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Everything posted by thinwing

  1. wow...over a hundred items...with that big a list if it were my bird I would be going through the items i could legally do my self...replace all the missing placards and decals,replace both oil and fuel lines due to 30 year age(this sounds major but replacing prefabricated fuel/oil lines a pvt pilot can do)Gap and install spark plugs,any time shop mentioned rust or corrosion...clean it up and corroision protect your self,any missing or rusty screws ,replace them your self,obtain the correct fuel cap and install,pull up missing 337s yourself...they should be filed with the feds....dont worry about engine mounts,...get that when you overhaul engine unless really bad...looking at this list,the msc should be doing what they do best....preloads on ldging gear,rigging,and flight controls...my 2 cents..kpc
  2. you know what???That was probably the trouble all along!!!...kpc
  3. Mark...the filter hope was asking about is an inline canister filter used in our instrument air vacumn systems.You probably have a vacumn pump if you use instrument air driven attitude indicator.The one in question has a clear (actually yellowish)plastic housing that allows you to view the filter pleating.Normal airbourne style filters are sealed aluminum canisters and cant be inspected...kpc
  4. The cv1j4 are standard equipment on my Bravo.Check out my photo gallery under new panel for a close up shot right side of engine.You require one per vacumn pump.I have two shown in photo because one is for backup vacumn pump.The obvious advantage is long life because you can directly inspect filter element.Replace when dark...hope that helps...kp couch
  5. Hector did my sheepskins for the front seats and are very comfortable...kpc
  6. Vref,tenor voice indeed!!!...more like sqeaky Tiny Tim voice!!!21 % vat on top of state and local....lets see...new song sang in the key a/b "Tip Tow through the Tulips...through the Tulips where my Moooooo neeeeeee used to be.
  7. G csus2 C You are sooooooooo Mooneyful to meee...... You are SOOOOOOO Mooneyful to me........ Can't you seeeeeeee......eeeee ( DM) You're everything I've hoped for (B7)......(EM)You're everything I Neeeeeeeeeeeeeed!!!...with apologies to Joe Cocker
  8. You guys with your Red Mooneys...I am so jealous...My first car,..a red nova convertible....the car I love now...A red porsche convertible...next wad of dough that suddenly drops out of the sky is going to be for a repaint!!!!..sinc kp couch
  9. I also find having both xm weather downlink and sferics sensor (wx 500 or stormscope)the best total weather picture when threading cells.Go to my gallery photos to see a perfect example of threading the needle.Note on the final pic of "new panel"a line of convective activity about 300 mils long.Just north of Boise (on screen shot)is a rapidly developing cell showing Xs on xm dispiction.Switching to wx500 dispiction in "cell mode" shows strikes not shown by xm (it onlys shows air to ground )with numerous air to ground and air to air strikes ....this is a cell to avoid!!!,plus in the 5 min since the last radar sweep and upload to satalite...the cell has moved east towards Boise....sinc kp couch
  10. hi all...this thread on painting aircraft is so topical....It shows just how badly aircraft owners can be ripped off unless they really do their own do diligence.......4000 bucks additional for the 4 strips of 3/4 in 3m fineline tape that defines the "tls" paint job.I really have to say to everyone on this forum including Mr Saltaire....if you look at the photo of N40zm you see the classic "tls" paint job, you can clearly see the gold "laser" stripes seperating the marroon on white.Does anyone with half their brain cells intact believe 4000 bucks is a reasonable additional cost to paint those stripes!Aparently Mr Saltair and his partners think so!!!Anyway....this is simply a situation where it is best to thank him for his quote and move on!!!..kp couch
  11. oh...and I think I recall getting a 76 on my written!!!!...LOL,kp- couch
  12. Alan...regarding your chasing the glide scope...every complex single (every plane for that matter)has magic #s regarding power.In my Mooney ,I keep it simple ..only 2 #s...25 in manufold while being vectored and 20 in at approach final course intercept.Upon seeing the glidescope needle center ,Only than do I lower gear and approach flaps at same time.This provides a natural ,stable 500 ft/min descent....Hopefully your instructor has determined your Mooneys #s so that you arent having to constantly adjust pitch and power to maintain glidescope...sinc kp couch
  13. Jlunseth,well stated ,especially regarding real world gps use in NAS.I read somewhere that the garmin 430/530 series are the most common (over 50000 sold in various forms)and not one of them is capable of directly programming a victor airway.Approaches,sids,stars all there under "procedures" and really easy to pullup and insert in fltplan page.ATC likes to give vectors to intercept airways.The solution to this is know hos to use you gps in "obs"mode.That way you can put the nearest vor in the fltplan que ,hit obs button and than simply rotate crs knob to right bearing...you than get a nice magenta line...your victor airway that atc wants you to intercept.Atc loves amended clearances!!!If you have a 430/530/696/496....learn to actvate fltplan segments by use of direct direct enter.If you use fltplan.com...you tell it to file your flightplan and about an hour it will text your cell phone with you clearance...pretty cool when you already know what ATC will say.Dont be shy about Pireps...last weekend flight to Santa maria involved flying thru a few cells cold enough to cause icing.Atc had zero pireps on this and really wanted to know when and where and what temperature.Dont be afraid to refuse or clarify a clearance you dont understand...just say unable....regarding adfs...no body is seriously going to navigate when they have a certified gps aboard...in fact all the ndb approaches I know about have gps equivalents....also I havent tuned in a vor in over a year.....sinc kp couch
  14. Nice editing and music....nice aspen panel also...thanks for posting...kpc
  15. All right !!!As soon as he gets back from testing center with reports of 95% passage,give him congrats hug from me and Jana...kpc
  16. Gary...nope...no a/c Im afraid.Fortunately natures air conditioning at alitude is pretty effective(brrrrrr).KPC
  17. You know...you guys might be on to something..(i am getting tired of lawn sprinklers)I notice the unit on the website is 12 volt...the thing is i need 24volt operation.I have lots of spare coolers,a 24 volt 4 in computer fan....so I need a pump to circulate water through a little radiator to act as heat exchanger???Thats it???...kp couch
  18. I must be gettin old!!!I just can imagine luggin a heavy ice filled cooler on a 100 degree day!!!I think it would be faster to just run through a lawn sprinkler!!!..kpc
  19. Hi there Brett,....without an actual vac guage to show what your pulling...this one tough to dx...I would recomend a mechanic connect up a guage and take a reading..probably what needs adjusting (after verifying lines are clear and not kinked closed)is the vacumn regulator.This has a spring operated dump valve with a garter type filter.The vac pump itself is usually all or none,and of course you could still have a bad gyro..my money is on the regulator...kp couch
  20. and tks too!!! for those frosty winter clouds!!!kp couch
  21. I think i recall taking the written in 1985 or so and was told they had just updated the written removing questions about the old A N range system which was pre VOR.That meant the written then was 40 or 50 years behind the times.So I guess we can expect questions regarding RNP and Waas approaches on the 2025 0r 2030 version of the instrument written.By then,you wont have to study at all.You will call up King Neuro enhancement Flight Schools and request a Nano enhancement pill for the instrument written,take it 24 hrs before the test and all the answers will suddenly "appear" in your memory...kp couch
  22. thinwing


    adventures of a Heli in Montana
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