The one who berated me the most during my pre instrument ticket days was not another pilotbut my wife at the time who got tired of long bus rides because we both had work the following morning(coastal stratus rolling in producing a 1000 ft thick overcast @400 agl)or last minute very expensive commercial airlines ticket(return from vacation trip half way across country)or not being able to enjoy a long 4 day weekend (due to obsessive weather watching).Anyway since I usually use the a/p to travel somewhere the Ir rating was an absolute necessity....such as right now...anyone notice how wet this spring has been on the left coast....every trip has been IFR with real live approaches...without it ,I simply would have to stop flying for the last 6 months!!!....kpc
  8. Yeah,...that wasnt the mechanics finest hour....two new batteries going dead after a couple days non use really screams current draw...if he suspected the battery itself all he had to do was disconnect it check if it was holding charge.The later model mooneys attemped to address this problem by mounting two switches at the pilots armrest.One switch arms all the passenger switches so you dont have worry about turning off the rear seat switches,the second lights up only the pilots courtesey light both hi and low...that one will drain the battery in a couple days since it is 3 to 5oo milliamp draw...the light in the baggage area is on a timer and self extinguishes in about 30 seconds.I would have still paid the mechanic something...he at least made the attempt and chalked it up to my own dumb moment for leaving the light on..kpc
  9. you were told the tempest plugs threading is somehow different or substandard ...Alex that makes no sense what so ever.They are cnc machined to std threading ....lycoming/continental makes no difference.They are basically an upgraded autolite design as stated....one thing I do like over the champion is that rather than being painted they are nikel plated...an obvious improvement over the champions.I only have about 100 hrs on my set installed in a Lycoming tio540 and they threaded and torqued down normally.I guess time will tell but these plugs were designed to last 500 hrs...I have removed plenty of rusted lycoming plugs lately...the main advantage is that the fine wires are supposed to be kinder to the Magnetos....especially at high alitude...my 2 cents..kpc
  10. that is from the flying regulations us army signal corps from 1920.I have a poster on my office wall given to me by my father..."riding on steps,wing or tail is prohibited"is another gem on the list...kp couch
  11. since I am a new ipad 2 user havent had much experience..I simply transfered foreflight and wingx from my iphone to the ipad.The big thing I notice is that the screen is not nearly as daylight readable as the aviation boxes...glare is a big issue...I agree airwayplanner is the only program dealing with victor airways and goodreader is a necessaity if you dont want to scroll thru all 500 airways!!!just use the pdf search function and the list comes right up...kpc
  12. yikes guys...after looking at piloto s photos...that thing looks like a back breaker!!!!Glad I own a powertow!!The photo shows a square box that i assume the moter and maybe the battery are located at the end of a long arm.Am I correct in assuming you have to lift this to insert in Mooney nose wheel pivot and that rotate the lock???How much does that thing weigh!!!Who thought up this system???Does it work up hills???/Inquiring minds...kpc
  13. I think the gearup/belly landing is less a factor than was a new prop installed(bent tips)and a major overhaul acomplished after the power failure.It would be hard to believe the engine was not done at that time considering the lower end damage found on tear down..so if you can stand the yeller peril paint job...could be a good buy at 30k....esp with the 430 installed, and other mods windshields etc..my 2 cents
  14. One more caveat...even though you have captured the localizer ,if you were vectored "high"on the approach and in alt mode...glide scope capture wont occur if glidescope is at full scale deflection even though its commanding down"command at the time of capture...you would have to command with the alt ,verticle speed mode down until half scale deflection than gs capture occurs.If you are vectored low,than glide scope capture occurs some place down the approach path...but if high..and in alt mode,you never reach half scale so no capture...kp couch
  15. My kfc 225 a/p(this is the digital version of the kfc 200 with roll steering)while being layed up for an extensive panel upgrade,suddenly started acting up in roll axis.The real problem was that it was intermittent...you could be sailing along IMC ,busy programming in latest amended clearance ,and it would basically start to roll inverted!!!!...uh not good!!We and the techs suspected the roll servo from the start,but could never duplicate the failure in the shop...shaking,baking,freezing etc...it worked just fine on the shop bench.That ment we started to focus attention on the a/p computer itself and all the connectors....no dice,we would clean connectors and think everything was ok..and whammo...homicidal a/p would springout and attempt to kill us.This went on for a few months until the shop ordered a desperation kit which consisted of 1 freshly overhauled roll servo and 1 freshly overhauled a/p panel mount computer.The idea is you swap out components till problem gos away...the shop guys thought it was the computer itself and wanted to swap it out first.I was convinced it was the roll servo with no real reason other than intuition.They swapped out servo a year ago with no problems in roll..cost 1800 bucks.Now I have noticed the on 2 occasions the a/p not capturing alitude as commanded in hold.A test flight last wed revealled no problems holding alt commanded and tracking glidescope.Looking back on the logs I see both the pitch and roll servos having been replaced basically every 3/4 years or 300 hrs or so.Is this the reasonable expected service life on these ap servos???..kp couch
  16. Usually additional insured are added under the open policy section that states any pilot meeting the minimum experience level in type and model can be insured at no additional cost.The guy we use for recurrancy training in our amphibious Husky was added under this clause...and the insurance company is strict about recurrancy,due to all the amphib accidents....kp couch
  17. dave..I was at exec autopilots last fri (Iwas having Dan trouble shoot a pitch servo glitch)and while waiting for him ,I checked out your bird...nice....i noticed the comment "hole in the static line"that a previous mechanic had drilled through.Be glad they are a good shop and discovered that now rather than later.While I was there,I discovered some interesting things about the shop that installed my g500...stuff for another thread...anyway enough of that...I know you will be thrilled when you get er back...kp couch
  18. I have had goodluck by applying a single layer of black non slip tred tape availble at any hardware store.This stuff is availble in 6in/3in wide widths and you remove backing and apply,also works with the step.Now when you place towbar you kinda screw it in but nomatter how hard you pull or what angle it will not suddenly slip out and dump you on your butt..kpc
  19. wow..what 1300/1400 miles over water...thats a long way to swim!!!..kpc
  20. sounds like fun guys!!!..I will check with the social boss!!!..kpc
  21. that is awesome!!!I am merit badge counselor for avation for the golden empire counsel (northern california).One of the things that still gets me excited about avation is mentoring boy scouts.They are just at the age where a short flight (or even a hanger tour)can make such an impression....many times life altering.I am glad to hear there is a similar program for the girls!!!sinc...kp couch...ps movie night in apr sounds great,can I ride Mitches new motercycle????...k
  22. I also have a set o f mooney landinggear preload tools...the donut tool I had to rent from Lazer...which one did you get the screw jack style or the one with the hydraulic pump ????kpc
  23. the #5 cylinder temp probe is doubled...one to the guage that came standard (a moritz guage in my case)and a second washer style held in by the bayonet alcor style.This results in one of the probes reading about 40 /50 degrees colder as far as performance #s...i just use 32/2400 in cruise....kpc
  24. borealone...great job and clear thinking that could have easily resulted in bent metal!!!Question...how much is 100 ll that far north and any supply problems you know about???sinc kelly
  25. borealone...great job and clear thinking that could have easily resulted in bent metal!!!Question...how much is 100 ll that far north and any supply problems you know about???sinc kelly
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